2023-05-11 13:37
  • 李顺
  • 李顺 - 助理教授-南方科技大学-前沿与交叉科学研究院-个人资料






1) 新型微纳材料的构建及其在环境修复领域的应用(光、电、膜、吸附)
2) 太阳能转换光(电)催化材料的设计、制备和应用


1. S. Li, J. Zhang, B.-P. Zhang, W. Huang, C. Harnagea, R. Nechache, L. Zhu, S. Zhang, Y.-H. Lin, L. Ni, Y.-H. Sang, H. Liu, F. Rosei, Manipulation of charge transfer in vertically aligned epitaxial ferroelectric KNbO3 nanowire array photoelectrodes, Nano Energy, 35, 2017, 92-100
2. S. Li, Z. H. Ge, B. P. Zhang, Y. Yao, Y. Li, and C. Gao, Mechanochemically synthesized sub-5 nm sized CuS quantum dots with high visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2016, 384, 272–278
3. Y. Q. Zhang*, S. Li* (equal contribution), B. P. Zhang, Controllable Synthesis of Bi2S3/CuS Heterostructures by an In Situ Ion-exchange Solvothermal Process and Their Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 103215-103223
4. S. Li, B. AlOtaibi, W. Huang, Z. Mi, N. Serpone, R. Nechache and F. Rosei, Epitaxial Bi2FeCrO6 multiferroic thin film as a new visible light absorbing photocathode material, Small, 2015, 11, 4018-4026
5. S. Li, J. Zhang, M. G. Kibria, Z. Mi, M. Chaker, D. Ma, R. Nechache and F. Rosei, Remarkably enhanced photocatalytic activity of laser ablated Au nanoparticle decorated BiFeO3 nanowires under visible-light, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 5856-5858
6. S. Li, R. Nechache, I. A. V. Davalos, G. Goupil1, L. Nikolova, M. Nicklaus, J. Laverdiere, A. Ruediger, F. Rosei, Ultrafast Microwave Hydrothermal Synthesis of BiFeO3 Nanoplates, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2013, 96, 3155-3162
7. S. Li, R. Nechache, C. Harnagea, L. Nikolova and F. Rosei, Single-crystalline BiFeO3 nanowires and their ferroelectric behavior, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2012, 101, 192903
8. S. Li, Y.-H. Lin, B.-P. Zhang, Y. Wang and C.-W. Nan, Controlled fabrication of BiFeO3 uniform microcrystals and their magnetic and photocatalytic behaviors, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 2093
9. S. Li, Y.-H. Lin, B.-P. Zhang and C.-W. Nan, BiFeO3 particles: morphology control by KNO3-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and visible-light photocatalytic activities, Chin. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 26, 495-499
10. S. Li, Y.-H. Lin, B.-P. Zhang, J.-F. Li and C.-W. Nan, BiFeO3/TiO2 core-shell structured nanocomposites as visible-active photocatalysts and their optical response mechanism, J. Appl. Phys., 2009, 105,054310
11. S. Li, Y.-H. Lin, B.-P. Zhang, C.-W. Nan and Y. Wang, Photocatalytic and magnectic behavious observed in nanostructured BiFeO3 particles, J. Appl. Phys., 2009, 105, 056105
12. R. Nechache, C. Harnagea, S. Li, L. Cardenas, W. Huang, J. Chakrabartty and F.Rosei, Bandgap tuning of multiferroic oxide solar cells, Nature Photon., 2015, 9, 61-67
13. H. Wang, S. Li, Y. Liu, J. Ding, Y. Lin, H. Xu, B. Xu and C. Nan, Bi1-xLaxCuSeO as New Tunable Full Solar Light Active Photocatalysts, Sci. Rep.,2016, 6, 24620
14. L. Jin, B. AlOtaibi, D. Benetti, S. Li, H. Zhao, Z. Mi, A. Vomiero, and F. Rosei, Near Infrared Colloidal Quantum Dots for Efficient and Durable Photoelectrochemical Solar-Driven Hydrogen Production, Adv. Sci.., 2016, 3, 1500345
15. J. Chakrabartty, R. Nechache, C. Harnagea, S. Li, and F. Rosei, Enhanced Photovoltaic Properties in Bilayer BiFeO3/Bi-Mn-O Thin Films, Nanotechnology, 2016, 27, 215402
16. Li-Feng Zhu, Bo-Ping Zhang, Lei Zhao, S. Li, Jing Liu, Enhanced Piezoelectric Properties of Bi(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3 modified BiFeO3-BaTiO3 Ceramics near the Morphotropic Phase Boundary, J. Alloy. Compd., 2016, 664, 602–608
17. R. Nechache, W. Huang, S. Li, and F. Rosei. Photovoltaic properties of Bi2FeCrO6 films epitaxially grown on (100)-oriented silicon substrates, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 3237-3243
18. W. Huang, R. Nechache, S. Li, M. Chaker, F. Rosei, Electrical and Optical Properties of Transparent Conducting p-Type SrTiO3 Thin Films, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2016, 99, 226-233
19. D. B. Zhang, B. P. Zhang, D. S. Ye, Y. C. Liu, S. Li, Enhanced Al/Ni co-doping and power factor in textured ZnO thermoelectric ceramics prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and spark plasma sintering, J. Alloy. Compd., 2016, 656, 784-792
20. L.-F. Zhu, B.-P. Zhang, L. Zhao, S. Li, Y. Zhou, X.-C. Shi, N. Wang, Large Piezoelectric effect of (Ba,Ca)TiO3-xBa(Sn,Ti)O3 Lead-Free Ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2016, 36, 1017-1024

