2023-05-11 13:37
  • 李贵新
  • 李贵新 - 副教授-南方科技大学-材料科学与工程系-个人资料




2006-2009 香港浸会大学 物理系 光学 哲学博士 导师:谢国伟教授
2003-2006 北京师范大学 物理系 光学 理学硕士 导师:刘大禾教授
1999-2003 北京师范大学 物理系 物理学 理学学士
2016-2016 德国帕德博恩大学 物理系 博士后 合作导师: Prof. Thomas Zentgraf
2014-2016 英国伯明翰大学 物理系 博士后 合作导师: Prof. Shuang Zhang
2012-2015 香港浸会大学 物理系 研究助理教授
2011-2012 伦敦帝国理工学院 物理系 访问学者 合作导师: Prof. Donal Bradley
2009-2011 香港浸会大学 物理系 博士后 合作导师: Prof. Kok Wai Cheah




X. Liu, J. Deng, K. F. Li, M. Jin, Y. Tang, X. Zhang, X. Cheng, H. Wang, W. Liu and G. Li*, “Optical telescope with Cassegrain metasurfaces”, Nanophotonics, doi.org/10.1515/nanoph-2020-0012 (2020).
Z. Deng*, M. Jin, X. Ye, S. Wang, T. Shi, J. Deng, N. Mao, Y. Cao, B. O. Guan, A. Alu, G. Li*, X. Li*, “Full-Color Complex-Amplitude Vectorial Holograms Based,” Advanced Functional Materials,10.1002/adfm.2019106: 1910610(2020).
X. Liu, J. Deng, M. Jin, Y. Tang, X. Zhang, K. F. Li, G. Li*, “Cassegrain Metasurface for Generation of Orbital Angular Momentum of Light,” Applied Physics Letters 115(22), 221102 (2019).
L. Du*, Z. Xie, G. Si, A. Yang, C. Li, J. Lin, G. Li, H. Wang, X. Yuan *, “On-Chip Photonic Spin Hall Lens,” ACS Photonics 6(8), 1840-1847 (2019).
K. Koshelev*, Y. Tang, K. Li, D. Y. Choi, G. Li, Y. Kivshar, “Nonlinear Metasurfaces Governed by Bound States in the Continuum,” ACS Photonics 6(7), 1639-1644 (2019).
S. Wang, F. Li, J. Deng, X. Ye, Z Deng*, Y. Cao, B. Guan, G. Li, X. Li, “Diatomic Metasurface Based Broadband J-plate for Arbitrary Spin-to-Orbital Conversion,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics(32), 0-324002 (2019).
S. Chen, B. Reineke, G. Li*, T. Zentgraf*, S. Zhang*, “Strong Nonlinear optical activity induced by lattice surface modes on plasmonic metasurface”, Nano Letters19, 6278-6283 (2019).
Y.Tang,Y.Intaravanne,J.Deng,K.F.Li,X.Chen*,andG.Li*, “Nonlinear Vectorial Metasurface for OpticalEncryption,” PhysicalReviewApplied12, 024028 (2019).
P.Georgi, M.Massaro, K.-H.Luo, B.Sain, N.Montaut, H.Herrmann,T.Weiss, G.Li,C.Silberhorn and T.Zentgraf*, “Metasurface interferometry towardquantum sensors”,Light: Science & Applications8,70 (2019).
T.Cao*,K.Liu, Y.Tang, J.Deng, K.Li, and G.Li*,“High index Ge2Sb2Te5 based Fabry-Perot cavity and its application for Third Harmonic Generation”, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 13, 1900063(2019).
X.Liu, J.Deng, K.F.Li, Y. Tang, M. Jin, J. Zhou, X. Cheng, W. Liu*, and G. Li*, “Optical metasurfaces for designing planar Cassegrain-Schwarzschildobjective”, Physical Review Applied, 11,054055(2019).
H. Tan, J. Deng, R. Zhao, X. Wu, G. Li, L. Huang*, J. Liu*, and X. Cai, “A Free-Space Orbital Angular Momentum multiplexing communication system based on a metasurface”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 13(6), 1800278 (2019).
G. Li, A. Boltasseva, and S. Zouhdi, “Feature issue introduction: Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics”, Optical Materials Express 9, 2400-2405 (2019).
J.Deng, K.F.Li, W. Liu*, and G.Li*, “Cascaded rotational Doppler effect”,Optics Letters44, 2346-2349 (2019).
Y.Tang, J.Deng, K.F.Li, M.e Jin, J.Ng, G.Li*,“Controlling light with nonlinear quasicrystal metasurfaces”, Advanced Materials31(23), 1901188(2019).
H.Su, X.Liu, C.Wei, J.Li, Z.Sun,Q.Liu, X.Zhou, J.Deng, H.Yi, Q.Hao, Y.Zhao, S.Wang, L.Huang, S.Wu, W.Zhang*, G.Li*, J.-F.Dai*, “Pressure-controlled structural symmetry transition in layered InSe”,Laser & Photonics Reviews13(6), 1900012 (2019).
S.Chen, K. F.Li, G.Li*,K.W.Cheah, S.Zhang*, “Gigantic electric-field-induced second harmonic generation from an organic conjugated polymer enhanced by a band-edge effect”,Light: Science & Applications8,17 (2019).
H.Chen, Y.Tang, T.Jiang, G.Li*,“Nonlinear Nanophotonics With 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides”, In: David L. Andrews, Robert H. Lipson and Thomas Nann (eds.), Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Second Edition, Vol. 1, pp. 305–318. Oxford: Academic Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-803581-8.11340-2
X.Wu*, F.L.Rodríguez‐Gallegos, M.‐C.Heep, B.Schwind, G.Li, H.-O.Fabritius, G.von Freymann, J.Förstne, “Polarization conversion effect in biological and synthetic photonic diamond structures”,Advanced Optical Materials6, 1800635(2018).

