2023-05-11 13:36
  • 刘泉影
  • 刘泉影 - 助理教授-南方科技大学-生物医学工程系-个人资料




2013-2017 博士在读,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院,健康科学与技术学院,生物医学工程。导师:Dr. Nicole Wenderoth,Dr. Dante Mantini
2010-2013 硕士在读,中国兰州大学,信息科学与工程学院,计算机软件与理论。导师:胡斌教授
2006-2010 本科在读,中国兰州大学,信息科学与工程学院,电子信息科学与技术。
2016-2017 访问学者,比利时鲁汶大学,运动控制与神经可塑性实验室
2016.10 访问学者,德国弗莱堡大学,“无侵入式脑刺激”暑期培训班
2014-2015 访问学者,英国牛津大学,实验心理学院


神经计算建模(贝叶斯模型、Drift Diffusion Model)
多模态成像技术(fMRI-EEG),多通道脑电(high-density EEG)源定位与脑成像
神经反馈控制、脑机接口(Neurofeedback,Brain-computer interface)
非侵入式脑刺激 (TMS, tDCS/tACS)
鲁棒控制与运动控制 (Robust control,Sensorimotor control)


1) Samogin J*, Liu Q*, Marino M, Wenderoth N, Mantini D. (2019), Shared and connection-specific intrinsic interactions in the default mode network, NeuroImage 200 (2019) 474–481 (* equal contribution)
2) Liu Q, Farahibozorg S, Porcaro C, Wenderoth N and Mantini D (2017). Detecting large-scale networks in the human brain using high-density electroencephalography. Human Brain Mapping. 38 (9), 4631-4643
3) Marino M*, Liu Q*, Samogin J, Tecchio F, Mantini D, Porcaro C (2019). Neuronal dynamics enable the functional differentiation of resting state networks in the human brain, Human Brain Mapping, https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.24458. (* equal contribution)
4) Nakahira Y*, Liu Q*, Sejnowski T, Doyle J.C. (2019), Fitts’ Law for speed-accuracy trade-off is a diversity sweet spot in sensorimotor control, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.00905.pdf (* equal contribution)
5) Liu Q, Nakahira Y, Mohideen A, Dai A, Choi S.H, Pan A, Ho D.M, Doyle J.C. (2019), WheelCon: A wheel control-based gaming platform for studying human sensorimotor control, https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00738 (arxiv)
6) Ruddy K.L, Balsters J, Mantini D, Liu Q, Kassraian-Fard P, Enz N, Mihelj E, Chander B, Soekadar S.R., Wenderoth N (2018), A different state of mind: neural activity related to volitionally up-versus downregulating cortical excitability, eLife, https://elifesciences.org/articles/40843
7) Liu Q, Ganzetti M, Wenderoth N, Mantini D, (2018). Detecting large-scale brain networks using EEG: impact of electrode density, head modelling and source localization, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 12 (4)
8) Wu H, Feng C, Lu X, Liu X, Liu Q#, (2018). Oxytocin effects on the resting-state mentalizing brain network, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/11/08/465658 (# corresponding author, biorxiv)
9) Liu Q, Balsters JH, Baechinger M, van der Groen O, Wenderoth N and Mantini D (2015). Estimating a neutral reference for electroencephalographic recordings: the importance of using a high-density montage and a realistic head model. Journal of Neural Engineering 12(5): 056012.
10) Wei S, Liu Q, Harrington M.G, Sun J, Wu H, Liu X (2019). Nonconformist tendencies related to risky choices in female methamphetamine abstainers, The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse, 1-10
11) Zhao Q, Li H, Hu B#, Li Y, Gillebert C, Mantini D, Liu Q# (2017). Neural correlates of drug-related attentional bias in heroin dependence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00646 (# corresponding author)
12) Zhao Q, Li H, Hu B#, Wu H, Liu Q# (2017). Abstinent heroin addicts tend to take risks: ERP and source localization. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, 681 (# corresponding author)
13) Zhao Q, Jiang H, Hu B#, Li Y, Zhong N, Li M, Lin W and Liu Q# (2017). Nonlinear Dynamic complexity and Sources of Resting-state EEG in Abstinent Heroin Addicts. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience. DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2017.2705689 (# corresponding author)
14) Marino M, Liu Q, Koudelka V, Porcaro C, Hlinka J, Wenderoth N, Mantini D (2018). Adaptive optimal basis set for BCG artifact removal in simultaneous EEG-fMRI, Scientific Reports (1), 8902
15) Marino M, Liu Q, Del Castello M, Corsi C, Wenderoth N, Mantini D (2018). Heart–Brain Interactions in the MR Environment: Characterization of the Ballistocardiogram in EEG Signals Collected During Simultaneous fMRI, Brain topography 31 (3), 337-345
16) Ganzetti M, Liu Q, Mantini D, (2018). A Spatial Registration Toolbox for Structural MR Imaging of the Aging Brain, Neuroinformatics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12021-018-9355-3
17) Bächinger M, Zerbi V, Moisa M, Polania R, Liu Q, Mantini D, Ruff C and Wenderoth N (2017). Concurrent tACS-fMRI reveals causal influence of power synchronized neural activity on resting state fMRI connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience 1756-16
18) Cao J, Liu Q, Li Y, Yang J, Gu R, Liang J, Qi Y, Wu H, Liu X (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy attenuates the enhanced early facial stimuli processing in social anxiety disorders: an ERP investigation. Behavioral and Brain Functions 13 (1), 12
19) Marino M, Liu Q, Brem S, Wenderoth N and Mantini D (2016). Automated detection and labelling of high-density EEG electrodes from structural MR images. Journal of Neural Engineering 13(15): 056003
20) Li X, Zhao Q, Liu L, Peng H, Qi Y, Mao C, Fang Z, Liu Q and Hu B. (2010). Improve Affective Learning with EEG Approach. Computing and Informatics 29(4): 557-570.

