2023-05-11 13:36
  • 刘宇
  • 刘宇 - 副教授-南方科技大学-力学与航空航天工程系-个人资料




1997 – 2001 北京航空航天大学,飞行器动力工程,学士
2001 – 2004 北京航空航天大学,航空宇航推进理论与工程,硕士
2004 – 2008 英国剑桥大学 工程系,航空工程,博士
2008/09 – 2009/02 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 高级火箭模拟中心,博士后
2009/11 – 2012/09 英国剑桥大学工程系 声学实验室,博士后
2012/10 – 2016/09 英国萨里大学 机械工程科学系,航空工程助理教授
2016/11 至今 南方科技大学 力学与航空航天工程系,副教授




Arcondoulis EJG, Liu Y*. (2018) An iterative microphone removal method for acoustic beamforming array design. Journal of Sound and Vibration, under review.
Shen C, Catalan J-C, Liu Y*. (2018) Effects of external and air gap flows on sound transmission through finite clamped double-panel sandwich structures.Composite Structures, 203: 286-299. DOI.
Arcondoulis EJG*, Zander AC, Brooks LA, Doolan CJ, Liu Y. (2018) An investigation of dual acoustic feedback mechanisms of airfoils at low-to-moderate Reynolds number. AIAA Journal, under review.
Liu Y*, Daudin C. (2017) Analytical modelling of sound transmission through finite clamped double-wall panels lined with poroelastic materials.Composite Structures, 172: 359-373. DOI
Liu Y*, Catalan J-C. (2017) External mean flow influence on sound transmission through finite clamped double-wall sandwich panels. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 405: 269-286. DOI
Liu Y*. (2016) On the space-time correlation of heat release rate in turbulent premixed flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 188 (2): 166-189.DOI
Liu Y*, He C. (2016) Analytical modelling of acoustic transmission across double-wall sandwich shells: Effect of an air gap flow. Composite Structures, 136: 149-161. DOI
Liu Y*, He C. (2016) Diffuse field sound transmission through sandwich composite cylindrical shells with poroelastic core and external mean flow.Composite Structures, 135: 383-396. DOI
Liu Y*, He C. (2015) On sound transmission through double-walled cylindrical shells lined with poroelastic material: Comparison with Zhou’s results and further effect of external mean flow. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 358: 192-198. DOI
Liu Y*. (2015) Two-time correlation of heat release rate and spectrum of combustion noise from turbulent premixed flames. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 353: 119-134. DOI
Liu Y*, Sebastian A. (2015) Effects of external and gap mean flows on sound transmission through a double-wall sandwich panel. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 344: 399-415. DOI
Liu Y*. (2015) Sound transmission through triple-panel structures lined with poroelastic materials. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 339: 376-395. DOI
Liu Y*, Dowling AP, Swaminathan N, Morvant R, Macquisten MA, Caracciolo LF. (2014) Prediction of combustion noise for an aeroengine combustor.Journal of Propulsion and Power, 30 (1): 114-122. DOI
Liu Y*. (2013) Assessment of surface roughness for a ‘silent’ aircraft. The Aeronautical Journal, 117 (1189): 283-298. DOI
Liu Y*, Dowling AP, Swaminathan N, Dunstan TD. (2012) Spatial correlation of heat release rate and sound emission from turbulent premixed flames.Combustion and Flame, 159 (7): 2430-2440. DOI
Liu Y*, Quayle AR, Dowling AP, Sijtsma P. (2008) Beamforming correction for dipole measurement using two-dimensional microphone arrays. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124 (1): 182-191. DOI
Liu Y*, Dowling AP, Shin HC. (2008) Measurement and simulation of surface roughness noise using phased microphone arrays. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 314 (1-2): 95-112. DOI
Liu Y*, Dowling AP. (2007) Assessment of the contribution of surface roughness to airframe noise. AIAA Journal, 45 (4): 855-869. DOI

