2023-05-11 13:35
  • 葛锜
  • 葛锜 - 副教授-南方科技大学-机械与能源工程系-个人资料




2009.08-2012.12 科罗拉多大学博德分校 机械工程 博士
2006.09-2008.06 浙江大学 固体力学 硕士
2002.09-2006.06 同济大学 工程力学 学士

2019.06-至今 南方科技大学机械与能源工程系 副教授
2016.04-2019.06 新加披科技设计大学 助理教授
2014.09-2016.03 新加披科技设计大学 博士后
2013.09-2014.08 麻省理工学院 博士后
2013.02-2013.08 科罗拉多大学博德分校 博士后




1. Luo C.+, Zhang B.+, Zhang W., Yuan C., Dunn M.L., Ge Q.*, Yu K.*, “Chemomechanics of dual-stage reprocessable thermosets”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Impact Factor: 4.255), 126, 168-186.
2. Zhang B.+, Wang Zhang W.+, Zhang Z., Zhang Y., Hingorani H., Liu Z., Liu J., Ge Q.*, “Self-healing Four-Dimensional Printing with Ultraviolet Curable Double Network Shape Memory Polymer System”, ACS applied materials & interfaces (Impact Factor: 8.097), 2019, 11, 10328−10336.
3. Zhang B.+, Yuan C.+, Zhang W., Dunn M.L., Qi H.J., Liu Z., Yu K.*, Ge Q.*, “Recycling of vitrimer blends with tunable thermomechanical properties”, RSC Advances (Impact Factor: 2.936), 2019, 10, 5431-5437.
4. Zhang Y.F.+, Zhang N.+, Hingorani H., Ding N., Wang D., Yuan C., Zhang B., Gu G.*, Ge Q.*, “Fast-Response, Stiffness-Tunable Soft Actuator by Hybrid Multimaterial 3D Printing”, Advanced Functional Materials (Frontispieces Image) (Impact Factor: 13.325), 2019, 1806698.
◆ Kowsari K., Akbari S., Wang D., Fang N.X., Ge Q.*, “High-Efficiency, High-Resolution Multimaterial Fabrication for Digital Light Processing Based Three-Dimensional Printing”, 3D Printing + Additive Manufacturing (Outside Front Cover) (Impact Factor: 2.304), 2018 5, 3, 185-193.
5.Zhang B., Kowsari K., Serjouei A., Dunn M.L.*, Ge Q.*, “Reprocessable Thermosets for Sustainable Three-dimensional Printing”, Nature Communications (Impact Factor: 12.353), 2018, 9, 1831.
6.Wang D., Li L., Serjouei A., Dong L., Weeger O., Gu G.*, Ge Q.*, “Controllable helical deformations on printed anisotropic composite soft actuators”, Applied Physics Letters (Impact Factor: 3.495), 2018, 112, 181905.
7.Saeed Akbari S., Sakhaei A.H., Kowsari K., Yang B., Serjouei A., Zhang Y.F., Ge Q.*, “Enhanced Multimaterial 4D Printing with Active Hinges”, Smart Materials and Structures (Impact Factor: 2.963), 2018, 27, 065027.
8.Zhang B.+, Li S.+, Hingorani H.+, Serjouei A., Larush L., Pawar A.A., Goh W.H., Sakhaei A.H., Hashimoto M., Kowsari K., Magdassi S.*, and Ge Q.*, “Highly Stretchable Hydrogels for UV Curing Based High-Resolution Multimaterial 3D Printing”, Journal of Materials Chemistry B (Outside Front Cover) (Impact Factor: 4.776), 2018, 6, 3246-3253.
9.Patel D.K., Sakhaei A. H., Layani M., Zhang B., Ge Q.*, and Magdassi S.*, “Highly Stretchable and UV Curable Elastomers for Digital Light Processing Based 3D Printing”, Advanced Materials (Impact Factor: 21.950), 2017, 1606000.
10.Ge Q.*, Serjouei A., Qi H.J.*, and Dunn M.L.*, “Thermomechanics of Printed Anisotropic Shape Memory Elastomeric Composites”, International Journal of Solids and Structures (Impact Factor: 2.760), 102–103, 2016 186–199.
11.Wang Q.*, Jackson J.A., Ge Q., Hopkins J.B., Spadaccini C.M., and Fang N.X.*, “Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials with Tunable Negative Thermal Expansion”, Physical Review Letters (Impact Factor: 8.462), 2016, 117, 175901.
12.Ge Q.*, Sakhaei A., Lee H., Dunn C.K., Fang N.X.*, Dunn M.L.*, “Multimaterial 4D Printing with Tailorable Shape Memory Polymers”, Scientific Reports (Impact Factor: 4.259), 2016, 6:31110.
13.Yu K., Ge Q., Qi H.J.*, “Effects of stretch induced softening to the free recovery behavior of shape memory polymer composites”, Polymer (Impact Factor: 3.636), 2014, 23, 5938-5947.
14.Zheng X., Lee H., Weisgraber T.H., Shusteff M., Deotte J.R., Duoss E., Kuntz J.D, Biener M.M., Kucheyev S.O., Ge Q., Jackson J., Fang N.X.*, Spadaccini C.M.*, “Ultra-light, Ultra-stiff Mechanical Metamaterials”, Science (Impact Factor: 37.205), 2014, 20, 1373-1377..
15.Ge Q.*, Dunn C.K., Qi H.J.*, and Dunn M.L.*, “Active Origami by 4D Printing”, Smart Materials and Structures (Impact Factor: 2.963), 2014, 23, 094007-15. Highlights of 2014. Most Cited Articles of 2014.
16.Ge Q., Luo X., Iversen C.B., Mather P.T., Dunn M.L., and Qi H.J.*, “A Finite Deformation Thermomechanical Constitutive Model for Triple Shape Polymeric Composites Based on Dual Thermal Transitions”, International Journal of Solid and Structures (Impact Factor: 2.760), 2014, 51, 2777-2790.
17.Yu K., Ge Q., and Qi H.J., “Reduced Time as a Unified Parameter Determining Fixity and Free Recovery of Shape Memory Polymers”, Nature Communication (Impact Factor: 12.353), 2014, 5, 3066.
18.Ge Q., Qi H.J.*, and Dunn M.L.*, “Active Materials by Four-Dimension Printing”, Applied Physics Letters (Impact Factor: 3.495), 2013, 103: 131901.
19.Ge Q., Luo X., Rodriguez E.D., Zhang X., Mather P.T., Dunn M.L*., Qi H.J.*, “Thermo-mechanical Behaviors of Shape Memory Elastomer Composites”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Impact Factor: 4.255), 2012, 60(1): 67-83.

