2023-05-11 13:34
  • 龚佑品
  • 龚佑品 - 副教授-南方科技大学-前沿与交叉科学研究院-个人资料




2007-2010 南京大学 材料物理与化学 博士
2004-2007 安徽工业大学 材料学 硕士
2000-2004 安徽工业大学 金属材料学 学士

2017.5-至今 南方科技大学, 前沿与交叉科学研究院, 研究副教授
2015.8-2017.5 苏州大学, 光电信息科学与工程学院, 副教授
2014.4-2015.6 美国堪萨斯大学, 物理与天文系, 博士后
2013.1-2014.4 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所, 副研究员
2010.7-2012.12 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所, 博士后
2012.2-2012.8 中国科学院物理研究所,访问研究者


1、首次将生物蛋白分子(Cytochrome c)吸附在CNT壁上形成纳米异质结,制备出目前世界上最高光响应度和灵敏度的CNT-基近红外光电探测器,并将该材料体系扩展到宽波段、高灵敏度光电探测器。 2、提出了一种新的生长技术用于解决了石墨烯层数可控制备问题。3、提出了一种新的技术路线用于实现边缘平滑的高质量GNRs的制备,并首次在该技术制备的 GNRs 中发现 Luttinger 液体行为。4、开发原子层沉积高介电栅介质 (HfO2、ZrO2、HfAlO等) 的关键技术应用于新一代逻辑器件


A. L. Li, Q. X. Chen, P. P. Wang, Y. Gan, T. L. Qi, P. Wang, F. D. Tang, J. Z. Wu, R. Chen*, L. Y. Zhang*, Y. P. Gong*. Ultrahigh-sensitive broadband photodetectors based on dielectric shielded MoTe2/Graphene/SnS2 p-g-n junctions. Advanced Materials, 1805656 (2018). (Frontispiece)
Y. P. Gong*, P. Adhikari, Q. F. Liu, T. Wang, M. G. Gong, W.-L. Chan, W.-Y. Ching, J. Wu*. Designing interface of carbon nanotube/biomaterials for high-performance ultra-broadband photodetection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 11016 (2017).
Y. P. Gong*, Q. F. Liu, M. G. Gong, T. Wang, G. G. Zeng, W.-L. Chan, J. Wu*. High-performance photodetectors based on effective exciton dissociation in protein-adsorbed multi-walled carbon nanotube nanohybrids. Advanced Optical Materials 5, 1600478 (2017). (Inside Front Cover)
Y. P. Gong, X. M. Zhang, G. T. Liu, L. Q. Wu, X. M. Geng, M. S. Long, X. H. Cao, Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, J. B. Xu, M. T. Sun, L. Lu, L. W. Liu*. Layer-controlled and wafer-scale synthesis of uniform and high-quality graphene films on polycrystalline nickel catalyst. Advanced Functional Materials 22, 3153 (2012).
Y. P. Gong†, M. S. Long†, G. T. Liu, S. Gao, C. Zhu, X. F. Wei, X. M. Geng, M. T. Sun, C. L. Yang, L. Lu*, L. W. Liu*. Electronic transport properties of graphene nanoribbon arrays fabricated by unzipping aligned nanotubes. Physical Review B 87, 165404 (2013). †Contributed equally to the work.
Y. P. Gong, Q. F. Liu, J. S. Wilt, M. G. Gong, S. Ren, J. Wu*. Wrapping cytochrome c around single-wall carbon nanotube: engineered nanohybrid building blocks for infrared detection at high quantum efficiency. Scientific Reports 5, 11328 (2015).
C. R. Ma†, Y. P. Gong†, R. T. Lu, E. Brown, B. H. Ma, J. Li, J. Wu*. Detangling extrinsic and intrinsic hysteresis for detecting dynamic switch of electric dipoles using graphene field-effect transistors on ferroelectric gates. Nanoscale 7, 18489 (2015). (Back cover) †Contributed equally to the work.
M. S. Long †, Y. P. Gong †, X. F. Wei, C. Zhu, J. B. Xu, P. Liu,Y. F. Guo, W. W. Li, G. T. Liu, L. W. Liu*. Electron-electron interaction, weak localization and spin valve effect in vertical-transport graphene devices. Applied Physics Letters 104, 153114 (2014). †Contributed equally to the work.
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. Qian, C. Zhao, D. Wu. Interfacial structure and electrical properties of ultrathin HfO2 dielectric films on Si substrates by surface sol-gel method. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42, 015405 (2009).
Y. P. Gong, H. F. Zhai, X. J. Liu, J. Z. Kong, D. Wu, A. D. Li*. Impact of Gd2O3 passivation layer on interfacial and electrical properties of atomic-layer-deposited ZrO2 gate dielectric on GaAs. Applied Surface Science 291, 35 (2014).
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, C. Zhao, Y. D. Xia, D. Wu. Fabrication and electrical characteristics of ultrathin (HfO2)x(SiO2)1-x films by surface sol-gel method and reaction-anneal treatment. Microelectronic Engineering 87, 1756 (2010).
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. F. Li, H. Li, H. F. Zhai, D.Wu. Impact of Al/Hf ratio on electrical properties and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited HfO2/Al2O3 on S-passivated GaAs substrates. Semiconductor Science and Technology 25, 055012 (2010).
Y. P. Gong, A. D. Li*, X. J. Liu, H. Li, D. Wu. Effect of surface treatments on interfacial characteristics and band alignments of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3 films on GaAs substrates. Surface and Interface Analysis 43, 734 (2011).
M. G. Gong*, P. Adhikari, Y. P. Gong, T. Wang, Q. F. Liu*, B. Kattle, W. Y. Ching, W. L. Chan, J. Z. Wu*. Polarity-controlled attachment of cytochrome c for high performance cytochrome c/graphene van der Waals heterojunction photodetectors. Advanced Functional Materials 28, 1704797 (2018).
Jamie Wilt*, Youpin Gong, Ming Gong, Feifan Su, Huikai Xu, Ridwan Sakidja, Alan Elliot, Rongtao Lu, Shiping Zhao, Siyuan Han, Judy Z. Wu*. Atomically thin Al2O3 films for tunnel junctions. Physical Review Applied 7, 064022 (2017).
Q. F. Liu*, B. Cook, M. G. Gong*, Y. P. Gong, D. Ewing, M. Casper, A. Stramel, J. Wu*. Printable transfer-free wafer-size MoS2/graphene van der Waals heterostructures for high-performance photodetection. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9, 12728 (2017).
Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, T. Wang, W. L. Chan, J. Wu*. Metal-catalyst-free and controllable synthesis of monolayer, bilayer and few-layer graphene on silicon dioxide by chemical vapor deposition. Carbon 96, 203 (2016).
Q. F. Liu*, Y. P. Gong, J. S. Wilt, R. Sakidja, J. Wu*. Synchronous growth of AB-stacked bilayer graphene on Cu by simply controlling hydrogen pressure in CVD process. Carbon 93, 199 (2015).
F. Xu, S. Das, Y. P. Gong, Q. F. Liu, H.-C. Chien, H.-Y. Chiu, J. Wu, R. Q. Hui*. Complex refractive index tunability of graphene at 1550 nm wavelength. Applied Physics Letters 106, 031109 (2015).
R. T. Lu, A. Konzelmann, F. Xu, Y. P. Gong, J. W. Liu, Q. F. Liu, M. Xin, R. Q. Hui, J. Z. Wu*. High sensitivity surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy of R6G on in situ fabricated Au nanoparticle/graphene plasmonic substrates. Carbon 86, 78 (2015).

