2023-05-11 13:34
  • 邓辉
  • 邓辉 - 副研究员-南方科技大学-机械与能源工程系-个人资料




2013.04~2016.03 大阪大学(日本),精密科学与技术专业 博士
2011.04~2013.03 大阪大学(日本),精密科学与技术专业 硕士
2006.09~2010.06 华中科技大学,机械设计制造及其自动化专业 学士

2017.07~至 今 南方科技大学机械与能源工程系 助理教授
2016.03~ 2017.06 新加坡制造技术研究院加工技术组 研究科学家
2013.04~2016.03 日本学术振兴会(JSPS) 特别研究员
2010.08~2011.03 大阪大学(日本),超精密科学研究中心 实验助理




(1) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Damage-free finishing of CVD-SiC by a combination of dry plasma etching and plasma-assisted polishing, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 155 (2017) 38-46. (SCI, Q1)
(2) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Atomic-scale and pit-free flattening of GaN by combination of plasma pretreatment and time-controlled chemical mechanical polishing, Applied Physics Letter 107 (2015) 051602 1-4. (SCI, Q1)
(3) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Plasma-assisted polishing of gallium nitride to obtain a pit-free and atomically flat surface, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 64 (2015) 531-534. (SCI, Q1)
(4) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Competition between surface modification and abrasive polishing: a method of controlling the surface atomic structure of 4H-SiC (0001), Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 8947 1-6. (SCI, Q1)
(5) Hui Deng, K. Hosoya, Y. Imanishi, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Electro-chemical mechanical polishing of single-crystal SiC using CeO2 slurry, Electrochemistry Communications 52 (2015) 5-8. (SCI, Q1)
(6) Hui Deng, K. Monna, T. Tabata, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Optimization of the plasma oxidation and abrasive polishing processes in plasma-assisted polishing for high effective planarization of 4H-SiC, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 63 (2014) 529-532. (SCI, Q1)
(7) Hui Deng, Masaki Ueda and Kazuya Yamamura: Characterization of 4H-SiC (0001) surface processed by plasma assisted polishing, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 72 (2014) 1-7. (SCI, Q2)
(8) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Comparison of thermal oxidation and plasma oxidation of 4H-SiC (0001) for surface flattening, Applied Physics Letter 104 (2014) 101608 1-5. (SCI, Q1)
(9) Hui Deng, Katsuyoshi Endo and Kazuya Yamamura: Atomic-scale planarization of 4H-SiC (0001) by combination of thermal oxidation and abrasive polishing, Applied Physics Letter 103 (2013) 111603 1-4. (SCI, Q1)
(10) Hui Deng and Kazuya Yamamura: Atomically Flattening Mechanism of 4H-SiC (0001) in Plasma-assisted Polishing, CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology 62 (2013) 575-578. (SCI, Q1)

