2023-05-11 13:34
  • 陈洁菲
  • 陈洁菲 - 研究员-南方科技大学-量子科学与工程研究院-个人资料




2003/09- 2007/06, 本科,物理系,中山大学\r
2007/09-2009/01, 硕士,物理系,香港科技大学\r




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Shuyu Zhou, Shanchao Zhang, Chang Liu, J. F. Chen, Jianming Wen, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du, “Optimal storage and retrieval of single-photon waveforms,” Opt. Express 20, 24124 (2012).\r
Shanchao Zhang, J. F. Chen, Chang Liu, Shuyu Zhou, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, “A dark-line two-dimensional magneto-optical trap of 85Rb atoms with high optical depth”, Review of Scientific Instrument 83, 073102 (2012).\r
Chang Liu, J. F. Chen, Shanchao Zhang, Shuyu Zhou, Yoon-Ho Kim, M. M. T. Loy, G. K. L. Wong, and Shengwang Du*, \

