2023-05-11 13:33
  • 蔡志扬
  • 蔡志扬 - 助理教授-南方科技大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




2009.08–2014.08:新西兰梅西大学 博士(生态学)
2005.09–2009.06:复旦大学 硕士(生态学)
2000.02–2004.06:澳大利亚新南威尔斯大学 一级荣誉学士(生物生态学)
2018.12 至今:南方科技大学 研究助理教授
2018.01–2018.03:挪威海达路德公司 南极探险队队员
2017.09–2018.12:澳大利亚迪肯大学 副研究员
2014.09–2017.08:澳大利亚昆士兰大学 博士后研究员
2007.09–2008.01:复旦大学 助教




1) Choi C-Y, Peng H-B, He P, Ren X-T, Zhang S, Jackson MV, . . . Ma Z. (2019). Where to draw the line? Using movement data to inform protected area design and conserve mobile species. Biological Conservation, 234, 64-71. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2019.03.025
2) Zhang S-D, Ma Z, Choi C-Y, . . . Piersma T. (2019). Morphological and digestive adjustments buffer performance: How staging shorebirds cope with severe food declines. Ecology and Evolution, 9, 3868-3878. doi:10.1002/ece3.5013
3) Jackson MV, Carrasco LR, Choi C-Y, . . . Fuller RA. (in press). Multiple habitat use by declining migratory birds necessitates joined-up conservation Ecology and Evolution, 9, 2505–2515. doi:10.1002/ece3.4895
4) Tan K, Choi C-Y, Peng H, Melville DS, & Ma Z. (2018). Migration departure strategies of shorebirds at a final pre-breeding stopover site. Avian Research, 9(1), 15. doi:10.1186/s40657-018-0108-7
5) Braczkowski A, Holden MH, O’Bryan C, Choi C-Y, . . . Possingham HP & Biggs D. (2018) Tracking the reach and messages of the world’s largest ivory burn. Conservation Biology. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13097
6) Zhang S-D, Ma Z, Choi C-Y, Peng H-B, . . . Piersma T. (2018). Persistent use of the Yalu Jiang coastal wetland in the northern Yellow Sea by shorebirds despite severe declines in food resources: do they have nowhere else to go? Bird Conservation International. doi.org/10.1017/S0959270917000430
7) Choi C-Y, Jackson MV, Gallo-Cajiao E, Murray NJ, Clemens RS, & Fuller RA. (2018). Biodiversity and China’s new Great Wall. Diversity and Distributions. 24(2), 137-143.
8) Peng H-B, Anderson GQA, Chang Q, Choi C-Y, . . . Zöckler C. (2017). The intertidal wetlands of southern Jiangsu Province, China – globally important for Spoon-billed Sandpipers and other threatened waterbirds, but facing multiple serious threats. Bird Conservation International, 27(3), 305-322.
9) Choi C-Y, Battley PF, Potter MA, Ma ZJ, Melville DS, & Sukkaewmanee P. (2017). How migratory shorebird species selectively exploit prey at a single-species-dominated staging site. The Auk, 134(1),76-91.
10) Peng H-B, Choi C-Y, Zhang L, Gan X, Liu W-L, Li J, . . . Ma Z-J. (2017). Distribution and major threats to Spoon-billed Sandpipers in China. Chinese Journal of Zoology, 52(1), 158-166.
11) Choi C-Y, Rogers KG, Gan X, Clemens RS, . . . Fuller RA, & Rogers DI. (2016). Phenology of southward migration of shorebirds in the East Asian-Australasian Flyway and inferences about stop-over strategies. Emu, 116(2), 178-189.
12) Szabo JK, Choi C-Y, Clemens RS, & Hansen B. (2016). Conservation without borders – solutions to declines of migratory shorebirds in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway. Emu, 116(2), 215-221.
13) Clemens RS, Rogers DI, Hansen BD,, . . . Choi C-Y, Dhanjal-Adams KL, Murray NJ, Skilleter GA, & Fuller RA. (2016). Continental-scale decreases in shorebird populations in Australia. Emu, 116(2), 119-135.
14) Choi C-Y, Battley PF, Potter MA, Rogers KG, & Ma Z. (2015). The importance of Yalu Jiang coastal wetland in the north Yellow Sea to Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica and Great Knots Calidris tenuirostris during northward migration. Bird Conservation International, 25(1), 53-70.
15) Peng H-B, Hua N, Choi C-Y, . . . Ma Z. (2015). Adjusting migration schedules at stopping sites: time strategy of a long-distance migratory shorebird during northward migration. Journal of Ornithology, 156(1), 191-199.
16) Choi CY, Gan XJ, . . . Ma ZJ. (2014). The Habitat Use and Home Range Analysis of Dunlin (Calidris alpina) in Chongming Dongtan, China and their Conservation Implications. Wetlands, 34, 255-266.
17) Choi C-Y, Battley PF, . . . Liu WL. (2014). Factors affecting the distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates at a major shorebird staging site in the Yellow Sea, China. Wetlands, 34, 1085-1096.
18) Ma ZJ, Gan XJ, Choi CY, & Li B. (2014). Effects of invasive Cordgrass on presence of marsh grassbird in an area where it is not native. Conservation Biology, 28(1), 150-158.
19) Melville DS, & Choi C-Y. (2013). Reactions of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica to apparent capture by clams. Wader Study Group Bulletin, 120(3), 205-207.
20) Ma Z, Hua N, Peng H, Choi C, . . . Tang C. (2013). Differentiating between stopover and staging sites: functions of the southern and northern Yellow Sea for long-distance migratory shorebirds. Journal of Avian Biology, 44(5), 504-512.

