2023-05-11 12:12
  • 沈颖林
  • 沈颖林 - 副教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




主要学习、科研工作简历: 2001.09-2006.07 兰州大学化学化工学院有机化学专业学习,获理学博士学位。 2006.07-2011.01 兰州大学核学院工作,讲师。 2007.08-2008.02 北京师范大学放射性药物化学教育部重点实验室访学 2011.08-2012.08 美国橡树岭国家实验室访学。 2012.01-至今 兰州大学核学院工作,副教授,硕士研究生导师。




1. Wenkui Li; Piao Lin; Sheng, Dai; Yinglin Shen*, Preparation of mesocellular siliceous foam supported lanthanides-sensitive polymer for selective adsorption of lanthanides, Dalton Trans., 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C7DT04255H . 2. Yinglin Shen*; Ziyi Liu; Xia Yang; Hui Wang; Zhifang Chai; Wang Dongqi*, Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Extraction of UO22+ by Malonamides in Ionic Liquids, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017.10.10, 56(44): 12708~12716. 3. Wenkui Li, Shenghua Yang, Hui Lv, Ziyi Liu, Jianrong Wu, Shun Li, and Yinglin Shen*, Solvent extraction of Th(IV) from aqueous solution with methylimidazole in ionic liquid.Radiochim. Acta 2016; 104(10): 681–690. 4. Yinglin Shen*; Jianrong Wu;Ziyi Liu; WangsuoWu, Environmentally Friendlier Approach to Nuclear Industry: Recovery of Uranium from Carbonate Solutions Using Ionic Liquids. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2015, 54, 8624?8628. 5. Yinglin Shen,* Wenkui Li, Jianrong Wu, Shun Li, Huimin Luo, Sheng Dai* and Wangsuo Wu, Solvent extraction of lanthanides and yttrium from aqueous solution with methylimidazole in an ionic liquid. Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 10023–10032. 6. Youwen Zhang, Ziyi Liu, Fuyou Fan, Lun Zhu, and Yinglin Shen*, Extraction of Uranium and Thorium from Nitric Acid Solution by TODGA in Ionic Liquids. Sep. Sci. Tech, 2014, 49: 1895–1902. 7. Wu Yun , Zhang Youwen , Fan Fuyou , Luo Huimin , Hu Peizhuo , Shen Yinglin*, Synthesis of task-specific ionic liquids with grafted diglycolamide moiety. Complexation and stripping of lanthanides, J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2014, 299: 1213–1218. 8. Yinglin Shen*, Xiaowen Tan, Long Wang, Wangsuo Wu, Extraction of the Uranyl Ion from the Aqueous Phase into an Ionic Liquid by Diglycolamide, Sep. Purif. Tech., 2011: 78, 298–302. 9. Yinglin Shen*, Shaofei Wang, Lun Zhu, Jianjun Wang, and Wangsuo Wu, Extraction of Th(IV) from HNO3 Solution by Diglycolamide in Ionic Liquids, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2011: 50, 13990–13996. 10. Yamin Dong; Shun Li; Xiang Su; Yanliang Wang; Yinglin Shen *; Xiaoqi Sun *, Separation of thorium from rare earths with high-performance diphenyl phosphate extractant. HYDROMETALLURGY, 2017.8, 171: 387~393.

