2023-05-11 12:11
  • 龙文辉
  • 龙文辉 - 教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




受教育经历(从大学本科开始,按时间倒排序) 2000/09 – 2006/01,北京大学物理学院粒子物理与原子核物理专业,直博研究生 2002/07 – 2005/07,法国巴黎南大学原子核所理论物理专业,博士研究生 1996/09 – 2000/07,北京大学技术物理系粒子物理与原子核物理专业,大学本科 研究工作经历(按时间倒排序) 2009/12 – 现在,兰州大学,核科学与技术学院,教授 2009/09 – 2010/08,美国德州农机科莫斯分校,物理系,博士后 2009/05 – 2009/07,日本东北大学,物理系,访问学者 2009/01 – 2009/03,日本理化学研究所,仁科中心,访问学者 2007/07 – 2008/12,德国慕尼黑技术大学,物理系,洪堡学者 2006/01 – 2007/06,日本会津大学,数理学中心,客座研究员




1.*Long, Wen Hui; Ring, Peter; Van Giai, Nguyen; Meng, Jie,Relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with density dependent meson-nucleon couplings,Physical Review C, 81(2),024308, 2010/2,27,SCI 期刊论文 2.*Long, Wen Hui; Nakatsukasa, Takashi; Sagawa, Hiroyuki; Meng, Jie; Nakada, Hitoshi; Zhang,Ying,Non-local mean field effect on nuclei near Z=64 sub-shell,Physics Letters B, 680(5), pp 428-431,2009/10/12,12,SCI 期刊论文 3.*Long, WenHui; Sagawa, Hiroyuki; Van Giai, Nguyen; Meng, Jie,Shell structure and rho-tensor correlations in density dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory,Physical Review C, 76(3),034314, 2007/9,45,SCI 期刊论文 4.Long, Wen-Hui; Van Giai, Nguyen; *Meng, Jie,Density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock approach,Physics Letters B, 640(4), pp 150-154, 2006/9/14,63,SCI 期刊论文 5.Long, WH; *Meng, J; Van Giai, N; Zhou, SG,New effective interactions in relativistic mean field theory with nonlinear terms and density-dependent meson-nucleon coupling,Physical Review C, 69(3), 034319, 2004/3,165,SCI 期刊论文 6.J. Xiang (向剑); Z.P. Li (李志攀); J.M. Yao (尧江明); W.H. Long (龙文辉); P. Ring; *J. Meng (孟杰),Effect of pairing correlations on nuclear low-energy structure: BCS and general Bogoliubov transformation,Physical Review C, 88卷, 057301, 2013/11/12 ,SCI 期刊论文 7.*Niu, Z. M.; Niu, Y. F.; Liang, H. Z.; Long, W. H.; Niksic, T.; Vretenar, D.; Meng, J.,beta-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei and matter flow in the r-process,PHYSICS LETTERS B, 723(1-3), pp 172-176, 2013/6/10 ,2 ,SCI 期刊论文 8.Wang, Long Jun; Sun, Bao Yuan; Dong, Jian Min; *Long, Wen Hui ,Odd-even staggering of the nuclear binding energy described by covariant density functional theory with calculations for spherical nuclei ,PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87(5), 054331, 2013/5/28 ,0,SCI 期刊论文 9.*Meng, J.; Chen, Y.; Liang, H. Z.; Niu, Y. F.; Niu, Z. M.; Song, L. S.; Zhao, P. W.; Li, Z.; Sun, B.; Xu, X. D.; Li, Z. P.; Yao, J. M.; Long, W. H.; Niksic, T.; Vretenar, D.,Mass and lifetime of unstable nuclei in covariant density functional theory,PHYSICA SCRIPTA, T154卷, 014010, 2013/5 ,0 ,SCI 期刊论文 10.Wang, Long Jun; Dong, Jian Min; *Long, Wen Hui,Tensor effects on the evolution of the N=40 shell gap from nonrelativistic and relativistic mean-field theory,PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87(4), 047301, 2013/4/1 ,1 ,SCI 期刊论文 11.*Gu, Huai-Qiang; Liang, Haozhao; Long, Wen Hui; Nguyen Van Giai; Meng, Jie ,Slater approximation for Coulomb exchange effects in nuclear covariant density functional theory,PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87(4), 041301, 2013/4/1 ,2 ,SCI 期刊论文 12.*Niu, Z. M.; Liu, Q.; Niu, Y. F.; Long, W. H.; Guo, J. Y.,Nuclear effective charge factor originating from covariant density functional theory ,PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87(3), 037301, 2013/3/11 ,1 ,SCI 期刊论文 13.Lu, Xiao Li; Sun, Bao Yuan; *Long, Wen Hui ,Description of carbon isotopes within relativistic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory ,PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 87(3), 034311, 2013/3/7 ,1 ,SCI 期刊论文 14.*Long, Wen Hui; Sun, Bao Yuan; Hagino, Kouichi; Sagawa, Hiroyuki ,Hyperon effects in covariant density functional theory and recent astrophysical observations,Physical Review C, 85(2), 025806, 2012/2/28 ,1 ,SCI 期刊论文 15.孟杰; 郭建友; 李剑; 李志攀; 梁豪兆; 龙文辉; 牛一斐; 牛中明; 尧江明; 张颖; 赵鹏巍; 周善贵,原子核物理中的协变密度泛函理论,物理学进展, 04期, pp 199-336, 2011/12/20 期刊论文 16.*Long, Wen Hui; Bertulani, Carlos A. ,Nucleus-nucleus interaction between boosted nuclei ,Physical Review C, 83(2), 024907, 2011/2/16 ,0 ,SCI 期刊论文 17.*Liang, Haozhao; Long, Wen Hui; Meng, Jie; Van Giai, Nguyen ,Spin symmetry in Dirac negative-energy spectrum in density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory ,European Physical Journal A, 44(1), pp 119-124, 2010/4 ,25 ,SCI 期刊论文 18.*Long, Wen Hui; Ring, Peter; Meng, Jie; Van Giai, Nguyen; Bertulani, Carlos A. ,Nuclear halo structure and pseudospin symmetry ,Physical Review C, 81(3), 031302, 2010/3 ,9 ,SCI 期刊论文 19.*Sun, Bao Yuan; Long, Wen Hui; Meng, Jie; Lombardo, U. ,Neutron star properties in density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory ,Physical Review C, 78(6), 065805, 2008/12 ,15 ,SCI 期刊论文

