2023-05-11 12:10
  • 刘志毅
  • 刘志毅 - 教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




刘志毅教授主要从事核技术应用创新与产业化工作。在加拿大Simon Fraser University获得博士学位后,他于加拿大粒子物理与核物理国家实验室(TRIUMF)任研究员从事核技术应用研发工作近十年,擅长核探测系统设计与建造、蒙特卡洛模拟、高级数据分析与挖掘、项目管理与技术产业化推广。他带领的团队已获得资本市场投资2千万余元,其研发的技术已经在油田推广使用,发表SCI论文多篇,申请发明专利和软件著作权多项。欢迎有志于核技术创新与产业化的同学与青年才俊加入团队,共筑强国。 主要学习、工作简历: 1999年毕业于 山东师范大学 2002年毕业于 中国原子能科学研究院 2009年毕业于 加拿大Simon Fraser University 工作经历: 中国原子能科学研究院助理研究员2002-2004加拿大粒子物理与核物理国家实验室 研究员 2009-2018兰州大学核学院 教授 2018-至今


核设施退役: 核设施退役中方位辐射场测量与评价 激光击穿光谱技术同位素甄别 退役中的源项调查 成像相关技术: 基于脉冲中子技术的成像测井技术 快中子成像、照相技术 宇宙射线成像应用 辐射防护: 基于加速器技术的医学同位素生产与防护


V. Anghel, J. Armitage, F. Baig, K. Boniface, K. Boudjemline, J. Bueno, E. Charles,P-L. Drouin, A. Erlandson, G. Gallant, R. Gazit, D. Godin, V.V. Golovko, C. Howard, R. Hydomako, C. Jewett, G. Jonkmans, Z. Liu, A. Robichaud, T.J.Stocki,M. Thompson, D. Waller* (按姓氏排名), A plastic scintillator-based muon tomography system with an integrated muon spectrometer, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 798 (2015) 12–23 Douglas Bryman*, James Bueno, Kris Davis, Vlad Kaminski, Zhiyi Liu, Douglas Oldenburg, Mark Pilkington,and Richard Sawyer(按姓氏排名), Muon Geotomography—Bringing New Physics to Orebody Imaging, Society of Economic Geologists, Inc. Special Publication 18, pp. 235–241 V. Anghel, J. Armitage, F. Baig, K. Boniface, K. Boudjemline, J. Bueno, E. Charles,P-L. Drouin, A. Erlandson, G. Gallant, R. Gazit, D. Godin, V.V. Golovko, C. Howard, R. Hydomako, C. Jewett, G. Jonkmans, Z. Liu, A. Robichaud, T.J.Stocki,M. Thompson, D. Waller* (按姓氏排名), Construction, Commissioning and First Data from the CRIPT Muon Tomography Project, 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC) Kristofer Davis*, Douglas W. Oldenburg, Vlad Kaminski, Mark Pilkington, Douglas Bryman, James Bueno,and Zhiyi Liu(同一单位按姓氏排名), Joint 3D inversion of muon tomography and gravity data Proceedings of GEM Beijing 2011: International Workshop on Gravity, Electrical & Magnetic Methods and Their Applications (SEG), 2011 D? Collaboration with Zhiyi Liu (按姓氏排名), Search for single top quarks in the tau + jets channel using 4.8 fb?1 of p p? collision data, Physics Letters B 690 (2010) 5–14 ZHOU Jing*, LIU Zhi-Yi, MENG Qiu-Ying, ZHOU Shu-Hua, Photon discrimination simulation with the PCA method, Chinese Phys. C 34 1632 D? Collaboration with Zhiyi Liu (按姓氏排名), Observation of Single Top-Quark Production, PRL 103, 092001 (2009) D? Collaboration with Zhiyi Liu (按姓氏排名), Measurement of the t-channel single top quark production cross section, Physics Letters B 682 (2010) 363–369 D? Collaboration with Zhiyi Liu (按姓氏排名), Evidence for production of single top quarks, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 78, 012005 (2008) D? Collaboration with Zhiyi Liu (按姓氏排名), Evidence for Production of Single Top Quarks and First Direct Measurement of |Vtb|, PRL 98, 181802 (2007) Shuhua Zhou*, Jing Zhou, Yuanyong Fu,Chengbo Li, Zhiyi Liu, Qiuying Meng, Measurement of Branching Ratio of Deuteron Induced Reactions on 2H at 20 keV, Chinese Phys. Lett. 23 2703 Shuhua Zhou*, Zhiyi Liu, Jing Zhou, Qiuying Meng, Chengbo Li, Gang Lian, Baoxiang Wang, Xixiang Bai, Large Decay Rate Variation of 7Be, Chinese Phys. Lett. 22 565 Zhiyi Liu, Chengbo Li, Siguang Wang, Jing Zhou, Qiuying Meng, Shaojun Lu, Shuhua Zhou, Measurement of Change of 7Be Decay Rate in Be and Au, Chinese Phys. Lett. 20 829

