2023-05-11 12:09
  • 刘作业
  • 刘作业 - 教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




主要学习、工作简历: 2012/10 - 2015/01,德国马克思-普朗克核物理所,博士 2008/09 - 2012/09,兰州大学,核科学与技术学院,硕博连读研究生 2004/09 - 2008/06,兰州大学,现代物理系,学士 2012/09 - 至今,兰州大学,核科学与技术学院工作 获奖统计: 1)2012年获教育部博士研究生学术新人奖 2)2012年教育部博士研究生国家奖学金 3)2013年入选兰州大学第六批优博培育项目 4)2017年入选兰州大学青年教授计划




[1]Phase reconstruction of coherently excited systems by transient-absorption spectroscopy, Zuoye Liu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Christian Ott, Kristina Meyer, Yonghao Mi, Zoltán Harman, Christoph. H. Keitel, and Thomas Pfeifer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 (2015) 033003;(SCI一区) [2]Observation and quantification of the quantum dynamics of a strong-field excited multi-level system, Z. Liu, Q. Wang, J. Ding, S. M. Cavaletto, T. Pfeifer and B. Hu, Sci. Rep., , 7: 39993–39999 (2017);(SCI二区) [3]Generation of high-frequency combs locked to atomic resonances by quantum phase modulation, Z. Y. Liu, C. Ott, S. M. Cavaletto, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, and T. Pfeifer, New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 093005;(SCI二区) [4]Control of third harmonic generation by plasma grating generated by two noncollinear IR femtosecond filaments, Zuoye Liu, Pengji Ding, Yanchao Shi, Xing Lu, Shaohua Sun, Xiaoliang Liu, Qingchao Liu, Baowei Ding, and Bitao Hu, Opt. Express 20 (2012) 8837; (SCI二区) [5]Signatures and control of strong-field dynamics in a complex system, K. Meyer, Z. Liu, N. Müller, J.-M. Mewes, A. Dreuw, T. Buckup, M. Motzkus, and T. Pfeifer, PNAS 2015, 112(51), 15613.(SCI一区) [6]Enhancement of third-order harmonic generation by interaction of two IR femtosecond filaments,Z.Y. Liu, P. J. Ding, Y. C. Shi, X. Lu, Q. C. Liu, S. H. Sun, X. L. Liu, B. W. Ding, and B. T. Hu, Laser Phys. Lett. 9 (2012) 649; (SCI一区) [7]Fluorescence spectroscopy of gas plasma induced by multifilament interaction,Bitao Hu, Zuoye Liu, Lu Li, Shaohua Sun, Pengji Ding, Yanchao Shi, Xiaoliang Liu, Qingcao Liu, ZeqinGuo, and Baowei Ding, Laser Phys. Lett., 9 (2013) 075401; (SCI一区) [8]Control of molecular excitation during the plasma generation of a femtosecond laser pulse,Quanjun Wang, Yanghua Zhang, Zhenhao Wang, Jingjie Ding, Zuoye Liu*, and Bitao Hu Chinese Optics Letters, 14(11): 110201(2016). (SCI 三区,通讯作者) [9]Propagation of a filamentary femtosecond laser beam with high intensities at an air-solid interface, Z. Y. Liu,Y. Zhang,J. Ding,S. Sun and B. T. Hu, Chinese Optics Letters 15(2), 021401 (2017). (SCI 三区) [10]Ultraviolet conical emission produced by high-power femtosecond laser pulse in transparent media, Z. Y. Liu, X. Lu, Q. C. Liu, S. H. Sun, L. Li, X. Liu, B. W. Ding, and B. T. Hu, Appl. Phys. B 108 (2012) 493; (SCI三区) [11]He原子体系中偶极子响应的周期性量子相位 调控的理论研究,丁晶洁,王全军,刘作业*,胡碧涛,物理学报,2015, 64, 243201(SCI四区,通讯作者) [12]Energy exchange process among multiple filamentary femtosecond laser beams in air, J. Ding, P. Ding, Z. Liu* and B. T. Hu, Sci. China Phys. Mech. 2016, 59, 633001 (SCI四区,通讯作者) [13]Spatiotemporal pulse-splitting of a filamentary femtosecond laser pulse via multi-filament interaction, J J Ding, Z Y Liu*, S H Sun, Y C Shi and Bitao Hu, Laser Phys. 25 (2015) 105401 (SCI四区, 通讯作者); [14]Spectral modulation and supercontinuum generation assisted by an infrared femtosecondplasma grating, Z.Y. Liu, S. H. Sun, Y. C. Shi, P. J. Ding, Q. C. Liu, X. L. Liu, B. W. Ding, and B. T. Hu, Chin. Phys. B 22, 075204 (2013); (SCI三区) [15]Characterization of Femtosecond Laser-Induced Plasma under Low Pressure in Argon, Cao Y., LIU X., Xian W., Sun S., Sun M., Ding P., Shi Y., Liu Z., Hu B. Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 (2015) 035203 (SCI四区,通讯作者); [16]Efficient generation of third harmonic radiation of air filament induced by plasma grating, Z.Y. Liu, Y. C. Shi and B. T. Hu, Acta Phys. Sin. 63, (2014) 184206; (SCI四区); [17]Therortical study of stereo-dynamics for the reaction C(3P)+CH(2II)→C2+H on the three lowest potential energy surfaces, Z. Y. LIU and B. T. HU, J Theor. Comput. Chem., 9 (2010) 1065; (SCI四区); [18]Dynamics of Coulomb explosion of Xe clusters in an ultrafast high-intensity laser field, Z Y Liu, H C Du, S H Sun, L Li, L L Ma and B T Hu, Indian J. Phys. 86 (2012) 647; (SCI四区) [19]Focusing property for ultra-short pulse laser reflected by off-axis parabolic mirrors, Z. Y. Liu,L. Li,B. T. Hu,Laser Techonol. 36 (2012) 657; (核心) [20]Spatial splitting of femtosecond laser pulse induced by infrared plasma grating, Zuoye Liu and Bitao Hu J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 488 (2014) 032007;(会议)

