2023-05-11 12:08
  • 杜洪川
  • 杜洪川 - 副教授-兰州大学-核科学与技术学院-个人资料




主要学习、工作简历 2003年09月-2007年06月,廊坊师范学院物理与电子信息学院读学士学位 2007年09月-2013年06月,兰州大学核科学与技术学院攻读博士学位 2012年01月-2015年04月,兰州大学核科学与技术学院,讲师 2015年05月至今,兰州大学核科学与技术学院,副教授 获奖统计 2011年获教育部博士研究生学术新人奖 2012年入选兰州大学第五批优博培育项目 2015年获兰州大学核科学与技术学院第三届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖 2016年获兰州大学核科学与技术学院第四届青年教师讲课比赛一等奖




[1] Xiao Zhang, Jinbin Li, Zongsheng Zhou, Hongchuan Du*, Libin Fu, and Honggang Luo*, Ellipticity dependence transition induced by dynamical Bloch oscillations, Physical Review B 99, 014304 (2019). [2] Jinbin Li, Silin Fu, Huiqiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, Baowei Ding, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Limitations of the single-active-electron approximation in quantum simulations of solid high-order harmonic generation, Physical Review A 98, 043409 (2018). [3] Shengjun Yue, Silin Fu, Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, Yongkang Feng, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, A redshift mechanism of high-order harmonics: Chang of Ionization Energy, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 234304 (2018). [4] Shanxue, Hongchuan Du*, Bitao Hu, Chii-Dong Lin, and Anh-Thu Le*, Following coherent mulichannel nuclear wave packets in pump-probe studies of O2 with ultrashort laser pulses, Physical Review A, 97, 043409 (2018). [5] Hongmei Wu, Shengjun Yue, Jinbin Li, Silin Fu, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Controlling nonadiabatic spectral redshift of high-order harmonic using two orthogonally polarized laser fields, Chinese Optics Letters, 16, 040203 (2018). [6] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Jinbin Li, Shengwei Yue, and Bitao Hu, Process of selection rules in high-order harmonic generation, Journal of atomic and molecular sciences, 5, 10-17 (2017). [7] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Jinbin Li, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength dependence of high-harmonic yield in stretched molecules, Chemical Physics, 494, 56-60 (2017). [8] Jinbin Li, Xiao Zhang, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, Bitao Hu, and Hongchuan Du*, Enhancement of the second plateau in solid high-order harmonic spectra by the two-color fields, Optics Express, 25, 18603 (2017). [9] Shengjun Yue, Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Shan Xue, Jiachen Zhao, and Bitao Hu, Theoretical study of the odd-even-order harmonic generation generation for asymmetric ions in non-Born-Oppenheimer approximation, Chinese Physics B, 26, 074215 (2017). [10] Hongchuan Du*, Jinbin Li, Huiqiao Wang, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Enhancing subcycle interference of photoelectron with a linearly polarized two-color field, Physics Letters A, 381, 1563 (2017). [11] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du*, Shengjun Yue, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength dependence of electron localization of H2+ and its isotopomers in the UV-pump-probe scheme, Chinese Physics B, 26, 058201 (2017). [12] Hongchuan Du*, Shengjun Yue, Huiqiao Wang, Hongmei Wu, and Bitao Hu, Reexaming the high-order harmonic generation of HD molecule in non-Born-Oppenheimer approximation, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 144, 114308 (2016). [13] Hongchuan Du*, Hongmei Wu, Huiqiao Wang, Shengjun Yue, and Bitao Hu, Theoretical scheme for simultaneously observing forward-backward photoelectron holography, Optics Letters, 41, 697-700 (2016). [14] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Zhilei Zhang, and Bitao Hu, Nonadiabatic spectral redshift of high-order harmonics with the help of a VUV pulse, Physical Review A, 91, 063844 (2015). [15] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du,* Yue Xia, and Bitao Hu, Effects of nuclear motion on the ionization-induced terahertz radiation of H2+ in intense few-cycle laser pulses, Physical Review A, 92, 013420 (2015). [16] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Yizhen Wen, and Bitao Hu, Generating elliptically polarized isolated attosecond pulses from the 2p0 state of He+ with a linearly polarized two-color field, Opt. Communications, 338, 422(2015). [17] Shan Xue, Hongchuan Du,* Yue Xia, and Bitao Hu, Generation of isolated attosecond pulses in bowtie-shaped nanostructure with three-color spatially inhomogeneous fields, Chinese Physics B, 24, 054210(2015). [18] Hongchuan Du*, Shan Xue, Huiqiao Wang, Yizhen Wen, and Bitao Hu, Wavelength scaling of high-order harmonic yield from a Rydberg atom in few-cycle pulse, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 31, 1621 (2014). [19] Hongchuan Du, Yizhen Wen, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Role of excited states in the elliptically polarized harmonic generation, Chinese Physics B, 23, 033202(2014). [20] Hongchuan Du*, Yizhen Wen, Xiaoshan Wang, and Bitao Hu, Intense supercontinuum generation exceeding 300eV using a two-color field in combination with a 400-nm few-cycle control pulse, Optics Express, 21, 21337 (2013).

