2023-05-11 09:11
  • 丁元春
  • 丁元春 - 讲师 硕导-江西理工大学-资源与环境工程学院-个人资料




教育经历:1998.9-2002.6 江西理工大学,安全技术及工程,本科; 2002.9-2005.6 江西理工大学,安全科学与工程,硕士; 2011.9-2014.11 中国科技大学,安全科学与工程,博士。 工作经历:2002.7-至今 江西理工大学, 教师




(1) Y.C. Ding, L.Z. Yang, F.L. Weng, Z.J. Fu and P. Rao, Investigation of Combined Stairs Elevators Evacuation Strategies for High-rising Buildings Based on Simulation, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2015, 53: 60-73, SCI, IF=1.050; EI.
(2)Y.C. Ding, L.Z. Yang, P. Rao and K.J. Zhu, Comparative Study of Evacuation Strategies for High-rise Building via Combination of Stair and Elevator Based on Computer Simulation, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, under review, SCI, IF=0.882; EI.
(3)Y.C. Ding and L.Z. Yang, Occupant Evacuation Process Study of Public Buildings Based on Computer Modeling and Simulation, Journal of applied fire science, 2013-2014, 23(3): 365-380, EI.
(4)Y.C. Ding, L.Z. Yang and P. Rao, Investigating the merging behavior at the floor-stair interface of high-rise building based on computer simulations, 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology, pp. 463-469, Hefei, 17-20 Oct. 2012. (会上口头报告 )
(5)Y.C. Ding, L.Z. Yang, K.J. Zhu and T.L. Zhang, Optimal Emergency Evacuation Control in High-rising Buildings Based on Modeling and Simulation, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2013, 5(4): 190-197.
(6)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng, J. Ge, L.M. Liang and G.L. Yang, Finite-Time Vibration-attenuation Controller design for Structural systems with parameter uncertainties, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 673174, 11 pages, SCI, IF=0.500.
(7)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and L.M. Liang, Active Vibration Attenuation for Uncertain Buildings Structural Systems with Sensor Faults, Journal of computers, 2013, 8(12): 3072~3078, EI.
(8)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and Z.A. Yu, Actuator saturation and control design for buildings structural systems with improved uncertainty description, Shock and Vibration, 2013; 20 (2): 297-308, SCI, IF=0.535; EI.
(9)丁元春, 翁发禄。 基于突变理论的高层建筑火灾安全综合评价, 建筑科学 , 2012, 28(1): 22-25, 中文核心.
(10)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and J.P. Yu, Applying BP Neural Network in High-rising Buildings Fire Risk Assessment, The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, pp. 160-164, Harbin, 18-20 Jan. 2011, EI.
(11)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and X.H. Jiang, The Research on Catastrophe Theory’s Application in High-rising Buildings Fire Risk Assessment, 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, pp. 6521-6524, Nanjing, 24-26 June 2011, EI.
(12) Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and X.H. Jiang, Applying Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process in High-rising Buildings Fire Risk Assessment, The International Conference on Security Science and Technology, pp. 90-94, Chongqing, 21-23 Jan. 2011.
(13)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng, J. Ge, Q. Liang and X. Zhi, Conditions for Uncertain Singular Systems with Time-Varying Delay, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014, Article ID 796596, 8 pages, SCI, IF=1.082; EI.
(14) Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng and W.J. Mao, Improved Stability and Stabilization Criteria of Singular System with Time-delay and Parameter Uncertainties, Journal of Information and Computational Science, 2013, 10(18): 6067-6076, EI.
(15)Y.C. Ding, F.L. Weng, M.K. Tang, J. Ge, Active vibration- attenuation controller design for uncertain structural systems with input time-delay, Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2015, 14 (3): 477-486, SCI, IF=0.550; EI.

