学科专业:世界经济、国际贸易讲授课程:国际金融、市场营销、财政学本科生课程:财政学、市场营销、金融风险管理、大学生创新创业基础 主持承担科研项目及经费:(1) 江西省高校人文社会科学研究青年项目, “一带一路”中俄商品贸易风险防范研究,2017/07-2019/12,1万元,在研,主持.(2)江西理工大学博士科研启动基金资助项目, “一带一路”战略下中俄商品贸易结构优化研究,2016/09-2018/09,5万元,在研,主持.研究领域
(1)Chen Jun.Structural changes in foreign trade of the PRC in modern conditions.[M], Publishing House“Kruhozir”,2016.(2)Economic cooperation of China and ASEAN ,Ukrainian science: Past, Present, Future / K .: Ternopol TNEU - 2014, Volume 19 (Part 2) ,237-241.(3)Changes in the foreign policy of China at the present stage,Scientific Bulletin of Kherson State University Series: Economics / K .: Kherson - 2014, Volume 8 (Section 7), 37-40.(4)Analysis of the dynamics and prospects of China's foreign trade, Actual problems of international relations. Scientific works of Institute of Kiev University. Shevchenko / C .: IIR KNU - 2014, Volume 123 (Part 1), 161-172.(5)Foreign policy of China in the context of globalization, Efficient economy / Article received on 11/19/2014, 99-106.(6) Features of state regulation of foreign trade in China, Foreign trade, economics, finance, law. / K .: Science journal, - No. 4 (75) / 2014, 99-106.(7)How to strengthen China's foreign policy in Africa,Bukovina State Finance and Economics University Journal of Science Economics / K .Chernivsti - 2015, Volume 28 (Section 3), 12-17.(8) Trade relations between Ukraine and China, Journal of global economy review / Volume 2. No.1, March 2015, 76-81. 相关热点
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