2023-05-11 08:46
  • 骆昱晖
  • 骆昱晖 - 副教授-江苏海洋大学-化学工程学院-个人资料




2015年07月-至今,江苏海洋大学 材料科学与工程系\r
2015年11月-2018年09月,南京师范大学 博士后\r
2018年11月-2019年11月,香港城市大学 访问学者\r
发表论文70余篇,其中ESI TOP1%高被引论文3篇


"""""1. 新型MOF/COF的设计合成及性能研究\r
2. MOF/COF基光催化材料的制备及在环境治理中的应用\r
3. MOF/COF衍生材料用于电化学识别生物小分子"


Wu-Yue Geng, Shu-Fang Guo, Hao Zhang, Yu-Hui Luo,*Feng-Yu Chen, Zhi-Xuan Wang, Dong-En Zhang*, Assembly of anthracene-baseddonor-acceptor conjugated organic polymers for efficient photocatalytic aqueousCr(VI) reduction and organic pollutions degradation under visible light, Journalof Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 310, 123004\r
Kai Zhu, Jie Wang, Yu-Hui Luo,* Yu Zhang, Xin-QinCai, Bo-Tao Liu, Qing-Yu Zhang, Hai-Ying Wu, Zun-Zheng Liu, Dong-En Zhang*, Facilesynthesis of bowknot-like cerous phosphate as a bifunctional sensor forascorbic acid detection, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2022, 307, 122745.\r
Hao Zhang, Zi-Jun Ding, Yu-Hui Luo,* Wu-Yue Geng,Zhi-Xuan Wang, Dong-En Zhang*, Assembly of a rod indium-organic framework withfluorescence property for selective sensing of Cu2+, Fe3+and nitroaromatics in water, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 667-673\r
Wu-Yue Geng,#,a Xin-Xin Lu,#,b Hao Zhang,a Yu-HuiLuo,*,a Zhi-Xuan Wang,a Shu-Fang Guo,a Dong-En Zhang*,a, Rational design ofdonor-acceptor triazine organic frameworks for efficient photocatalytic Cr(VI)reduction and dye degradation under visible-light, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.seppur.2022.120829\r
Kai Zhu, Xin-Qin Cai, Yu-Hui Luo,* Bo-Tao Liu,Qing-Yu Zhang, Tong-Tong Hu, Zun-Zheng Liu, Hai-Ying Wu, and Dong-En Zhang*, Facileassembly of flower-like CePO4 with hierarchical structure for thesimultaneous electrochemical detection of dopamine, uric acid and acetaminophen,New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 4611-4619\r
Ji Wu, Hao Zhang, Yu-Hui Luo,* Wu-Yue Geng,Ya-Qian Lan*, A microporous cationic Ga(III)-MOF with fluorescence propertiesfor selective sensing Fe3+ ion and nitroaromatic compounds, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2022, 43(1), 20210617\r
Bo-Tao Liu, Xin-Qin Cai, Yu-Hui Luo,* Kai Zhu,Qing-Yu Zhang, Tong-Tong Hu, Ting-Ting Sang, Cheng-Yan Zhang, Dong-En Zhang*, Facilesynthesis of nickel@carbon nanorod composite for simultaneously electrochemicaldetection of dopamine and uric acid, Microchemical Journal, 2021, 171, 106823\r
Hao Zhang, Wu-Yue Geng, Yu-Hui Luo,* Zi-Jun Ding,Zhi-Xuan Wang, A-Di Xie, Dong-En Zhang*, Assembly of a pyrene-basedzinc(II)-organic framework with fluorescence property for selective sensing ofnitroaromatic compounds, Polyhedron, 2021, 208, 115439\r
Hao Zhang,# Ji Wu,# Wu-Yue Geng, Yu-Hui Luo,*Zi-Jun Ding, Zhi-Xuan Wang, Dong-En Zhang**, An interpenetrated anionicIn(III)-MOF with efficient adsorption/separation for organic dyes and selectivesensing performances for Fe3+ ion and nitroaromatic compounds, Journalof Solid State Chemistry, 2021, 302, 122424\r
Xin-Qin Cai, Kai Zhu, Bo-Tao Liu, Qing-Yu Zhang,Yu-Hui Luo*, Dong-En Zhang*, γ-Fe2O3/CNTs composites forelectrochemical detection of paracetamol: synthesis, phase transition andenhanced properties, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168, 057511\r
A-Di Xie,# Ming-Gai Hu,# Yu-Hui Luo,* Xiang-GuiZhu, Zhi-Hui Wang, Wu-Yue Geng, Hao Zhang, Dong-En Zhang,* Hong Zhang*, Synthesisof a stable iron(III)-organic framework for visible light induced simultaneousphotocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) and degradation of organic dyes in water, NewJ. Chem., 2021, 45, 13406-13414.\r
Wu-Yue Geng, Hao Zhang, Yu-Hui Luo,* Xiang-GuiZhu, A-Di Xie, Jie Wang, Dong-En Zhang*, Facile fabrication of carbon-loadedcovalent-organic framework composites with enhanced electrochemical performancefor dopamine determination, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2021, 323,111186\r
Hao Zhang, Wu-Yue Geng, Yu-Hui Luo*, Zi-Jun Ding, Zhi-XuanWang, A-Di Xie, Dongen Zhang*, Reticular synthesis of two anionic Zn(II)-MOFsfor organic dyes adsorption/separation and lanthanide ions sensitization, CrystEngComm,2021, 23, 3319-3325\r
Zhongming Huang,# Yu-Hui Luo,#,* Wu-Yue Geng,Yingpeng Wan, Shengliang Li,* Chun-Sing Lee*, Marriage of 2D covalent-organic frameworkand 3D network as stable solar-thermal still for efficient solar steam generation,Small Methods, 2021, 5, 2100036\r
Jun-Jie Fu,# Jian-Gang Wo,# Yu-Hui Luo*, A-Di Xie,Ji Wu, Yuan-Yuan Zhang*, Yi-Bo Zhao, Dong-En Zhang, Self-assembly of threenovel entangled polyoxometalate-based coordination polymers with redoxproperties, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2021, 294, 121839\r
Yu-Hui Luo*, A-Di Xie, Ming-Gai Hu, Ji Wu, Dong-EnZhang, Ya-Qian Lan*, Assembly of two mesoporous anionic metal-organic frameworksfor fluorescent sensing of metal ions and organic dyes separation, InorganicChemistry 2021, 60, 1, 167–174. ESI Top 1% 高被引论文\r
Aiyun Zhu, Jie Pan, Yan Liu, Feng Chen, XinxinBan*, Suyu Qiu, Yuhui Luo*, Qingzheng, Zhu, Jianmin Yu, Weiwei Liu*, A noveldibenzimidazole-based fluorescent organic molecule as a turn-off fluorescentprobe for Cr3+ ion with high sensitivity and quick response, Journalof Molecular Structure, 1206, 2020, 127696\r
Yu-Hui Luo, A-Di Xie, Wen-Cheng Chen*, Dong Shen,Dong-En Zhang,* Zhi-Wei Tong, Chun-Sing Lee*, Multifunctional anionicindium–organic frameworks for organic dye separation, white-light emission anddual-emitting Fe3+ sensing, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 14897-14903.\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Long-Zhang Dong, Jiang Liu, Shun-LiLi*, Ya-Qian Lan*, From molecular metal complex to metal-organic framework: TheCO2 reduction photocatalysts with clear and tunable structure, CoordinationChemistry Reviews, 2019, 390, 86-126. ESI Top 1% 高被引论文\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Meng-De Zhu, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Hao Xu,Zhi-Wei Tong*, Xiao-Yang Yu*, Solvent-dependent assembly of porouscoordinationpolymers based on Keggin-type [SiW12O40]4–,Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2019, 72, 419-427\r
Zhenyu Shi*, Feifei Li, Jie Zhao, Xiao-Yang Yu*,Yuguo Zheng, Zhe Chen, Qingqing Guo, Guoyi Zhang, Yuhui Luo*, A 3Dinorganic-organic hybrid constructed from Strandberg-type polyoxometalates andsilver complexes: Synthesis, structure and properties, Inorganic ChemistryCommunications, 2019, 102, 104-107\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Li-Qiang Yi, Jia-Ni Lu, Long-Zhang Dong,Ya-Qian Lan*, A stable polyoxometalate-based porous coordination polymer withhigh proton conductivity, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 6077-6081\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Bo Li, Dong-En Zhang, Juan-Juan Ma,Lin Liu, Zhi-Wei Tong, A polypseudorotaxane coordination polymercomprisingPreyssler-type phosphotungstate and flexible N-donor ligands, Journal ofCoordination Chemistry, 2017, 70, 36-43\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Chuan-Zhou Tao, Dong-En Zhang,Juan-Juan Ma, Lin Liu, Zhi-Wei Tong, Xiao-Yang Yu, Three new three dimensionalZn(II)-benzenetetracarboxylate coordination polymers: Syntheses, crystalstructures and luminescent properties, Polyhedron, 2017, 123, 69-74\r
Xiao-Yang Yu, Xiao Zhang, Zhi-Gang Liu, Xiao-BingCui, Jia-Ning Xu*, Yu-Hui Luo*, Syntheses and structures of threesupramolecular complexes based on2-(pyridine-2-yl)-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid, Journal of MolecularStructure, 2017, 1147, 747-753\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Zhong-Ling Lang, Xin-Xin Lu, Wen-WenMa, Yan Xu, Hong Zhang*, Assembly of a high stable POM-based Cu(I) coordinationpolymer with visible-light-driven photocatalytic properties, InorganicChemistry Communications, 2016, 72, 13-16\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Bo Li, Xiao-Yang Yu, Chao-Ming Han,Xin-Xin Lu, Hong Zhang*, Xin Chen*, Self-assembly of four functionalcoordination polymers based on α-{P2W18O62}6-, Polyhedron, 2015, 85, 705-711\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Ling-Ling Gu, Xiao-Yang Yu, Feng-XiaYue, Xin Chen*, Hong Zhang*, A novel 3D self-catenated coordination polymer withmultiform helical chains, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2014, 40, 176-180\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Xiao-Yang Yu, Hong Zhang*, Twounprecedented entangled coordination polymers based on α-{SiW12O40}4−, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16,6664-6669\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Xin-Xin Lu, Hong Zhang*, Anultrastable, flexible POM-based coordination polymer with redox properties, CrystEngComm,2014, 16, 7865-7868\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Xiao-Yang Yu, Jia-Jun Yang, Hong Zhang*,An eight-connected porous metal-organic framework based on hetero pentanuclearclusters, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 47-50\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Feng-Xia Yue, Xiao-Yang Yu, Xin Chen*,Hong Zhang*, Coordination polymers of lanthanide complexes with benzenedicarboxylato ligands, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 6340-6348.\r
Yu-Hui Luo, Feng-Xia Yue, Xiao-Yang Yu, Ling-LingGu, Hong Zhang*, Xin Chen, A series of entangled ZnII/CdIIcoordination polymers constructed from 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate acid andflexible triazole ligands, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 8116-8124.

