2023-05-11 08:44
  • 宫俊琰
  • 宫俊琰 - 副教授-江苏海洋大学-化学工程学院-个人资料




1993年9月-1997年7月 聊城大学化学系学习,获学士学位
2003年9月-2008年7月 中国科学技术大学化学系硕博连读,获理学博士学位




1) High quality Self-Assembly Magnetite (Fe3O4) Chain-Like Core-Shell Nanowires with Luminescence Synthesized by a Facile One-Pot Hydrothermal Process. Junyan Gong, Shanzhong Li, Dongen Zhang, Xiaobo Zhang, Chao Liu, Zhiwei Tong. Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 3514-3516.
2) Synthesis of Self-assembled Magnetite (Fe3O4) Chain-like Core-Shell Nanowires by a Facile One-step Process. Junyan gong、xiaobo zhang、dongen zhang、tianlin zhang、zhiwei tong. Chemistry Letters, 2011, 40, 66-67.
3) Fabrication of zinc sulphide hierarchical hollow spheres with photocatalytic property by a mild organic acid-assisted route.
JunYan Gong, ZhiAn Cai, DongEn Zhang, XiaoBo Zhang, Chao Liu, ZhiWei Tong. Micro & Nano Letters, 2010, 5, 171–174.
4) A General Approach for Synthesis of a Family of Functional Inorganic Nanotubes Using Highly Active Carbonaceous Nanofibres as Templates. Junyan Gong, Shirui Guo, Haisheng Qian, Weihong Xu, Shuhong Yu. Journal of Material Chemistry 2009, 19, 1037-1042.
5) PVA-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Copper@Carbonaceous Submicrocables: Thermal Stability, and Their Conversion into Amorphous Carbonaceous Submicrotubes. Junyan Gong, Shuhong Yu, Haisheng Qian, Linbao Luo, Taiwei Li. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2007, 111, 2490-2496.
6) Synthesis of Copper/cross-linked Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) Nanocables via a Simple Hydrothermal Route. Junyan Gong, Linbao Luo, Shuhong Yu, Haisheng Qian, Linfeng Fei. Journal of Material Chemistry 2006, 16, 101-105.
7) Acetic Acid-assisted Solution Process for Growth of Complex Copper Sulfide Microtubes Constructed by Hexagonal Nanoflakes.
Junyan Gong, Shuhong Yu, Haisheng Qian, Linbao Luo, Xianming Liu. Chemistry of Materials 2006,
8) Novel Biocompatible Silver/Phenol Formaldehyde Core/Shell Structure: Large Scale Synthesis and In-Vivo Imaging. Shirui Guo, Junyan Gong, Peng Jiang, Mian Wu, Yang Lu, Shuhong Yu. Advanced Functional Materials 2008, 18, 872-879.
9) Mesocrystals of Rutile TiO2: Mesoscale Transformation, Crystallization, and Growth by a Biologic Molecules-Assisted Hydrothermal Process. Shujuan Liu, Junyan Gong, Bo Hu, Shuhong Yu. Crystal Growth & Design 2009, 9, 203-209.

