2023-05-11 03:25
  • 高华东
  • 高华东 - 副教授-华中科技大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




Huadong Gao’s research focuses on numerical methods for PDEs that arise from modeling scientific and engineering problems. One major research interest is in numerical methods for nonlinear parabolic equations. 欢迎报考硕士生,将为优秀的学生提供国内外深造机会,期待您的参与:请联系:huadong@hust.edu.cn.
[1] 2011.8~2014.8香港城市大学 - 理学博士学位 - 研究生(博士)毕业
[2] 2008.9~2011.6南开大学 - 理学硕士学位 - 研究生(硕士)毕业
[3] 2004.8~2008.7大连理工大学 - 理学学士学位 - 本科(学士)
[1] 2017.11~至今华中科技大学 | 数学与统计学院 | 副教授
[2] 2014.9~2017.10华中科技大学 | 数学与统计学院 | 讲师


Applied Mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computing""


[1]Gao, Huadong; Qiu, Weifeng The pointwise stabilities of piecewise linear finite element method on non-obtuse tetrahedral meshes of nonconvex polyhedra, J. Sci. Comput., 87(2021), no. 2, Paper No. 53..
[2]Rong An, Huadong Gao and Weiwei Sun, Optimal Error Analysis of Euler and Crank--Nicolson Projection Finite Difference Schemes for Landau--Lifshitz Equation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., (59)2021, 1639–1662..
[3]Huadong Gao, Weiwei Sun, Chengda Wu.Huadong Gao.Huadong Gao, Weiwei Sun, Chengda Wu. Optimal error estimates and recovery technique of a mixed finite element method for nonlinear thermistor equations, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, accepted..
[4]Huadong Gao and Weiwei Sun. Optimal error analysis of Crank-Nicolson lowest-order Galerkin-mixed FEM for incompressible miscible flow in porous media, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, (36)2020, 1773–1789, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/num.22503..
[5]Huadong Gao, Lili Ju, Xiao Li and Ravindra Duddu, A space-time adaptive finite element method with exponential time integrator for the phase field model of pitting corrosion, Journal of Computational Physics, 406(2020), 109191..
[6]Huadong Gao, Lili Ju, Ravindra Duddu, Hongwei Li. An efficient second-order linear scheme for the phase field model of corrosive dissolution,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 367(2020), pp. 112472..
[7]Huadong Gao, Lili Ju, Wen Xie. A linearized gauge invariant numerical method for the time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 80(2019), pp. 1083-1115..
[8]Huadong Gao, Weifeng Qiu. A linearized energy preserving finite element method for the dynamical incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,346(2019), pp. 982–1001.
[9]Huadong Gao, Pengtao Sun. A linearized conservative mixed finite element method for Poisson–Nernst–Planck equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 77(2018), pp. 793–817..
[10]Huadong Gao, Weifeng Qiu. Error analysis of mixed finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic equations, Journal of Scientific Computing, 77(2018), 1660–1678

