2023-05-11 01:10
  • 谭成全
  • 谭成全 - 博士 副教授 硕导-华南农业大学-动物科学学院-个人资料




获湖北省科技进步一等奖1项。以第一作者或通讯作者在畜牧主流经典杂志Animal Nutrition, Journal of animal science, Animal, Animal feed science and technology, 动物营养学报,中国畜牧兽医等发表论文27篇。主持国家自然科学基金、广东省自然科学基金及企业横向课题8项。
2019-2020:TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY,Animal Science,Visiting scholar
1. 2019年获国家留学基金委资助公派留学。 2. 2018年获得湖北省科技进步一等奖。
2)广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,2021A1515012116,2021/01-2023/12,在研,主持。 3) 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,2019A1515011443,2019/10-2022/09,在研,主持。
4) 广东省自然科学基金-博士科研启动项目,2017A030310398,2017/05-2020/04,在研,主持。 5) 广东省畜禽地方品种保护与开发利用提升工程,2019/05-2021/05,在研,课题骨干。
6) 横向合作课题,h2018448,2018/10-2021/11,在研,主持。
7) 横向合作课题,h2016453,2017/01-2019/06,结题,主持。
8) 国家自然科学基金-重大项目,31790411,2018/01-2022/12,在研,课题骨干
本团队所在实验室现有广东省动物营养调控重点实验室”和“华南动物营养与饲料科学观测实验站”。设有动物营养研究常规分析实验室、动物分子营养分析实验室、细胞培养室、细胞学实验室、细菌培养室、生化分析室。设备包括TECAN Infinite多功能酶标仪(M200型)、安捷伦超高效液相色谱仪(1290)、安捷伦气-质联用仪(5975-7890A)、日立全自动氨基酸分析仪(L-8800)、岛津紫外可见分光光度计(UV-2450、UV-2300)、ABI实时荧光定量 PCR仪(7900)、Bio Rad化学发光凝胶成像系统(Chemi oc XRS+)、徕卡倒置荧光显微镜(DMI3000B)、德国 Christ离心浓缩系统(RVC2-25 CD)和日立冷冻超速离心(CR22 GII)等仪器设备。


1)生猪营养调控;2)新型饲料添加剂功能开发及其产品应用。"1. 生猪营养调控
2. 新型饲料添加剂功能开发及其产品的应用"


1. Yunyu Yang#, Ming Deng#, Jianzhao Chen, Xichen Zhao, Kaili Xiao, Wenliang He, Xinggang Qiu, Yanzhen Xu, Yulong Yin*, Chengquan Tan*. Starch supplementation improves the reproductive performance of sows in different glucose tolerance status. Animal Nutrition 2021 (Accept). JCRQ1. IF2019 =4.492.
2. Jinping Deng#, Chuanhui Cheng#, Haoyuan Yu, Shuangbo Huang, Xiangyu Hao, Jianzhao Chen, Jiansen Yao, Jianjun Zuo, Chengquan Tan*. Inclusion of wheat aleurone in gestation diets improves postprandial satiety, stress status and stillbirth rate of sows. Animal Nutrition 2020 (Accept). JCRQ1. IF2019 =4.492.
3. Chengjun Hu, Yunyu Yang, Minxia Chen, Xiangyu Hao, Shuqi Wang, Linfang Yang, Yulong Yin, Chengquan Tan*. A maternal high-fat/low-fiber diet impairs glucose tolerance and induces the formation of glycolytic muscle fibers in neonatal offspring. European Journal of Nutrition. 2020 (Accept). JCRQ1. IF2019 =4.664.
4. C. Q. Tan#, J. Y. Li#, Y. C. Ji, Y. Y. Yang, X. C. Zhao, M. X. Chen, Z. Q. Xin, L. J. Wen, Z. Y. Cui, G. Shua*, and Q. Y. Jiang* Effects of dietary supplementation of different amounts of yeast extract on oxidative stress, milk components, and productive performance of sows. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2020 (Accept). JCRQ1. IF2019 =2.582.
5. Chengquan Tan#,*, Yongcheng Ji# , Xichen Zhao, Zhongquan Xin, Jiaying Li, Shuangbo Huang, Zhiying Cui, Lijun Wen, Caihua Liu, Sung Woo Kim, Jinping Deng, Yulong Yin*. Effects of dietary supplementation of nucleotides to sows from late gestation to lactation on the performance and oxidative stress status of sows and their offspring. Animal Nutrition 2020 (Accept). JCRQ1. IF2019 =4.492.
6. Chengjun Hu, Yunyu Yang, Ming Deng, Linfang Yang, Gang Shu, Qingyan Jiang, Shuo Zhang, Xiaozhen Li, Yulong Yin, Chengquan Tan*, and Guoyao Wu. Placentae for Low Birth Weight Piglets Are Vulnerable to Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Impaired Angiogenesis. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2020; (8715412): 1-12. JCRQ1. IF2019 =5.076.
7. Chengjun Hu, Ping Jin, Yunyu Yang, Linfang Yang, Ziwei Zhang, Lin Zhang, Yulong Yin*, Chengquan Tan * Effects of different maternal feeding strategies from day 1 to day 85 of gestation on glucose tolerance and muscle development in both low and normal birth weight piglets. Journal of the science of food and agriculture 2020 (Accept).JCRQ1. IF2019 = 2.614.
8. Shuangbo Huang, Jianfu Wei, Haoyuan Yu, Xiangyu Hao, Jianjun Zuo, Chengquan Tan*, Jinping Deng*. Effects of Dietary Fiber Sources during Gestation on Stress Status, Abnormal Behaviors and Reproductive Performance of Sows. Animals 2021;10(141): 1-15.JCRQ1. IF2019 = 2.323.
9. Chengjun Hu, Yunyu Yang, Jiaying Li, Hao Wang, Chuanhui Cheng, Linfang Yang, Qiqi Li, Jinping Deng, Zuman Liang, Yulong Yin*, Zhengjun Xie, Chengquan Tan*. Maternal Diet-Induced Obesity Compromises Oxidative Stress Status and Angiogenesis in the Porcine Placenta by Upregulating Nox2 Expression. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2019; (2481592): 1-13. JCRQ1. IF2019 =5.076.
10. Y Y Yang, C J Hu, X C Zhao, K L Xiao, M Deng, L Zhang, X G Qiu, J P Deng, Y L Yin, C Q Tan*. Dietary energy sources during late gestation and lactation of sows: effects on performance, glucolipid metabolism, oxidative status of sows and their offspring. Journal of Animal Science 2019; 97 (11): 4608-4618. JCRQ1. IF2019= 2.092.
11. Chengjun Hu#, Weigang Xing#, Xiaohua Liu, Xiuzhu Zhang, Ke Li, Jia Liu, Baichuan Deng, Jinping Deng, Yong Li*, Chengquan Tan*. Effects of dietary supplementation of probiotic Enterococcus faecium on growth performance and gut microbiota in weaned piglets. AMB Express 2019; (9) 33: 1-12. JCRQ2. IF2019= 2.499.
12. Hao Wang, Chengjun Hu, Chuanhui Cheng, Jiajie Cui, Yongcheng Ji, Xiangyu Hao, Qiqi Li, Wenkai Ren, Baichuan Deng, Yulong Yin, Jinping Deng*, Chengquan Tan*. Unraveling the association of fecal microbiota and oxidative stress with stillbirth rate of sows. Theriogenology 2019; (136): 131-137.JCRQ1. IF2019= 2.094.
13. Hao Wang, Yongcheng Ji, Cong Yin, Ming Deng, Tianyue Tang, Baichuan Deng, Wenkai Ren, Jinping Deng*, Yulong Yin*, Chengquan Tan*. Differential analysis of gut microbiota correlated with oxidative stress in sows with high or low litter performance during lactation. Frontiers in Microbiology 2018; (9): 1665. 1-11 JCRQ1. IF2018= 4.259.
14. Chengquan Tan#, Zhenya Zhai#, Xiaojun Ni, Hao Wang, Yongcheng Ji, Tianyue Tang, Wenkai Ren, Hongrong Long, Baichuan Deng*, Jinping Deng*, Yu-long yin*. Metabolomic profiles reveal potential factors that correlate with lactation performance in sow milk. Scientific Reports 2018; (8): 10712, 1-9. JCRQ2. IF2018= 4.011.
15. Chengquan Tan, Haiqing Sun, Hongkui Wei, Junjie Tan, Guang Long, Siwen Jiang, Jian Peng*. Effects of soluble fiber inclusion in gestation diets with varying fermentation characteristics on lactational feed intake of sows over two successive parities. Animal 2018;12(7): 1388-1395. 区; JCRQ1. IF2018= 2.026.
16. Chengquan Tan, Hongkui Wei, Xichen Zhao, Chuanhui Xu, Jian Peng*. Effects of dietary fibers with high water-binding capacity and swelling capacity on gastrointestinal functions, food intake and body weight in male rats. Food & Nutrition Research 2017, 61(1):1308118, 1-8. JCRQ1. IF2017= 2.086.
17. Chengquan Tan, Hongkui Wei, Jiangtao Ao, Guang Long, Jian Peng*. Inclusion of konjac flour in the gestation diet changes the gut microbiota, alleviates oxidative stress, and improves insulin sensitivity in sows. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2016; 82(19): 5899-5909. JCRQ1. IF2016= 3.807.
18. Chengquan Tan, Hongkui Wei, Xichen Zhao, Chuanhui Xu, Yuanfei Zhou*, Jian Peng*. Soluble fiber with high water-binding capacity, swelling capacity, and fermentability reduces food intake by promoting satiety rather than satiation in rats. Nutrients 2016; 8(10): 615, 1-15. JCRQ1. IF2016= 3.55.
19. Chengquan Tan, Hongkui Wei, Haiqing Sun, Guang Long, Jiangtao Ao, Siwen Jiang*, Jian Peng*. Effects of supplementing sow diets during two gestations with konjac flour and Saccharomyces boulardii on constipation in peripartal period, lactation feed intake and piglet performance. Animal Feed Science and Technology 2015;( 210): 254-262.JCRQ1. IF2015= 1.713.
20. Chengquan Tan, Hongkui Wei, Haiqing Sun, Jiangtao Ao, Guang Long, Siwen Jiang, Jian Peng*. Effects of dietary supplementation of oregano essential oil to sows on oxidative stress status, lactation feed intake of sows and piglet performance. BioMed Research International 2015; (525218), 1-9. JCRQ2. IF2015= 2.134.
21. Haiqing Sun#, Chengquan Tan#, Hongkui Wei, Yi Zou, Guang Long, Jiangtao Ao, Hongxing Xue, Siwen Jiang*, Jian Peng*. Effects of different amounts of konjac flour inclusion in gestation diets on physio-chemical properties of diets, postprandial satiety in pregnant sows, lactation feed intake of sows and piglet performance. Animal Reproduction Science 2015; ( 152): 55-64. JCRQ2. IF2015= 1.377.
1 陈敏霞,杨芸瑜,谭成全. 淀粉与油脂对妊娠母猪糖脂代谢及其繁殖性能影响的研究进展. 中国畜牧兽医,2020, 47(12):3953-3964.
2 李绮琪,隋承融,杜令菲,江青艳*,谭成全*.胎盘糖代谢对猪宫内发育迟缓的调控作用[J]中国畜牧兽医,2020, 47(7):2122-2132.
3 郝翔宇, 王浩, 李绮琪, 郑雪玥, 伍子放, 谭成全*. 氧化应激与母仔猪肠道菌群的互作及其营养调控[J]. 中国饲料, 2019(17):16-21.
4 肖凯丽,印遇龙,张琳,邓百川,邓近平*, 谭成全*. 氨基酸对哺乳动物脂质代谢的调控及其作用机理. 中国畜牧兽医. 2017, 44(12), 90-98.
5 王浩,印遇龙,邓百川,邓近平*,谭成全*. 植物提取物的特性及其在母猪生产中的应用. 动物营养学报. 2017, 29( 11), 3852-3862.
6 谭成全,孙海清,彭健*. 日粮纤维的营养学功能及对母猪产仔数的影响. 饲料工业. 2012, 19, 17-22.
Animal Nutrition, Journal of animal science, Animal, Animal feed science and technology, 动物营养学报杂志审稿人。

