2023-05-10 19:55
  • 吕天全
  • 吕天全 - 教授-哈尔滨工业大学-理学院-个人资料




半导体量子结构中的电子态、极化子性质、电输运特性的理论研究 铁电薄膜物性的理论研究 强关联体系性质的理论研究


1、Pyroelectric properties of finite size ferroelectric thin films with structural transition zones. Jing Zhou, Tianquan Lü, Punan Sun, Wenguang Xie and Wenwu Cao. Physica B-Condensed Matter. 404, 2028-2033 (2009) 2、Theoretical study on the mechanism of abnormal dielectric susceptibility behaviors of ferroelectric bilayer films .Lian Cui, Tianquan Lü, Xu Xu, Jing Zhou. Journal of Applied Physics. 105, 104104 (2009) 3、Simple schemes for generating the three-atom W state and the Greenberger – Horne –Zeilinger state among nonidentical atoms. Xin Ji, Tian-Quan Lü and Shou Zhang. Physica Scripta. 79, 055402 (2009) 4、Accumulation in a Double Quantum Dot Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer. Haitao Yin, Tianquan Lü, Xiaojie Liu, Huijie Xue.Chinese Physics Letters. 26 , 047302 (2009) 5、Combined effect of the transition layer and interfacial coupling on the properties of ferroelectric bilayer film.Sun Pu-Nan, Cui Lian, Lü Tianquan. Chinese Physics B. 18 ,1658-1664 ( 2009) 6、Voltage-controllable spin-polarized transport through parallel-coupled double quantum dots with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Haitao Yin, Tianquan Lü, Xiaojie Liu, Huijie Xue.Physics Letters A . 373 , 285-291 ( 2009 ) 7、Phase transformation properties of finite size ferroelectric thin film with structural transition zones. Jing Zhou, Tianquan Lü, Lian Cui, Hui Chen, and Wenwu Cao. Journal of Applied Physics. 104, 124105 (2008) 8、Polarization properties of ferroelectric thin films on transverse Ising model. Punan Sun, Tianquan Lü , Hui Chen , Wenwu Cao. Physica Status Solidi b-Basic Solid State Physics . 245, 2599-2604 (2008 ) 9、Influence of surface transition layers on phase transformation and pyroelectric properties of ferroelectric thin film. Sun Pu-Nan, Lü Tian-Quan, Chen Hui and Cao Wen-Wu. Chinese Physics Letters. 25, 3422-3425 ( 2008 ) 10、Dielectric properties of ferroelectric thin films with surface transition layers. Hui Chen , Tianquan Lü , Lian Cui, Wenwu Cao. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications. 387, 1963-1971 (2008 )

