基于生命周期的水环境治理决策 城市污水与雨水处理与资源化 水处理中的膜技术 海绵城市建设理论与技术近期论文
1. Shunwen Bai, NanqiRen, Shijie You, XinyueZhao, YifanLi, Xiuheng Wang*. Modeling the oxygen-depleting potential and spatially differentiated effect of sewage organics in life cycle assessment for wastewater management. Science of The Total Environment, 2019, 655: 1071-1080. (IF=4.610) 2. Shunwen Bai, Xuedong Zhang, Yue Xiang, Xiuheng Wang*, Xinyue Zhao, NanqiRen*. HIT.WATER scheme: An integrated LCA-based decision-support platform for evaluation of wastewater discharge limits. Science of The Total Environment, 655, 2019, 1427-1438. (IF=4.610) 1. Shunwen Bai, Xueqin Zhu, Xiuheng Wang, Nanqi Ren*. Identify stakeholders@#% understandings of life cycle assessment results on wastewater related issues. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 622–623: 869-874(IF=4.610) 2. Xin Zhao, Xiuheng Wang, Bingfeng Liu, Guojun Xie, Defeng Xing*. Characterization of manganese oxidation by Brevibacillus at different ecological conditions. Chemosphere. 205 (2018) 553-558. 1. Xin Du, Shijie You, Xiuheng Wang*, Qiuru Wang, Jiandong Lu. Switchable and simultaneous oil/water separation induced by prewetting with a superamphiphilic self-cleaning mesh. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 313: 398–403. (IF 6.216, SCI) 2. Shijie You, Jiandong Lu, Chuyang Y. Tang, Xiuheng Wang*. Rejection of heavy metals in acidic wastewater by a novel thin-film inorganic forward osmosis membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 320: 532–538. (IF 6.216, SCI) 3. Shunwen Bai, Xiuheng Wang*, Gjalt Huppes, Xinyue Zhao, Nanqi Ren. Using site-specific life cycle assessment methodology to evaluate Chinese wastewater treatment scenarios: A comparative study of sitegeneric and site-specific methods. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 144: 1-7. (IF 5.715, SCI) 4. Shunwen Bai, Xiuheng Wang, Xuedong Zhang, Xinyue Zhao and Nanqi Ren*. Life cycle assessment in wastewater treatment: influence of site-oriented normalization factors, life cycle impact assessment methods, and weighting methods. RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 26335–26341. (IF 3.108, SCI) 5. Nanqi Ren, Qian Wang, Qiuru Wang, Hong Huang, Xiuheng Wang*. Upgrading to urban water system 3.0 through sponge city construction. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2017, 11(4): 9 (cover article) 相关热点