2023-05-10 15:47
  • 任芝
  • 任芝 - 副教授-华北电力大学(保定)-数学系-个人资料






Guiyin Zhang, Huan Song, Yang Liu, Zhanlong Zhao, Songtao Li, Zhi Ren, Optimization of experimental parameters about laser induced breakdown and measurement of soil elements, Optik, 165 (2018) 87-93
Songtao Li, Yang Liu, Zhi Ren※, Xiaohong Zhang, Guodong Liu. Electronic structure and half-metallicity of the heusler alloy Co2ZrGe. Journal of the Korean Physical Society . Vol.65, (2014) 1059-1062
Songtao Li, Yang Liu, Zhi Ren※, Xiaohong Zhang, Guodong Liu. Electronic structure and half-metallicity of heusler alloy Mn2RhAl. International Journal of Modern Physics B. Vol.27, (2013) 1350161
Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Xipai Liu, Reflective Chiral-homeotropic Liquid Crystal Displays, J. Solid State Phenomena, 181~182: 281~284 (2012).
S.T. Li, Zhi Ren※, Design of mobile phone internet of things at home---based on Java ME and Bluetooth technology. 2012 International Conference on Computer and Management , Vol. 1, 871-874.
Rui Dai, Shujing Chen, Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Dahe Liu, Defect modes in silver-doped photonic crystals made by holography using dichromated gelatin, Appl. Phys. B, 109:15-18(2012).
Z. Ren, S. T. Li, H. Z. Luo. Structure and magnetic properties of Fe2CoGe synthesized by ball-milling. J. Physica B, 405 , 2840-2843(2010).
Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Dahe Liu. Air Impurity in Holographic Photonic Crystals Made with Dichromated Gelatin, Proc.SPIE, Vol.7848, 7848H(2010).
Zhi Ren, Songtao Li, Dahe Liu. Electric Field Induced by Ion Cr3+ in Volume Hologram Made with Dichromated Gelatin. Photonics and Optoelectronic (2010).
Tianrui. Zhai, Zhi Ren,Rongkuo Zhao, Zhaona Wang,Lifeng Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Doping Defects in Two-Dimensional Holographic Photonic Crystals Using aContinuous-Wave Visible Laser,Chin. Phys. Lett, 26(5), 054201(1-3)(2009).
Ren Xiao-Bin,Zhai Tian-Rui,Ren Zhi,Lin Jing,Zhou Jing,Liu Da-He, The effect of nonlinear exposure on bandgap of three-dimensional holographic photonic crystal, J. Physics, 58(5), 3208-3213(2009).
Zhi Ren, Tianrui Zhai, Zhaona Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Complete band gaps in visible range achieved by material with low refractive index. Advanced Materials,Vol.20 (12),2337 – 2340(2008).
Tianrui. Zhai, Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Jing Zhou, Dahe Liu, Achieving Complete Bandgaps by Self-Similar Spherical Structure Using Low Refractive Index Materials, Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE, Vol. 20, 1066-1068(2008).
Zhi Ren, Zhaona Wang, Tianrui Zhai, Hua Gao, Dahe Liu and Xiangdong Zhang, Complex diamond lattice with wide band gaps in the visible range prepared by holography using a material with a low index of refraction, Phys. Rev. B, Vol.76, 035120(1-6)(2007).
Zhi Ren, Tianrui Zhai, and Dahe Liu, Complex diamond lattice with wide band gaps in the visible range prepared by holography using a material with a low index of refraction, Physics Letters A, Vol.371, 512-516(2007).

