2023-05-10 20:04
  • 张勇
  • 张勇 - 讲师-哈尔滨工业大学-能源科学与工程学院-个人资料




2014.11-2015.02, University of Minnesota Twin Cities,CSC-联合培养博士
2016.07-2017.12, 能源科学与工程学院,讲师
2018.01至今, 能源科学与工程学院,硕导,青年拔尖副教授
主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,中国博士后科学基金面上和特别资助等项目,迄今为止,在Physical Review B,ACS Photonics,Journal of Computational Physics, International of Heat and Mass Transfer和Optical Express等国际权威期刊发表一作SCI论文20余篇。
灭火泡沫传热机理研究,2019.01~2020.01, 校企合作,主持,在研;


1. 近场辐射换热(2017年~至今)
2. 辐射热光学 (2013年~至今)
3. 辐射传热反问题 (2013年~至今)


一、Journal Articles:
2020 年
[1] Zhang Yong, Zhou Cheng-Long, Yi Hong-Liang, Tan He-Ping, Radiative thermal diode based on the non-reciprocal graphene plasmons waveguides, Physical Review Applied 2020, 13, 034021
[2] Zhou Cheng-Long, Zhang Yong#, Qu Lei, Yi Hong-Liang*. Near-field negative electroluminescent cooling via nanoparticle doping. JQSRT, 2020, 245: 1-9.
[3] Zhang Yong#, Cheng-Long Zhou#, Lei Qu, Hong-Liang Yi*, Active Control of Near-
Field Radiative Heat Transfer through Nonreciprocal Graphene Surface Plasmons. Applied Physical Letter, 2020, 116, 151101.
[4] Zhou Cheng-Long, Qu Lei, Zhang Yong*, Yi Hong-Liang*, Fabry-Perot-cavity amplification of near-field thermal rectification, JQSRT, 2020, 251, 107023.
[5] Ming-Jian He, Hong Qi*, Ya-Tao Ren, Yi-Jun Zhao, Yong Zhang, Jia-Dong Song, Mauro Antezza. Radiative thermal switch driven by anisotropic black phosphorus plasmons, Optics Express, 2020, Accepted
[6] Yizhi Hu, Hongen Li, Yong Zhang, Yonggang Zhu, and Yue Yang. Enhanced near-field radiation in both TE and TM waves through excitation of Mie resonance. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 102, 125434 (2020).
[7]Zhou CL, Yang SH, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Active Control of Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer through Nonreciprocal Hyperbolic Graphene Plasmons. Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2020, Accepted.
[8] Qu L, Zhang Y, Fang JL, Yi HL. Steady-state temperature distribution under near-field radiative heat transfer inside a linear chain of polaritonic nanoparticles. JQSRT, 2020, In press.

[1] Zhang Yong, Yi Hong-Liang*, Tan He-Ping and Antezza Mauro*, Giant resonant radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles. Physical Review B 100, 134305 (2019).
[2] Zhang Yong, Antezza Mauro, Yi Hong-Liang*, Tan He-Ping, Metasurface-mediated anisotropic radiative heat transfer between nanoparticles, Physical Review B 100, 085426 (2019).
[3] Cun-Hai Wang, Yan-Yan Feng, Kai Yue, Xin-Xin Zhang, Yong Zhang, Hong-Liang Yi, Polarized radiative transfer in complex media exposed to external irradiation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 225 (2019) 166–179.
[4] Jing-Wen Shi, Hong Qi*, Jun-You Zhang, Ya-Tao Ren, Li-Ming Ruan, Yong Zhang. Simultaneous measurement of flame temperature and species concentration distribution from nonlinear tomographic absorption spectroscopy, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2020, 241: 106693
2018 (一作2篇)
[4] Zhang Yong, Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Multiple surface plasmon polaritons mediated near-field radiative heat transfer between graphene/vacuum multilayers. JQSRT, 2018, 221: 138-146.
[3] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Near-field radiative heat transfer between black phosphorus sheets via anisotropic surface plasmon polaritons. ACS Photonics, 2018, 5(9): 3739-3747.
[2] Luo XP, Wang CH, Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Multiscale solutions of Radiative Heat Transfer by the Discrete Unified Gas Kinetic Scheme. Physical Review E, 2018, 97, 063302.
[1] Wang CH, Qu L, Zhang Yong, Yi HL. Three-dimensional polarized radiative transfer simulation using discontinuous finite element method. JQSRT, 2018, 208: 108-124.
2017 (一作2篇)
[4] Zhang Yong, Xie XQ, Yi HL, Zhu JQ. Analysis of radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional semitransparent medium with piece-wise constant refractive index. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 115: 482-487.
[3] Zhang Yong, Yao FJ, Xie M, Yi HL. Analysis of polarized pulse propagation through one-dimensional scattering medium. JQSRT, 2017, 197: 141-153.
[2] Cun-Hai Wang, Yan-Yan Feng, Yong Zhang*, Hong-Liang Yi, and He-Ping Tan, Transient/time-dependent radiative transfer in a two-dimensional scattering medium considering the polarization effect, Vol. 25, No. 13 | 26 Jun 2017 | OPTICS EXPRESS 14621.
[1] CUN-HAI WANG, YONG ZHANG,* HONG-LIANG YI, AND MING XIE, Analysis of transient radiative transfer induced by an incident short-pulsed laser in a graded-index medium with Fresnel boundaries, Vol. 56, No. 7 / March 1 2017 / Applied Optics 1861.
2016 (一作4篇)
[5] Zhang Yong, Kim YJ, Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Polarized radiative transfer in two-dimensional scattering medium with complex geometries by natural element method. JQSRT, 2016, 179:59–71.
[4] Zhang Yong, Kim YJ, Yi HL, Tan HP. Vector radiative transfer in a multilayer medium by natural element method. JOSA A, 2016, 33(4): 576-588.
[3] Zhang Yong, Zhou PC, Ma Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a graded index slab with Fresnel surfaces. AIAA J Thermophysics Heat Transfer, 2016, 30 (3): 513-522.
[2] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for one-dimensional vector radiative transfer. Optics Express, 2016, 24(3): 2027-2046.
[1] Wang CH, Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional graded index medium by Monte Carlo method combined with the time shift and superposition principle. Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications, 2016, 69(6): 574–588.
2015 (一作3篇)
[3] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Analysis of transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional scattering graded index medium with diffuse energy pulse irradiation. Int J Thermal Sci., 2015, 87: 187-198.
[2] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Short-pulsed laser propagation in a participating slab with Fresnel surfaces by lattice Boltzmann method. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2015, 80: 717-726.
[1] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for short-pulsed laser transport in a multi-layer medium. JQSRT, 2015, 155: 75-89.
2014 (一作3篇)
[3] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element analysis for coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in semitransparent medium with irregular geometries. Int J Thermal Sci., 2014, 76: 30-42.
[2] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Lattice Boltzmann method for one-dimensional transient radiative transfer in graded index medium. JQSRT, 2014, 137, 1-12.
[1] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Xie M, Tan HP. Short-pulsed laser transport in two-dimensional scattering media by natural element method. JOSA A, 2014, 31(4):818-828.
2013 (一作5篇)
[5] Zhang Yong, Ma Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for solving radiative transfer with or without conduction in three-dimensional complex geometries. JQSRT, 2013, 129: 118-130.
[4] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for radiative heat transfer in a semitransparent medium with irregular geometries. J Computational Physics, 2013, 241: 18-34.
[3] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Natural element method for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional semitransparent medium. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 56: 411-423.
[2] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. Least-squares natural element method for radiative heat transfer in graded index medium with semitransparent surfaces. Int J Heat Mass Transfer, 2013, 66: 349-354.
[1] Zhang Yong, Yi HL, Tan HP. One-dimensional transient radiative transfer by lattice Boltzmann method. Optics Express, 2013, 21: 24532-24549.
二、Conference Articles:
[1] Zhang Yong, Yao FJ, Zhang HC, Yi HL.Transient vector radiative transfer in one-dimensional scattering media by the natural element method. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, RAD-16, June 6-10, 2016, Cappadocia, Turkey.

