2023-05-08 12:45
  • 杜浩
  • 杜浩 - 研究员 硕导-长江大学-动物科学学院-个人资料








[1]Hao Du, Junpeng Yao, Hai Zhou, Xiaoqian Leng, Jinping Wu, Shan He, Jiang Luo, Xufang Liang, Qiwei Wei, Qingsong Tan. Optimal dietary lipid level promoted ovary development of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) broodstocks. Aquaculture 495 (2018) 288–294
[2]Hao Du, Xiaoyan Zhang, Xiaoqian Leng, Shuhuan Zhang, Jiang Luo, Zhigang Liu, Xingmei Qiao, Boyd Kynard, Qiwei Wei, 2017. Gender and gonadal maturity stage identification of captive Chinese sturgeon, , using ultrasound imagery and sex steroids, General and Comparative Endocrinology, 245, 36-43.
[3]Du, H.(#),Wei, Q-W.(*),Xie, X.,Shi, L-L.,Wu, J-M.,Qiao, X-M.,Liu, Z. G.,Improving swimming capacity of juvenile Dabry's sturgeon, (Acipenser dabryanus Dumeril, 1869) in current-enriched culture tanks,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2014.12.01,30(6):1445~1450
[4]Du, H.(#),Wang, C. Y.(#),Wei, Q. W.(*),Zhang, H.,Wu, J. M.,Li, L.,Distribution and movement of juvenile and sub-adult Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835) in the Three Gorges Reservoir and the adjacent upstream free-flowing Yangtze River section: a re-introduction trial,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2013.12.01,29(6):1383~1388
[5]Wang, C. Y.(#),Du, H.(#),Zhang, H.,Wu, J. M.,Liu, Z. G.,Wei, Q. W.(*),Migration of juvenile and sub-adult Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835 in the Yangtze River, China below the Gezhouba Dam,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2014.12.01,30(6):1109~1114
[8]Du, H.(#),Wei, Q. W.(*),Zhang, H.,Liu, Z.,Wang, C.,Li, Y.,Bottom substrate attributes relative to bedform morphology of spawning site of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis below the Gezhouba dam,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2011.4.01,27(2):257~262
[9]Ban, X.(#),Du, H.(#),Wei, Q. W.(*),Fish preference for hydraulic habitat in typical middle reaches of Yangtze River, China,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2013.12.01,29(6):1408~1415
[12]Yue, H. -M.(#),Cao, H.,Chen, X. -H.,Ye, H.,Li, C. -J.(*),Du, H.(*),Molecular characterization of the cDNAs of two zona pellucida genes in the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis Gray, 1835,Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2014.12.01,30(6):1273~1281

