受教育经历2018/04-2019/04 美国纽约大学医学院 访问学者2010/09-2013/06 四川大学,生命科学学院,博士2007/09-2010/06 四川大学,生命科学学院,硕士2003/09-2007/06 湖北师范大学,生物系,学士工作经历2015/11—至今 成都医学院,生物科学与技术学院,副教授2013/06—2015/10 成都医学院,生物科学与技术学院,讲师2012/01—2012/12 四川大学, 生命科学学院,助教获奖2016年5月荣获全国医学细胞生物学大会青年教师讲课比赛一等奖2015年4月荣获全国细胞生物学大会青年教师讲课比赛二等奖2014年7月获得“成都医学院年度优秀党务工作者和”称号以及“教学进步奖”2014年“创青春”四川省大学生创新创业大赛银奖(指导老师)2013年成都医学院第18届青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖2012年四川大学“博士研究生国家奖学金”近期论文
Junsong Yuan, Zhihong Wang, Di Zou,Quekun Peng, Rui Peng, Fangdong Zou. Expression profiling of planarians shed light on a dual role of programmed cell death during the regeneration. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2018Kun Zhang, Minhui Li, Houyi Huang, Linpeng Li, Jie Yang, Li Feng, Junjie Gou,Quekun Penget,al. Dishevelled1-3 contribute to multidrug resistance in colorectal cancer via activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Oncotarget. 2017; 8:115803-115816.Tan S, Wang Z, Jiang L, Peng R, Zhang T,Peng QK, Zou F et al. Molecular phylogeny and phylogeography of genus Pseudois (Bovidae, Cetartiodactyla): New insights into the contrasting phylogeographic structure. Ecol Evol. 2017;7:7047–7057.Ke Luo, Xiuhui Gu, Jing Liu,Quekun Peng, Li Zhu and Kun Zhang, Inhibition of disheveled-2 resensitizes cisplatin-resistant lung cancer cells through down-regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling,Experimental Cell Research,http: // dx. doi. org / 10. 1016 /j. yexcr. 2016 .07 .014.Shuai Tan, Jietian Xu, FangDong Zou,QueKun Peng, and Rui Peng.The complete mitochondrial genome of leopard cat,Prionailurusbengalensis chinensis(Carnivora: Felidae).Mitochondrial DNA. 2016 Sep; 27(5):3073-4.QueKun Peng, Kun Zhang, YanXu Wu, Shuai Tan & Fang-Dong Zou. Complete mitochondrial genome of Himalayan buzzard (Buteo buteo burmanicus). Mitochondrion DNA. 2014.DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.958719 (IF= 1.701)Min Yang, Quekun Peng, Lichun Jiang, Shuai Tan, Rui Peng & Fangdong Zou. Development and characterization of nine polymorphic microsatellite markers for the blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur). Conservation Genet Resour. 2014. DOI 10.1007/s12686-014-0327-0.(并列一作) (IF= 1.136)Quekun Peng, Lei Tang, Shuai Tan, Zhigang Li, Jifei Wang, Fangdong Zou*. Mitogenomic analysis of the genus Pseudois : Evidence of adaptive evolution of morphological variation in the ATP synthase genes. Mitochondrion, 2012, 12: 500-505. (IF= 3.623)Quekun Peng, Gaochao Wang, Dong Yang, Bisong Yue, Li Li, Fangdong Zou *. Genetic variability of the tokay gecko based on microsatellite analysis. Biochem Syst Ecol, 2010, 38: 23-28. (IF= 1.131)Quekun Peng, Gaochao Wang, Shuai Tan, Tao Wang, Li Li, Fangdong Zou*. Isolation and characterization of thirteen polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers in the Tokay gecko (Gekko Gecko). Conservation Genetic Resources, 2011, 3: 617-619. (IF= 0.483)Lichun Jiang, Gaochao Wang, Rui Peng, Quekun Peng, Fangdong Zou*. Phylogenetic and molecular dating analysis of Taiwan Blue Pheasant (Lophura swinhoii). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j. Gene.2014.01.067.(IF= 2.341)Gaochao Wang, Quekun Peng, Liyuan Wu, Tao Wang, Rui Peng, Li Li, Xiaomao Zeng, Fangdong Zou*. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA reveals significant intraspecific genetic differentiation of tokay gecko in southern China and northern Vietnam, J of Zool, 2012, 287(3): 215-223. (IF=2.043)Shuai Tan, Dandan Zou, Lei Tang, Gaochao Wang, Quekun Peng, Bo Zeng, Chen Zhang, Fangdong Zou*. Molecular evidence for the subspecific differentiation of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) and polyphyletic origin of dwarf blue sheep (Pseudois schaeferi). Genetica, 2012, 140:159-167.(IF= 2.148)Lichun Jiang, Gaochao Wang, Shuai Tan, Shu Gong, Min Yang, Quekun Peng, Rui Peng, Fangdong Zou*. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence analysis of Tibetan argali (Ovis ammon hodgsoni): implications of Tibetan argali and Gansu argali as the same subspecies. Gene, 2013, 521(1):24-31 (IF= 2.341).Tinglong Guan, Bo Zeng, Quekun Peng, Bisong Yue, Fangdong Zou*. Microsatellite analysis of the genetic structure of captive forest musk deer populations and its implication for conservation. Biochem Syst Ecol, 2009, 37: 166–173. (IF= 1.131). 相关热点