2023-05-08 11:33
  • 蒋涛
  • 蒋涛 - 教授 博士生导师-成都信息工程大学-控制工程学院-个人资料




男,博士,教授,博士生导师。生于1975年,中共党员,四川省有突出贡献优秀专家,四川省高层次海外留学人才,现任控制工程学院院长,机器人与智能系统国际联合研究院执行院长,特种智能机器人四川省青年科技创新研究团队负责人,四川省智能机器人众创空间科普基地负责人,成都市智能机器人创客科普基地负责人,四川省新能源汽车产业发展推进小组成员。2008年9月获得国家留学基金委(CSC)资助,公派到德国University of Siegen的Institute of Real-Time Learning Systems攻读博士学位,从事机器人视觉导航、崎岖地域的目标识别、陆空机器人协同工作、无人驾驶和人工复眼视觉等科学技术研究,师从Prof. K.-D. Kuhnert(中科院特聘外籍专家)。2012年获得德国DAAD奖学金。2013年9月获得德国工学博士学位,学成归国作为高层次人才引进到成都信息工程大学控制工程学院工作,从事机器人自主导航、复杂环境目标识别、环境智能感知和人工复眼视觉的研究和教学。
1. 欧洲陆地机器人试验赛(ELROB),2010年,曾获得“Innovation Award”奖
2. 西南首辆无人驾驶汽车,“2015年四川省十大科技新闻”
3. 四川省大学生创新创业优秀指导教师
4. 随机光照下鲁棒目标识别技术与应用,四川省科技进步奖二等奖


1. 人工智能及智能决策
2. 机器人环境感知与3D重建
3. 机器人定位与导航
4. 无人驾驶技术
5. 智能网联汽车技术及应用


1. Geometry based three-dimensional image processing method for electronic cluster eye. Jan., 2018, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering.
2. Multi-aperture stereo reconstruction for artificial compound eye with cross image belief propagation.January, 2018, Applied Optics.
3. Full-automatic computer aided system for stem cell clustering using Content-based Microscopic Image Analysis. February, 2017, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering.
4. Content-based Image Retrieval of Environmental Microorganisms Using Double-stage Optimisation-based Fusion, August, 2017, Information Engineering Express.
5. Environmental Microorganism Image Retrieval Using Multiple Colour Channels Fusion And Particle Swarm Optimisation. October, 2016, International Conference on Image Processing.
6. Artificial compound eye: a survey of the state-of-the-art. June, 2016, Artificial Intelligence Review.
7. Decentralized Robust Adaptive Output Feedback Stabilization for Interconnected Nonlinear Systems with Uncertainties. August, 2016, Journal of Control Science and Engineering.
8. Content-based Microscopic Image Retrieval of Environmental Microorganisms using Multiple Colour Channels Fusion. June, 2016, the 5th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science.
9. Stereo Vision for Facet Type Cameras. June, 2016, Logos Verlag Berlin.
10. Design and implementation of membrane controllers for trajectory tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots. December, 2015, Integrated Computer Aided Engineering.
11. Distance Measuring Using Calibrating Subpixel Distances of Stereo pixel Pairs in Artificial Compound Eye. October, 2014, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics for Computational Social Systems.
12. Auto White Balance Using the Coincidence of Chromaticity Histograms. December, 2012, Proc. IEEE the 8th International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Systems.
13. A Flexible Auto White Balance Based on Histogram Overlap. November, 2012, Proc. the 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision。
14. Fitting Plane Algorithm-based Depth Correction for Tyzx DeepSea Stereoscopic Imaging. June, 2012, Proc. The Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics。
15. Auto White Balance Based on the Similarity of Chromaticity Histograms. May, 2013, Journal of Computational Information Systems.

