科研成果(论文、专利、专著、教材等)名称级别Hong Zhang,et al, Reaction-subdiffusion in moving fluids, Physical Review E, 98: 042132,2018SCI(JCR一区)Li Guo Hua,Hong Zhang*,et al, Aging continuous time random walks in fluids, Physics of Fluids, 31:072004,2019SCI(TOP期刊)Li Guo Hua,Hong Zhang*,et al,Continuous time random walk with A→B reaction in flows, Physica A, 532:121917,2019SCI(JCR二区)Hong Zhang,et al,Fluid Reactive Anomalous Transport with Random Waiting Time Depending on the Preceding Jump Length, Journal of Statistical Physics, 174: 548-561,2019SCI(JCR二区)Hong Zhang,et al, Aging continuous time random walks with A→B reaction, The European Physical Journal B, 92:123,2019SCI(JCR三区)Hong Zhang,et al,Reaction-subdiffusion with random waiting time depending on the preceding jump length, Chinese Physics Letters, 35(9): 090501,2018SCI(JCR四区)Hong Zhang,et al, Anomalous transport in fluid field with random waiting time depending on the preceding jump length, Chinese Physics B, 25(11):110504,2016SCI(JCR三区)Hong Zhang,et al, Fractional Feynman-Kac Equation with Space-Dependent Anomalous Exponent,Journal of Statistical Physics,152:1194–1206,2013SCI(JCR二区)Hong Zhang,et al, Fractional backward Kolmogorov equations,Chinese Physics B, 21(6):060201,2012SCI(JCR三区)Li Guo Hua,Hong Zhang,et al, A multidimensional subdiffusion model: An arbitrage-free market,Chinese Physics B, 21(12):128901,2012SCI(JCR三区) 相关热点