1991.9-1995.7,长春工业大学材料科学与工程专业,本科生,获工学学士学位; 1998.9-2001.7,长春工业大学材料科学与工程专业,硕士生,获工学硕士学位; 2001.9-2005.7,长春工业大学材料科学与工程专业,博士生,获工学博士学位; 1995.7-至今, 长春工业大学工作 2012年美国奥克兰大学访问学者,历任教研室副主任、科研处副处长、副院长等职。研究领域
1. Xu Ran,Yong Wang, Runhong Liu, Haohao Zou. Research on the friction and wear properties of the copper matrix composites reinforced with copperized carbon fibers. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 556-562 (2014) pp 624-627. 2. Xu Ran, Yong Wang, Haohao Zou. The structural evolution of carbon in the preparation process of C/Cu composite material,Materials Research Innovations. 55 (2014) pp 624-627 3. Xu Ran,Xiang Ren, Haohao Zou, Yifei Ye. Research on the mixing way and content of molybdenum disulfide with copper matrix self-lubricating composites. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1015 (2014) pp 42-45. 4. Xu Ran, Xueying Yu, Jin He, Zhe Xiao. Molecular mechanism of Nano-Hydroxyapatite surface changes from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. Asian Journal of Chemistry. Vol. 26, No.17 (2014), 5355-5359 相关热点