2023-05-06 13:08
  • 闫岩
  • 闫岩 - 副教授-长春大学-理学院-个人资料




2004年6月毕业于吉林师范大学物理学院物理学系,取得学士学位;2007年6月获吉林师范大学物理学院凝聚态物理专业硕士学位,2010年6月取得长春理工大学材料科学与工程学院材料物理与化学专业博士学位。2011年1月进入吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所博士后流动站做博士后。2018年获国家留学基金委资助,在美国纽约州立大学Buffalo分校做访问学者一年,与Eva Zurek教授课题组建立很好的合作关系。2010年7月到长春大学理学院工作,于2013年9月晋升为长春大学理学院应用物理系副教授。




1. Yan Yan, Fangxun Wang, Lili Wang et al., Mechanical stability and superconductivity of PbO-type phase of thorium monocarbide at high pressure, Compu. Mater. Sci. 2017, 136, 238.
2. Yan Yan, Shoutao Zhang, Yanchao Wang, Guochun Yang, and Yanming Ma, Pressure-induced structural changes and elemental dissociation of cadmium and mercury chalcogenides, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 104426.
3. Yan Yan, Yunwen Zhang, Yanchao Wang, and Guochun Yang, Pressure-induced reappearance of superconductivity in the oC24 phase of lithium, Solid State Commun. 2016, 225, 7-11.
4. Yan Yan, Jie Gong, and Yanhui Liu, Ab initio studies of superconductivity in monatomic metallic hydrogen under high pressure, Phys. Lett. A, 375, 1264 -1268, 2011.
5. Yan Yan, Jie Gong, and Zhanguo Zong, Superconductivity of p-type diamond (001) and (111) thin films: Ab initio Calculations, Thin Solid Films, 518, 4889-4996, 2010.
6. Yan Yan, Jie Gong, and Zhanguo Zong, Electronic, vibrational, and superconducting properties of high pressure metallic SiH4: Ab initio calculations, Chin. Phys. Lett. 27, 017401-1(4), 2010.
7. Yan Yan, Jing Yun Zhang, Tian Cui, Yan Li, Yanming Ma, Jie Gong, Zhanguo Zong, and Guangtian Zou, First-principles study of high-pressure phase transformations in Li3N, Eur. Phys. J. B, 61, 397-403, 2008.
8. Xuejiao Ma, Dan Zhou, Yan Yan, Jing Xu, Siyuan Liu, Yulan Wang, Manai Cui, Yuheng Cheng, Yu Miao and Yanhui Liu, Phase transition and electronic properties of skutterudite-type IrP3 under high pressure, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 21262, 2019.
9. Nisha Geng, Tiange Bi, Niloofar Zarifi, Yan Yan, and Eva Zurek, A First-Principles Exploration of NaxSy Binary Phases at 1 atm and Under Pressure, Crystals, 9, 441, 2019.
10. Dashuai Wang, Yan Yan, Dan Zhou and Yanhui Liu, Evolution of crystal and electronic structures of magnesium dicarbide at high pressure, Scientific Reports, 5, 17815, 2015.
11. Yuanzheng Chen, Feng Peng, Yan Yan, Ziwei Wang, Chenglin Sun, and Yanming Ma*, Exploring High-Pressure Lithium Beryllium Hydrides: A New Chemical Perspective, J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, 13879-13886, 2013.
12. Miguel Martinez-Canales, Artem R. Oganov, Yanming Ma, Yan Yan, Andriy O. Lyakhov, and Aitor Bergara, Novel Structures and Superconductivity of Silane under Pressure, Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 087005-1(4), 2009.
13. Chang Liu, Hang Zhai, Ying Sun, Weiguang Gong, Yan Yan, Quan Li and Weitao Zheng, Strain-induced modulations of electronic structure and electron–phonon coupling in dense H3S, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 5952, 2018.

