2023-05-06 12:58
  • 周敉
  • 周敉 - 副教授 硕导-长安大学-公路学院-个人资料




职称: 副教授
教师属性: 硕导
开始时间 结束时间 学校/研究单位 学历/学位/职位
1995-09-01 1999-07-01 西安公路交通大学 学士
2001-09-01 2004-06-01 长安大学 硕士
2005-03-01 2009-03-01 同济大学 博士
开始时间 结束时间 工作单位 工作职责/职务 工作业绩
1999-07-01 长安大学 桥梁抗震与振动分析、桥梁风险识别 副教授
2011-07-01 2015-07-01 长安大学 博士后
2012-12-01 2014-05-01 纽约州立大学布法罗分校,土木结构与环境系 visiting scholar
科研项目名称 科研项目等级 结项时间 来源 经费
引入ANN-SFEM技术的高桥塔群桩结构体系的抗震能力评价研究 2009-12-01 国家自然基金面上项目 380000.0000
桥梁船撞损伤数值模拟分析技术 2012-12-01 国家山区公路工程技术研究中心开放基金 20000.0000
火灾下桥梁结构灾变机理及安全性评价与加固技术研究 2013-12-01 国家西部交通建设科技项目 1000000.0000
山区桥梁建设期多因素风险概率的综合评估方法研究 2013-12-01 湖北省交通科技项目 600000.0000
双肢薄壁墩-群桩体系的地震倒塌模式识别及减灾策略 2015-03-01 中国博士后基金面上项目 50000.0000
风尘堆积场地高墩桥梁地震倒塌模式及预警系统研究 2016-12-01 陕西省科学技术研究与发展计划项目 50000.0000
基于多灾害耦合概率模型的桥梁极端荷载组合系数研究 2017-03-01 交通运输部应用基础研究项目 200000.0000
黄土地区桩-土相互作用的动力本构关系研究 2017-12-01 山西省交通运输厅科技计划项目 700000.0000
基于位移法的震区桥梁墩柱合理配筋率研究 2018-12-01 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目 300000.0000
多层立交结构抗震性能研究 2020-12-01 陕西省创新人才推进计划-科技创新团队 1000000.0000
作者 年度 题目 刊物名 卷(期) 页码
Mi Zhou#*,Wancheng Yuan,Yue Zhang 2015 Seismic material properties of reinforced concrete and steel casing composite concrete in elevated pile-group foundation POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH 22(1) 141~149
周敉#*,袁万城,张玥 2010 高桩承台基础群桩等效嵌固长度参数分析 长安大学学报(自然科学版) 30(3) 47~52
Mi Zhou#*,Yue Zhang 2011 The Experimental Study on Fracture and Damage Mechanism of RC T-Beam Key Engineering Materials 452 661~665
周敉#*,封伟,谢功元,张玥,贺拴海 2017 基于F-R-M方法的桥梁地震风险评估研究 广西大学学报(自然科学版) 42(1) 299~308
周敉#*,王君杰,袁万城 2008 自锚式悬索桥地震反应有限元分析 长安大学学报 28(1) 66~71
周敉#*,王君杰,袁万城,章小檀 2008 基于精细有限元分析的猎德大桥抗震性能评价 同济大学学报(自然科学版) 36(2) 143~148
Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng 2011 Fracture and Damage Mechanism of RC Pile Group Foundation under Low Reversed Cyclic Loading Key Engineering Materials 453 665~669
Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng 2011 Pseudo-static Experimental Research and Seismic Behavior Analysis on Elevated Pile Cap Foundation Advanced Materials Research 263 1129~1233
张玥#,周敉*,杜胜兵 2015 基于概率有限元技术的斜拉桥静风失效风险评估 公路 52(03) 56~61
周江#,朱华军,杜胜兵,周敉* 2013 斜拉桥施工阶段风险识别及易损性评估 筑路机械与施工机械化 79(04) 79~82
Zhou Mi#* ,Yuan Wan-cheng 2011 The Analysis Model of Interaction on Piles-soil-bridge for Elevated Pile Foundation 8th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2011,加拿大
Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng 2010 Seismic Damage Model and Multilevel Performance Indexes of Elevated Pile Cap Bridge International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management,上海
Zhou Mi#*,Jie Wen,Hai HeShuan 2016 Research of Dynamic Constitutive Model of Reinforced Concrete Based on LS-DYNA 1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA
Zhou Mi#*,Feng Wei,He Shuan-hai 2016 Evaluation of Seismic Risk for Bridge using F-R-M Method: A Combination of Finite Element Method and Neural Network Model 1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA
Zhang Hai-xiao#,Zhou Mi*,Feng Wei,Wen Jie 2016 Application of Ultra-high Performance Concrete in Lifeline Engineering 1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA
Fan W#,Yuan W.C,Li G.J,Zhou Mi* 2011 Numerical Analysis of Floating Protection System for Bridge Structure Subjected to Vessel Impact International Workshop on Architecture ,Civil and Environmental Engineering
Yong Gao#,Wancheng Yuan,Zhou Mi* 2009 Seismic Analysis and Design Optimization of a Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in Multi-hazard Environment ,TCLEE 2009,美国
Zhang Yue#,Zhou Mi* 2011 The Development and Application of the Analysis System of Wind Characteristics Observation for Bridge in the West Inland Area Geo Hunan International Conference II: Emerging Technologies for Design,HuNan
作者 书名 出版社 出版年份
刘龄嘉, 陈锋,周敉,王凌波,任更锋 桥梁工程 人民交通出版社 2017
作者 名称 专利类型 专利编号 出版年份
周敉,张玥,樊卫江,刘元,任伟 一种中小跨径桥梁挠度测量装置 发明专利 201510005413.3 2015
张岗,张永红,肖永明,赵东来,闫磊,周敉 用于桥梁伸缩缝的空间多向变位梳齿板式桥梁伸缩装置 发明专利 201220410295.6 2012
周敉,任伟,耿波,王超 桥墩防撞装置 发明专利 201120251987.6 2011
周敉,伍大同,罗启,张春,罗静科,何宜江 一种过载屈服式抗风支座 发明专利 201610854489 .8 2016
袁万城,周敉 ,高勇 拉杆-抗弯钢板组合式土箱模拟装置 发明专利 200910247772.4 2009
桥梁抗震与振动分析、桥梁风险识别 副教授

结构设计原理 桥梁抗震

刘龄嘉, 陈锋,周敉,王凌波,任更锋,桥梁工程,人民交通出版社,1086千字, 2017
(4)周敉,伍大同,罗启,张春,罗静科,何宜江,一种过载屈服式抗风支座,2016.11.21,中国,201610854489 .8
(5)袁万城,周敉 ,高勇,拉杆-抗弯钢板组合式土箱模拟装置,2010.07.14,中国,200910247772.4
周敉, Progress in seismic study of bridge in Chang’an University, The 17th International Conference on the Science, Engineering &Technology and Management of Innovation (SETMI) and The 4th Forum on Higher Education, 南非, 2017.07
(1)周敉 ,斜拉桥静风失效概率分析系统V1.0,2013SR020556,原始取得,全部权利,2012.06.01




(1) Mi Zhou#*,Wancheng Yuan,Yue Zhang,Seismic material properties of reinforced concrete and steel casing composite concrete in elevated pile-group foundation,POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH,2015.01.01,22(1):141~149
(2) 周敉#*,袁万城,张玥,高桩承台基础群桩等效嵌固长度参数分析,长安大学学报(自然科学版),2010.5.01,30(3):47~52
(3) Mi Zhou#*,Yue Zhang,The Experimental Study on Fracture and Damage Mechanism of RC T-Beam,Key Engineering Materials ,2011.01.01,452:661~665
(4) 周敉#*,封伟,谢功元,张玥,贺拴海,基于F-R-M方法的桥梁地震风险评估研究,广西大学学报(自然科学版),2017.02.01,42(1):299~308
(5) 周敉#*,王君杰,袁万城,自锚式悬索桥地震反应有限元分析,长安大学学报,2008.09.02,28(1):66~71
(6) 周敉#*,王君杰,袁万城,章小檀,基于精细有限元分析的猎德大桥抗震性能评价,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2008.2.01,36(2):143~148
(7) Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng,Fracture and Damage Mechanism of RC Pile Group Foundation under Low Reversed Cyclic Loading,Key Engineering Materials,2011.01.01,453:665~669
(8) Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng,Pseudo-static Experimental Research and Seismic Behavior Analysis on Elevated Pile Cap Foundation,Advanced Materials Research,2011.10.01,263:1129~1233
(9) 张玥#,周敉*,杜胜兵,基于概率有限元技术的斜拉桥静风失效风险评估,公路,2015.1.25,52(03):56~61
(10) 周江#,朱华军,杜胜兵,周敉*,斜拉桥施工阶段风险识别及易损性评估,筑路机械与施工机械化,2013.9.10,79(04):79~82
(1) Zhou Mi#* ,Yuan Wan-cheng,The Analysis Model of Interaction on Piles-soil-bridge for Elevated Pile Foundation,8th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, ICIAR 2011,加拿大,2011.6.22-2011.6.24
(2) Zhou Mi#*,Yuan Wan-cheng,Seismic Damage Model and Multilevel Performance Indexes of Elevated Pile Cap Bridge,International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management,上海,2010.09.23-2010.09.26
(3) Zhou Mi#*,Jie Wen,Hai HeShuan,Research of Dynamic Constitutive Model of Reinforced Concrete Based on LS-DYNA,1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA,2016.07.16-2016.07.18
(4) Zhou Mi#*,Feng Wei,He Shuan-hai,Evaluation of Seismic Risk for Bridge using F-R-M Method: A Combination of Finite Element Method and Neural Network Model,1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA,2016.07.16-2016.07.18
(5) Zhang Hai-xiao#,Zhou Mi*,Feng Wei,Wen Jie,Application of Ultra-high Performance Concrete in Lifeline Engineering,1st International Conference on Transportation Infrastructure and Materials (ICTIM),Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA,2016.07.16-2016.07.18
(6) Fan W#,Yuan W.C,Li G.J,Zhou Mi*,Numerical Analysis of Floating Protection System for Bridge Structure Subjected to Vessel Impact,International Workshop on Architecture ,Civil and Environmental Engineering,武汉,2011.4.15-2011.4.17
(7) Yong Gao#,Wancheng Yuan,Zhou Mi*,Seismic Analysis and Design Optimization of a Self-Anchored Suspension Bridge,Lifeline Earthquake Engineering in Multi-hazard Environment ,TCLEE 2009,美国,2009.6.20-2009.6.23
(8) Zhang Yue#,Zhou Mi*,The Development and Application of the Analysis System of Wind Characteristics Observation for Bridge in the West Inland Area.,Geo Hunan International Conference II: Emerging Technologies for Design,HuNan,2011.06.09-2011.06.11

