2023-05-06 12:50
  • 强丽娥
  • 强丽娥 - 副教授-长安大学-地质工程与测绘学院-个人资料




2007.08——2009.11, 中科院国家天文台, 博士后;
2002.09——2007.06, 北京师范大学, 理论物理,博士;
1998.09——2002.06, 山西师范大学, 物理学,学士




(1) Li-E Qiang, Peng Xu, Signature of biased range in the non-dynamical Chern–Simons modified gravity and its measurements with satellite-satellite tracking missions: theoretical studies, European Physical Journal C, 2015.8.26, 75(390): 1~12 . (SCI)
(2) Li-E Qiang, Peng Xu ,Probing the post-newtonian physics of semi-conservative metric theories through secular tidal effects in satellite gradiometry missions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D, 2016.03, 25(6) : 0~1650070. (SCI)
(3) Li-e Qiang, Peng Xu,Testing Chern-Simons modified gravity with orbitingsuperconductive gravity gradiometers:the non-dynamical formulation, General Relativity and Gravitation, 2015.2.20, 47(25): 1~15. (SCI)
(4) Peng Xu, Li'e Qiang and et. al., A preliminary study of level 1A data processing of a low–low satellite to satellite tracking mission , Geodesy and Geodynamics, 2015.9, 6(5): 333~343. (SCI)
(5) Peng Xu, Li-E Qiang Secular gravity gradients in non-dynamical Chern–Simons modified gravity for satellite gradiometry measurements, Eur. Phys. J. C, 2018, 78: 0~1015. (SCI)
(6) Peng Xu, Zhi Wang, Li-e Qiang, Towards constraining parity-violations in gravity with satellite gradiometry, Phys. Lett. B, 2018, 789: 0~378. (SCI)
(7) Bao, Qianzong, Qiang, Li-E, Null tests of nonlocal gravity with multi-axis gravity gradiometers in elliptic orbits: A theoretical study, Modern Physics Letters A, 2017.8.20, 32(25): 0~1750131. (SCI)
(8) Peng Xu, Li-e Qiang, De Broglie relations, gravitational time dilation and weak equivalence principle, Annals of Physics, 2018.11.15, 400:128~131. (SCI)
(9) Li-E Qiang, ShuHong Zhao, Peng XU, Measuring the dimensionality of compact extra dimensions with inspiral gravitational waves from black-hole binaries, EUROPHYSICS LETTERS, 2016.12, 116(6): 0~60001(SCI)
(10) Li-e Qiang, Yongge Ma; Muxin Han; Dan Yu, Five-dimensional Brans-Dicke theory and cosmic acceleration, Physical Review D, 2005.3.20, 71(6) : 061501-1(SCI)
(11) Li-e Qiang, Yan Gong; Yongge Ma; Xuelei Chen, Cosmological Implications of 5-dimensional Brans-Dicke Theory, Physics Letters B, 2009.11.2, 681(3): 210~213. (SCI)
(12) David Blair, Li Ju, ChunNong Zhao, LinQing Wen, Qi Chu, Qi Fang, RongGen Cai, JiangRui Gao, XueChun Lin, Dong Liu, Ling-An Wu, ZongHong Zhu,David H. Reitze, Koji Arai, Fan Zhang, Raffaele Flaminio, XingJiang Zhu, George Hobbs, Richard N. Manchester, Ryan M. Shannon, Carlo Baccigalupi, Wei Gao, Peng Xu, Xing Bian, ZhouJian Cao, ZiJing Chang, Peng Dong, XueFei Gong, ShuangLin Huang, Peng Ju, ZiRen Luo, Qiang Li’E, Wenlin Tang, Xiaoyun Wan, Yue Wang, Shengnian Xu, Yunlong Zhang, Haipeng Zhang, Yun-Kau Lau, Weitou Ni, Gravitational wave astronomy: the current status, SCIENCE CHINA, Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2015,58(12): 120402 (SCI)
(13) Fengquan Wu, Li-e Qiang, Xin Wang, Xuelei Chen, Cosmic microwave background with Brans-Dicke Gravity: I. Covariant Formulation, Physical Review D, 2010.10.13, 82(8): 0~83002. (SCI)
(14) Xinqin Gao ,Li-e Qiang, Jianyang Zhu, Zheng Zhao, Discussing Again on the Thermal Property of Kinnersley Black Hole Using a New Tortoise Coordinate Transformation, General Relativity and Gravitation, 2004.11.11, 36(11):2511~2523. (SCI)
(15) 强丽娥, 高新芹, 赵峥, 动态黑洞温度和熵的再讨论Acta Physica Sinica, 2004.10.12, (10): 3619~3626 . (SCI)
(16) 俞丹,强丽娥,马永革,5维标量张量时空的Killing约化,北京师范大学学报:自然科学版,2015,01(01), 46.
(17) Xiaoping Yuan, Xiaolan Qian ,Yehua Zhao , Li-e Qiang,Controlling the motion of charged particles by modulating the system parameters. 2011International Conference on Multimedia Technology, 2011, 2055-2058. (EI)

