2023-05-06 12:47
  • 吕进
  • 吕进 - 副教授-长安大学-信息工程学院-个人资料





2013年7月至2014年7月:University of Toronto (多伦多大学,加拿大),访问学者
经多伦多大学电气和计算机工程系W.M.Wonham教授(剑桥大学博士毕业,创立了离散事件系统的监督控制(Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems, SCDES)理论,并因此获得了IEEE的终身成就奖)邀请,访问世界第20名、加拿大第1名的多伦多大学。对包括Computational thinking, Parallel Programming, Convex Optimization, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, 以及教授所授的ECE1636HF- Control of Discrete Event Systems I, ECE1637HF- Control of Discrete Event Systems II课程进行学习交流并在相关领域,特别是离散事件系统的监督控制开展联合研究工作,从而对加拿大的大学教育和科学研究有了全面和深入的了解。




[1]吕进,赵祥模,樊海玮,旺乃姆. 基于生长自组织神经网络群的交通流预测. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2013, 13 (3): 33-39. (EI:20132916508685)
[2] Xiaojun Yang, Jin Lv, and Xinle Feng. Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Filtering for Dual Estimation. International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing(IEEE ICIP 2010), 2010: 184-187.(EI:20104813424626)
[3] 吕进,郭晨.多特性仿生统一神经元模型.大连海事大学学报, 2008,34(1):37-40. (EI:081411183816)
[4] LU Jin, GUO Chen. Neural Network Based Parallel Robust Model Reference Control Method of Ship Course. 系统仿真学报, 2007, 19(15):3489-3493. (EI:073410777573;ISTP: 9846564)
[5] 吕进,郭晨,赵敏. 类图书馆知识可增殖神经网络及其组织算法[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2009,21(1):100-104. (EI:093511485535)
[6] 吕进,郭晨,刘雨. 基于不完全递归神经网络的二阶导数多步预测模糊控制及应用.中南大学学报. 2007,38(S1):124-128. (该论文被推荐为钟士模奖候选优秀论文)
[7] 吕进,郭晨. 船舶航向的神经网络二阶导数多步预测模糊自适应控制.大连海事大学学报,2006,32(3):1-4.
[8] 吕进,郭晨.新的全面仿生统一神经元模型.中国科技论文在线http://www.paper.edu.cn, 2007.12.15.
[9] LV Jin, GUO Chen. A Parallel Robust Model Reference Control Method Based on Neural Network. The Sixth IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (IEEE ICCA 2007),Guangzhou, China, May 30-June 1, 2007:1377-1380. (EI:082311291367;ISTP: 9807840)
[10] JinLV, Chen GUO, Yun-feng ZHENG, Zhi-peng SHEN, Shi-chun YUAN. Predictive Control Research Based PID Neural Network of Large Ship. The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE IECON 2007),Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-8, 2007. (EI:083511485535;ISTP: 9827530)
[11] Jin LV, Chen GUO, Zhi-peng SHEN, Min ZHAO, Yuan ZHANG. Summary of Artificial Neuron Model Research. The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE IECON 2007),Taipei, Taiwan, November 5-8, 2007. (EI:083511485534,ISTP: 9827529)
[12] LV Jin, GUO Chen and YUAN Shi-chun. PID Neural Network Based Predictive Fuzzy Control Research. The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Grey System and Intelligent Services (IEEE GSIS 2007),Nanjing, China, Nov.18-20,2007:947-951. (EI:083611500064,ISTP: 9829874)
[13] LV Jin, ZHAO Xiang-mo, GUO Chen. Research of Intelligence Control Based on Library-similar Knowledge-increasable Neural Network Group. 2009 International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICIMA 2009),Chengdu, China, May 15-16, 2009:5-9. (EI: 20094412410420,ISTP:10749861)
[14] LV Jin, YANG Xiao-jun, GUO Chen. Novel Comprehensive Bionic Neuron Unified Model. 2009 International Conference on Industrial Mechatronics and Automation (IEEE ICIMA 2009),Chengdu,China, May 15-16, 2009:1-4. (EI: 20094512434115,ISTP:10749860)
[15] LV Jin, ZHAO Xiang-mo, GUO Chen. Research of Intelligence Control Based on Knowledge-increasable Neural Network Group. The 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (IEEE ICCSE 2009), Nanning, China, July 25-28, 2009:3-6. (EI: 20094512424816,ISTP:10860591)
[16] LV Jin, FAN Hai-wei, ZHAO Xiang-mo. Knowledge-increasable Neural Network Group and its Control Application. 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (IEEE CINC 2009),Wuhan, China, June 6-7, 2009:362-365. (EI: 20094512430605,ISTP:10867456)
[17] LV Jin, YANG Xiao-jun, GUO Chen.Comprehensive Bionic Neuron Unified Model. 2009 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing (IEEE CINC 2009),Wuhan, China, June 6-7, 2009:443-446. (ISTP:10867444)
[18] LV Jin, GUO Chen, LIU Yu, Yuan ZHANG. Multi-step Predictive Fuzzy Control Research Based on IRNN. The Fourth International Conference on Impulsive and Hybrid Dynamical Systems (ICIHDS 2007),Nanning, China, July,6-8, 2007:1660-1664.
[19] Min ZHAO,Yin-hai Fan, Jin LV. Chaotic Time Series Gray Correlation Local Forecasting Method Based On Fractal Theory. The Third International Workshop on Signal Design and Its Applications in Communications (IEEE IWSDA 2007),Chengdu, China, September 23–27, 2007:39-43. (EI:083111421707;ISTP: 9782122)
[20] 郑云峰,杜嘉立,吕进.一类扩展参数输出反馈系统的自适应输出反馈控制.2006年中国控制与决策学术会议论文集,2006:57-61. (SCI:000244066100015; ISTP:9494082)

