2023-05-06 12:32
  • 刘占军
  • 刘占军 - 研究员 博导--刘占军-个人资料








1. Liu, Z. J., Li, B. , Xiang, J. , Cao, L. H. , Zheng, C. Y. , & Hao, L. . (2018). Faraday effect on stimulated raman scattering in the linear region. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 60(4), 045008.
2. Wang, Q. , Liu, Z. J. , Zheng, C. Y. , Xiao, C. Z. , Feng, Q. S. , & Zhang, H. C. , et al. (2018). Transition from convective to absolute raman instability via the longitudinal relativistic effect by using vlasov-maxwell simulations. Physics of Plasmas, 25(1), 012708-.
3. Wang, Q. , Zheng, C.Y. , Liu, Z. J., Xiao, C. Z. , Feng, Q. S. , & Zhang, H. C. , et al. (2018). The interplay between the kinetic nonlinear frequency shift and the flowing gradient in stimulated brillouin scattering. Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 60(2).
4. Feng, Q. , Zheng, C. , Liu, Z. , Cao, L. , Xiao, C. , & Wang, Q. , et al. (2017). Harmonic effects on ion-bulk waves and simulation of stimulated ion-bulk-wave scattering in ch plasmas. Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 59(8).
5. Xiao, C. Z. , Liu, Z. J., Zheng, C. Y. , & He, X. T. . (2017). Excitation of monochromatic and stable electron acoustic wave by two counter-propagating laser beams. New Journal of Physics, 19(7), 073038.
6. Liu, Z. J., Zheng, C. Y. , Cao, L. H. , Li, B. , Xiang, J. , & Hao, L. . (2017). Decreasing Brillouin and Raman scattering by alternating-polarization light. Physics of Plasmas, 24(3), 032701.
7. Liu, Z. J., Chen, Y. H. , Zheng, C. Y. , Cao, L. H. , Li, B. , & Xiang, J. , et al. (2017). Controlling stimulated raman scattering by two-color light in inertial confinement fusion. Physics of Plasmas,24(8), 082704.
8. Wang, Y. X., Feng, Q. S. , Zhang, H. C. , Wang, Q. , Zheng, C. Y. , & Liu, Z. J. , et al. (2017). Transition of backward stimulated raman scattering from absolute to convective instability via density modulation. Physics of Plasmas, 24(10), 103122.
9. Zhang, H. C. , Xiao, C. Z. , Wang, Q. , Feng, Q. S. , Liu, Z. J., & Zheng, C. Y. . (2017). Effect of density modulation on backward stimulated raman scattering in a laser-irradiated plasma. Physics of Plasmas, 24(3), 032118.
10. Feng, Q. S. , Zheng, C. Y. , Liu, Z. J. , Xiao, C. Z. , Wang, Q. , & He, X. T. . (2016). Excitation of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in ch plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 23(8), 082106.
11. Liu, Z. J., Li, B. , Hu, X. Y. , Xiang, J. , Zheng, C. Y. , & Cao, L. H. , et al. (2016). The light diffraction effect on stimulated raman scattering. Physics of Plasmas, 23(2), 022705.
12. Xiao, C. Z. , Liu, Z. J., Zheng, C. Y. , & He, X. T. . (2016). Competition between stimulated raman scattering and two-plasmon decay in inhomogeneous plasma. Physics of Plasmas, 23(2), 022704.
13. Xiao, C. Z. , Liu, Z. J., Wu, D. , Zheng, C. Y. , & He, X. T. . (2015). Nonlinear evolution of stimulated raman scattering near the quarter-critical density. Physics of Plasmas, 22(5), 052121.
14. Xiao, C. Z. , Liu, Z. J. , Huang, T. W. , Zheng, C. Y. , & He, X. T. . (2014). Research on ponderomotive driven vlasov-poisson system in electron acoustic wave parametric region. Physics of Plasmas, 21(3), 546.
15. Liu, Z. J. , Hao, L. , Xiang, J. , Zhu, S. P. , Zheng, C. Y. , & Cao, L. H. , et al. (2012). Multiple acoustic modes stimulated brillouin scattering in hydrogen plasmas. Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion, 54(9), 1145-1172.
16. Liu, Z. J., Zheng, C. Y. , He, X. T. , Wang, Y. . (2011). Stimulated backward brillouin scattering in two ion-species plasmas. Physics of Plasmas, 18(3), 032705.


