丁颖 教授 硕士研究生导师北京邮电大学互联网治理与法律研究中心副主任中国国际私法学会理事中国仲裁法学研究会理事曾在荷兰海牙国际法学院、美国俄亥俄州立大学学习。主持并完成多项科研项目(包括国家社会科学基金项目和教育部人文社科研究项目各1项)。出版学术专著3部,发表学术论文多篇。曾获“2016中国仲裁排行榜奖先进个人”、中国国际私法学会2015年优秀学术成果三等奖、中国仲裁法学研究会第八届仲裁与司法论坛“仲裁理论研究优秀论文奖”、“全国第一届青年民事诉讼法学优秀科研成果奖”论文类三等奖等奖项。DING Ying is a professor, academic adviser for the Master of Laws in the School of Humanities at BUPT. She serves as the deputy director of the Institute of Internet Governance and Law at BUPT. She is a council member of China Society of Private International Law and China Academy of Arbitration Law. She has long been engaged in research on dispute resolution, private international law and cyber law. She has presided over and completed several key research projects and published a series of influential books and academic papers. She has also obtained a number of valuable academic awards due to her research contributions.研究领域
争议解决、国际私法、网络法 相关热点