2023-05-06 12:10
  • 邬建国
  • 邬建国 - 教授-北京师范大学-地理科学学部-个人资料






1.Wu, J. 2017. Landscape ecology. In: BrianFath (ed.). Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd ed. Elsevier.
2.Wu, J. 2017. Seascape ecology andlandscape ecology: Distinct, related, and synergistic. Pages 487-490 In: SimonJ. Pittman (editor), Seascape Ecology, Wiley-Blackwell.
3.Wu, J. 2017. In memoriam: Orie L. Loucks(1931-2016). Landscape Ecology 32: DOI 10.1007/s10980-016-0478-3.
4.Gan, X., I. C. *Fernandez, J. Guo, M.*Wilson, Y. Zhao, B. *Zhou, and J. Wu. 2017. When to use what: Methods forweighting and aggregating sustainability indicators. Ecological Indicators81:491-502.
5.Hao, R., D. Yu, and J. Wu. 2017.Relationship between paired ecosystem services in the grassland andagro-pastoral transitional zone of China using the constraint line method.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 240:171-181.
6.Huang, L., J. Wu, and L. Yan. 2017.Sustainability assessment of urban scenario planning cases in Shanghai. In: Y.Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community,Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press).
7.Liu, Y., J. Wu, and D. Yu. 2017.Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of air pollution in China: A multiscalelandscape approach. Ecological Indicators 76:344-356.
8.Liu, Z., P. Verburg, J. Wu and C. He.2017. Understanding land system changethrough scenario-based simulations: A case study from the drylands in northernChina. Environmental Management, DOI 10.1007/s00267-016-0802-3.
9.Liu, Z., C. He, and J. Wu. 2017. Habitatloss and fragmentation during urbanization. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds),Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem andLandscape Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press)
10.Qiao, JM, DY Yu, and JG, Wu. 2017. Howdo climatic and management factors affect agricultural ecosystem services? Acase study in the agro-pastoral transitional zone of northern China. Science ofthe Total Environment (accepted)
11.Sun, Z., Z. Liu, C. He, and J. Wu. 2017.Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in the drylands of northernChina: A case study in the Hohhot-Baotou-Ordos urban agglomeration region.Journal of Natural Resources, doi: 10.11849/zrzyxb.20160928
12.Wilson, MC, XY Li, YJ Ma, AT Smith, andJG Wu. 2017. A Review of the Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts ofChina’s South–North Water Transfer Project: A Sustainability Perspective.Sustainability 9, 1489; doi:10.3390/su9081489
13.Wilson, M. and J. Wu. 2017. The problemsof weak sustainability and associated indicators. International Journal ofSustainable Development and World Ecology 24: 44-51.
14.Zeng, X. J., Z. F. Liu, C. Y. He, Q. Ma,and J. G. Wu. 2017. Detecting surface coal mining areas from remote sensingimagery: an approach based on object-oriented decision trees. Journal ofApplied Remote Sensing 11: doi: 10.1117/1111.JRS.1111.015025.
15.Zhang, D., Q. Huang, C. He, and J. Wu.2017. Impacts of urban expansion on ecosystem services in theBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China. Resources, Conservation &Recycling 125:115-130.
16.Zhang Q. and J. Wu. 2017. Researchadvances in the relationship between functional diversity and ecosystemfunction. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures in Modern Ecology (VIII):Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology. Higher Education Press,Beijing. (in press)
17. Zhao, Y. and J. Wu. 2017. Grasslandecosystem services: A research review. In: Y. Gao and J. Wu (eds), Lectures inModern Ecology (VIII): Advances in Community, Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology.Higher Education Press, Beijing. (in press)
18.Cao, Q., D. Yu, M. Georgescu, and J. Wu.2016. Impacts of urbanization on summerclimate in China: An assessment with coupled land-atmospheric modeling. Journalof Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025210.
19.Chen, D., Q. Pan, S. Hu, J. Huang, Q.Wang, X. Han, S. Naeem, J. Elser, J. Wu, Y. Bai. 2016. Effects of plantfunctional group loss on soil biota and soil carbon sequestration: A plantremoval experiment in the Mongolian grassland. Journal of Ecology104(3):734-743.
20.Fernandez, I., and J. G. Wu. 2016.Assessing environmental inequalities in the city of Santiago (Chile) with ahierarchical multiscale approach. Applied Geography 74:160-169.

