2023-05-06 12:05
  • 赵秀海
  • 赵秀海 - 教授-北京林业大学-林学院-个人资料




1992 – 1995 东北林业大学,林学院森林工程 博士
1986 – 1989东北林业大学,林学院采运 硕士
1980 – 1984吉林林学院,采运 学士
2002.03-至今 北京林业大学,林学院森林经理学科 教授
1999.09-2002.02 北华大学,林学院 教授
1997.01-1999.08 吉林林学院,森林工程系 教授
1994.01-1996.12 吉林林学院,森林工程系 副教授
1990.01-1993.12 吉林林学院,森林工程系 讲师
1984.07-1989.12 吉林林学院,森林工程系 助教


[1] 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目,东北退化森林生态系统恢复和重建技术研究与示范(2017YFC0504000),2017/07-2020/12,1484万元,主持
[2] 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目课题,长白山阔叶红松林生物多样性保护关键技术研究与示范(2012BAC01B03),2012/01-2014/12,530万元,主持
[3] 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目专题,阔叶红松和云冷杉过伐林可持续经营技术研究与示范(2012BAD22B0203),2012/01-2016/12,180万元,主持
[4] 国家自然科学基金项目,氮沉降对暖温带油松林碳吸存影响机制研究(31340022),2014/01-2014/12,15万元,主持
[5] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973),森林经营对天然次生林土壤碳截获影响机制研究(2011CB403203),2011/01-2015/12,84万元,主持
[6] 林业公益性行业科研专项,森林生态长期定位观测研究(2009-69),2009/01-2014/12,560万元,主持
[7] 林业公益性行业科研专项,华北地区森林生态系统碳氮水耦合观测、模拟与应用技术(201104009-03),2011/01-2014/12,32万元,主持"


[1] Zhao Bo, Wang Jinsong, Cao Jing, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2018. Inconsistent autotrophic respiration but consistent heterotrophic respiration responses to 5-years nitrogen addition under natural and planted Pinus tabulaeformis, forests in northern China. Plant & Soil, 21-15.
[2] Cao Jing, Zhao Bo, Gao Lushuang, Li Jian, Li Zongshan, Zhao Xiuhai. 2018. Increasing Temperature Sensitivity caused by Climate Warming, Evidence from Northeastern China. Dendrochronologia, 54: 101-111.
[3] Cao Jing, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Bo, Li Xiaoyu, Hou Manman, Zhao Xiuhai. 2018. Seedling density dependence regulated by population density and habitat filtering: Evidence from a mixed primary broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Northeastern China. Annals of Forest Science, 75:25.
[4] Hao Minhui, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2018. Functional and phylogenetic diversity determine woody productivity in a temperate forest. Ecology and Evolution, 1-12.
[5] Zhang Chunyu, Cheng Yanxia, He Haijiang, Gao Lushuang, Liang Jingjing, Zhao Xiuhai. 2017. Structural drivers of biomass dynamics in two temperate forests in China. Ecosphere, 8: e01752.
[6] Fan Chunyu, Tan Lingzhao, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2017. Analysing taxonomic structures and local ecological processes in temperate forests in North Eastern China. BMC Ecology, 17-33.
[7] Fan Chunyu, Tan Lingzhao, Zhang Peng, Liang Jingjing, Zhang Chunyu, Wang Juan, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2017. Determinants of mortality in a mixed broad-leaved Korean pine forest in northeastern China. European Journal of Forest Research, 136: 457-469.
[8] Wang Juan, Cheng Yanxia, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Yazhou, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2016. Relationships between tree biomass productivity and local species diversity. Ecosphere, 7: e01562.
[9] Zhan Xinna, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai. 2016. Biomass allocation patterns and allometric relationships between components of the androdioecious Acer tegmentosum. Annals of Forest Science, 17, 73(3): 729-739.
[10] Yan Yan, Chunyu Zhang, Yuxi Wang, Xiuhai Zhao, Klaus von Gadow. 2015. Drivers of seedling survival in a temperate forest and their relative importance at three stages of succession. Ecology and Evolution, 5(19): 4287-4299.
[11] Wang Jinsong, Bu Wensheng, Zhao Bo, Zhao Xiuhai, Zhang Chunyu, Fan Juan, Klaus von Gadow. 2015. Effects of nitrogen addition on leaf decomposition of single-species and litter mixture in Pinus tabulaeformis forests. Forests, 6: 4462-4476.
[12] Wang Juan, Zhang Chunyu, Klaus von Gadow, Cheng Yanxia, Zhao Xiuhai. 2015. Reproduction and vegetative growth in the dioecious shrub Acer barbinerve in temperate forests of Northeast China. Plant Reproduction, 28: 111-119.
[13] Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2015. Maximum density patterns in two natural forests: An analysis based on large observational field studies in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 346: 98-105.
[14] Zhang Chunyu, Jin Wenbin, Gao Lushuang, Zhao Xiuhai.2014. Scale dependent structuring of spatial diversity in two temperate forest communities. Forest Ecology and Management, 316:110-116.
[15] Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2014. Analyzing selective harvest events in three large forest observational studies in North Eastern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 316: 100-109.
[16] Ni Ruiqiang, Baiketuerhan Yeerjiang, Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2014. Analysing structural diversity in two temperate forests in northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 316: 139-147.
[17] Zhang Yun, Drobyshev Igor, Gao Lushuang, Zhao Xiuhai, Bergeron Yves. 2014. Disturbance and regeneration dynamics of a mixed Korean pine dominated forest on Changbai Mountain, North-Eastern China. Dendrochronologia, 32(1):21-31.
[18] Wang Jinsong, Wu L, Zhao Xiuhai, Fan Juan, Klaus von Gadow. 2013. Influence of ground flora on Fraxinus mandshurica seedling growth on abandoned land and beneath forest canopy. European Journal of Forest Research, 132: 313-324.
[19] Zhang Chunyu, Wang Juan, Xia Fucai, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2012. Sexual dimorphism in reproductive and vegetative allometry for two dioecious Rhamnus plants in north-eastern China. European Journal of Forest Research, 131:1287-1296.
[20] Zhang Chunyu, Zhao Xiuhai, Klaus von Gadow. 2010. Partitioning temperate plant community structure at different scales. Acta Oecologica, 36: 306-313.
[21] 郝珉辉,李晓宇,夏梦洁,何怀江,张春雨,赵秀海. 2018. 抚育采伐对蛟河次生针阔混交林功能结构和谱系结构的影响. 林业科学,54(5):1-9.
[22] 姚杰,张春雨,赵秀海. 2018. 吉林蛟河阔叶红松林树种空间分布格局及其种间关联性. 林业科学,54(8):23-31.
[23] 孟令君,姚杰,秦江环,范春雨,张春雨,赵秀海.2018. 吉林蛟河针阔混交林乔木幼苗组成及其密度格局影响因素. 植物生态学报,42(6):653-662.
[24] 谭凌照,范春雨,张春雨,赵秀海. 2017. 局域生态过程对吉林蛟河阔叶红松林群落相似度的影响. 林业科学,53(11):12-19.
赵秀海. 1996年. 森林生态采伐研究. 黑龙江科技出版社.
SCI期刊Forest Ecosystems副主编

