2023-05-06 12:05
  • 朱保庆
  • 朱保庆 - 副教授 硕导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




2012.7-今 北京林业大学生物学院 食品科学系 讲师、副教授
2008.9-2012.6 中国农业大学食品学院 葡萄与葡萄酒研究中心 博士研究生
2006.9-2008.7 北京理工大学生命学院 硕士研究生
2002.9-2006.6 北京林业大学生物学院 本科/学士



12、参加国家自然科学基金面上项目,乳酸菌吸附苯并芘特性评价及机制研究,2015-2018 (在研)"



1. Liu, Y.-R., Wang, S.-Y., Ren, J., Yuan, G., Li, Q.-Y., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2018). Characterization of free and bound volatile compounds in six Ribes nigrum L. blackcurrant cultivars. Food Research International, 103, 301-315.通讯作者
2. Wang, S.-Y., Li, S.-Y., Zhao, H.-F., Gu, P., Chen, Y.-Q., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2018). Acetaldehyde released by Lactobacillus plantarum enhances accumulation of pyrannoanthocyanins in wine during malolactic fermentation. Food Research International, 108, 254-263.通讯作者
3. Wang, S.-Y., Li, Y.-Q., Ren, J., Gu, P., Li, T., Wu, Y.-W., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2018). Comparison on evolution of volatile compounds and aroma attributes in different pH-adjusted fermented bog bilberry syrup wines during bottle-aging period. Food Bioscience, 22, 121-128. 通讯作者
4. Liu, S.-X., Liu, E.-C., Zhu, B.-Q., Chai, B.-W., Liu, R.-J., Gao, Q., & Zhang*, B.-L. (2018). Impact of maceration time on colour-related phenolics, sensory characteristics and volatile composition of mulberry wine. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 124(1), 45-56.
5. Qian, X., Sun, L., Xu, X.-J., Zhu*, B.-Q., & Xu*, H.-Y. (2017). Differential Expression of VvLOXA Diversifies C6 Volatile Profiles in Some Vitis vinifera Table Grape Cultivars. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 18(12), 2705.并列通讯作者
6. Li, Y.-C., Gu, P., Wang, L.-W., Wang, S.-Y., Yang, H.-Y., Zhang, B.-l., Zhu*, B.-Q., & Ma*, C. (2017). Comparison of amino acid profile in the juice of six pomegranate cultivars from two cultivation regions in China. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(5), e13197.并列通讯作者
7. Ren, J., Wang, S.-Y., Ning, Y., Wang, M.-Z., Wang, l.-Y., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2017). The impact of over‐maturation on the sensory and nutritional quality of Gouqi (Chinese wolfberry) wine. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 124(1), 57-67. 通讯作者
8. Wang, S.-Y., Li, Y.-Q., Li, T., Yang, H.-Y., Ren, J., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2017). Dibasic Ammonium Phosphate Application Enhances Aromatic Compound Concentration in Bog Bilberry Syrup Wine. Molecules, 22(1), 52. 通讯作者
9. Ouyang, X.-Y., Yuan, G.-S., Ren, J., Wang, L.-Y., Wang, M.-Z., Li, Y.-H., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2017). Aromatic compounds and organoleptic features of fermented wolfberry wine: Effects of maceration time. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(10), 2234-2248. 通讯作者
10. Ouyang, X.-Y., Zhu, B.-Q., Liu, R.-J., Gao, Q., Lin, G., Wu, J.-B., Hu, Z.-Y., & Zhang*, B.-L. (2017). Comparison of volatile composition and color attributes of mulberry wine fermented by different commercial yeasts. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 42(2), e13432.
11. Zhao, L.-L., Wei, J.-Y., Zhao, H.-F., Zhu, B.-Q., & Zhang*, B.-L. (2017). Detoxification of cancerogenic compounds by lactic acid bacteria strains. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition(5), 1-16.
12. Liu, S.-X., Wang, S.-Y., Yuan, G.-S., Ouyang, X.-Y., Liu, Y.-R., Zhu*, B.-Q., & Zhang, B.-L. (2016). Effect of Oak Chips on Evolution of Phenolic Compounds and Color Attributes of Bog Bilberry Syrup Wine During Bottle‐Aging. Journal of Food Science, 81(11), C2697-C2707. 通讯作者
13. Yuan, G.-S., Ren, J., Ouyang, X.-Y., Wang, L.-Y., Wang, M.-Z., Shen, X.-D., Zhang, B.-L., & Zhu*, B.-Q. (2016). Effect of Raw Material, Pressing and Glycosidase on the Volatile Compound Composition of Wine Made From Goji Berries. Molecules, 21(10), 1324. 通讯作者
14. Zhu, W.-Q., Zhu, B.-Q., Yao-Li, Zhang, Y.-Y., Zhang, B.-L., & Fan*, J.-F. (2016). Acidic electrolyzed water efficiently improves the flavour of persimmon (Diospyros kaki L. cv. Mopan) wine. Food Chem, 197, 141-149. 并列第一作者
15. Liu, S.-X., Yang, H.-Y., Li, S.-Y., Zhang, J.-Y., Li, T., Zhu*, B.-Q., & Zhang*, B.-L. (2015). Polyphenolic Compositions and Chromatic Characteristics of Bog Bilberry Syrup Wines. Moleculars, 20(11), 19865-19877. 并列通讯作者
16. Niu, J., Zhu, B.-Q., Cai, J., Li, P.-X., Wang, L.-B., Dai, H.-T., Qiu, L., Yu, H.-Y., Ha, D.-L., Zhao, H.-Y., Zhang, Z.-X., & Lin*, S.-Z. (2014). Selection of Reference Genes for Gene Expression Studies in Siberian Apricot (Prunus sibirica L.) Germplasm Using Quantitative Real-Time PCR. Plos One, 9(8), e103900.并列第一作者
17. Zhu, B.-Q., Wu, Y.-W., Xu, X.-Q., Pan, Q.-H., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2012). Changes of 3-Alkyl-2-methoxypyrazines in Developing Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera) and Zuoshanyi (Vitis amurensis Rupr.) Grapes from North China. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 33(1), 132-136. 第一作者
18. Zhu, B.-Q., Xu, X.-Q., Wu, Y.-W., Duan, C.-Q., & Pan*, Q.-H. (2012). Isolation and characterization of two hydroperoxide lyase genes from grape berries HPL isogenes in Vitis vinifera grapes. Molecular Biology Reports, 39(7), 7443-7455.第一作者
19. Zhu, B.-Q., Cai, J., Wang, Z.-Q., Xu, X.-Q., Duan, C.-Q., & Pan*, Q.-H. (2014). Identification of a Plastid-Localized Bifunctional Nerolidol_Linalool Synthase in Relation to Linalool Biosynthesis in Young Grape Berries. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(12), 21992-22010.第一作者
20. Cai, J., Zhu, B.-Q., Wang, Y.-H., Lu, L., Lan, Y.-B., Reeves, M. J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2014). Influence of pre-fermentation cold maceration treatment on aroma compounds of Cabernet Sauvignon wines fermented in different industrial scale fermenters. Food Chem, 154, 217-229.
21. Lan, Y.-B., Qian, X., Yang, Z.-J., Xiang, X.-F., Yang, W.-X., Liu, T., Zhu, B.-Q., Pan, Q.-H., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2016). Striking changes in volatile profiles at sub-zero temperatures during over-ripening of ‘Beibinghong’ grapes in Northeastern China. Food Chem, 212, 172-182.
22. Li, Q., He, F., Zhu, B.-Q., Liu, B., Sun, R.-Z., Duan, C.-Q., Reeves, M. J., & Wang*, J. (2014). Comparison of distinct transcriptional expression patterns of flavonoid biosynthesis in Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from east and west China. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 84, 45-56.
23. Li, S.-Y., He, F., Zhu, B.-Q., Wang, J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2017). Comparison of phenolic and chromatic characteristics of dry red wines made from native Chinese grape species and vitis vinifera. International Journal of Food Properties, 20(9), 2134-2146.第三作者
24. Li, S.-Y., He, F., Zhu, B.-Q., Xing, R.-R., Reeves, M. J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2016). A systematic analysis strategy for accurate detection of anthocyanin pigments in red wines. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 30(13), 1619-1626.
25. Li, S.-Y., Zhu, B.-Q., Li, L.-J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2018). Extensive and objective wine color classification with chromatic database and mathematical models. International Journal of Food Properties(2), 1-13.
26. Li, S.-Y., Zhu, B.-Q., Reeves, M. J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2017). Phenolic Analysis and Theoretic Design for Chinese Commercial Wines' Authentication. Journal of Food Science, 83(26), 30-38.
27. Liang, N.-N., Zhu, B.-Q., Han, S., Wang, J.-H., Pan, Q.-H., Reeves, M. J., Duan, C.-Q., & He*, F. (2014). Regional characteristics of anthocyanin and flavonol compounds from grapes of four Vitis vinifera varieties in five wine regions of China. Food Research International, 64, 264-274.
28. Liu, B., Xu, X.-Q., Cai, J., Lan, Y.-B., Zhu, B.-Q., & Wang*, J. (2015). The free and enzyme-released volatile compounds of distinctive Vitis amurensis var. Zuoshanyi grapes in China. European Food Research and Technology, 240(5), 985-997.
29. Qian, X., Xu, X.-Q., Yu, K.-J., Zhu, B.-Q., Lan, Y.-B., Duan, C.-Q., & Pan*, Q.-H. (2016). Varietal Dependence of GLVs Accumulation and LOX-HPL Pathway Gene Expression in Four Vitis vinifera Wine Grapes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(11), 1924.
30. Wang, D., Cai, J., Zhu, B.-Q., Wu, G.-F., Duan, C.-Q., Chen, G., & Shi*, Y. (2015). Study of free and glycosidically bound volatile compounds in air-dried raisins from three seedless grape varieties using HS-SPME with GC-MS. Food Chem, 177, 346-353.
31. Wang, D., Duan, C.-Q., Shi, Y., Zhu, B.-Q., Javed, H. U., & Wang*, J. (2017). Free and glycosidically bound volatile compounds in sun-dried raisins made from different fragrance intensities grape varieties using a validated HS-SPME with GC-MS method. Food Chem, 228, 125-135.
32. Wang, Y.-Q., Ye, D.-Q., Zhu, B.-Q., Wu*, G.-F., & Duan, C.-Q. (2014). Rapid HPLC analysis of amino acids and biogenic amines in wines during fermentation and evaluation of matrix effect. Food Chem, 163, 6-15.
33. Xu, X.-Q., Liu, B., Zhu, B.-Q., Lan, Y.-B., Gao, Y., Wang, D., Reeves, M. J., & Duan*, C.-Q. (2015). Differences in volatile profiles of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in two distinct regions of China and their responses to weather conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 85, 123-133.
34. Zhang, X.-K., Lan, Y.-B., Zhu, B.-Q., Xiang, X.-F., Duan, C.-Q., & Shi*, Y. (2018). Changes in monosaccharides, organic acids and amino acids during Cabernet Sauvignon wine ageing based on a simultaneous analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Sci Food Agric, 98(1), 104-112.

