2023-05-06 12:02
  • 徐吉臣
  • 徐吉臣 - 教授 博导-北京林业大学-生物科学与技术学院-个人资料




2004年2月至2006年7月:Rutgers University, USA,访问学者
1997年4月至1999年5月:Purdue University, USA,博士后
1994年9月至1997年4月:International Rice Research Institute,Philippines,博士后



1. 林业公益性行业科研专项,林木顶端分生组织发育及环境适应机制研究,2015.01-2018.12
2. 甘肃省农垦集团科技项目,特种药材百号品种改良研究。2013.06-2016.06
3. 首都百万亩造林科技支撑工程项目,首都平原造林新品种、新技术和新材料集成应用及模式研究。2012.6-2014.12
4. 北京市自然科学基金项目,超积累植物镉富集关键基因的克隆和功能分析。2012.01-2014.12
5. 国家自然科学基金(海外及港澳学者合作研究基金),扩展蛋白基因AsEXP1 抵御高温胁迫的分子机制研究。2012.01-2013.12
6. 北京市自然科学基金项目,草坪草耐热基因AsEXP1的分离和表达调控研究。2011.01-2013.12
7. 林业公益性行业科研专项经费专题,云杉、侧柏抗寒基因的克隆、功能分析及分子育种。2010.01-2013.12
8. 国家林业局2008年度留学回国人员科技活动择优资助项目。影响叶绿体发育的调控基因鉴定和分析。2009.01-2009.12
9. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,草坪草耐热基因的鉴定与克隆。2009.01-2009.12
10. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),草坪草耐旱机理的研究及相关基因的鉴定与克隆。2008.1-2010.12
11. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划),基于基因组序列的籼稻稻瘟病抗性基因的鉴定与克隆. 2006.12-2010.10
12. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program)稻瘟病抗性基因Pi-d(t)2和Pi-zh的鉴定与克隆(课题编 号:2002AA224131). 2001.1-2003.12
13. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),水稻Xa-21转基因植株中整合位点的定位与位置效应。2000.1-2002.12
14. 国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目,水稻重要性状的功能基因组学研究。1999.10-2005.12
15. 国家转基因植物研究与产业化开发专项计划,水稻稻瘟病抗性基因Pi-zh、Pi-3或Pi-d(t) 的分离与克隆。1999.10-2001.12"



1. Chen Yongkun, Liu Yuxia, Ding Yana, Wang Xiaotong, Xu Jichen*. Overexpression of PtPCS enhances cadmium tolerance and cadmium accumulation in tobacco. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2015, 121(2): 389-396
2. Xu Qian, Xu Xiao, Shi Yang, Xu Jichen*, Huang Bingru*. 2014, Transgenic Tobacco Plants Overexpressing a Grass PpEXP1 Gene Exhibit Enhanced Tolerance to Heat Stress. PLoS ONE 9(7): e100792.
3. Liu Jie, Xu Xiao, Xu Qian, Wang Shuhui, Xu Jichen*. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing PicW gene from Picea wilsonii exhibit enhanced freezing tolerance. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2014, 118(3): 391-400
4. Xu Xiao, Lv Qiming, Shang Junjun, Pang Zhiqian, Zhou Zhuangzhi, Wang Jing, Jiang Guanghuai, Tao Yong, Xu Qian, Li Xiaobing, Zhao Xianfeng, Li Shigui*, Xu Jichen*, Zhu Lihuang*. Excavation of Pid3 orthologs with differential resistance spectra to Magnaporthe oryzae in rice resource. Plos One, 2014, 9(3):e93275
5. Huang Zhongwen, Tong Chunfa, Bo Wenhao, Pang Xiaoming, Wang Zhong, Xu Jichen, Gai Junyi, Wu Rongling. An allometric model for mapping seed development in plants. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2014, 15(4): 562-570
6. Bo Wenhao, Fu Guifang, Wang Zhong, Xu, Fang, Shen Yong, Xu Jichen, Huang Zhongwen, Gai Junyi, Vallejos C. Eduardo, Wu Rongling. Systems mapping: how to map genes for biomass allocation toward an ideotype. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2014, 15(4): 660-669
7. Lv Qiming, Xu Xiao, Shang Junjun, Jiang, Guanghuai,Pang Zhiqian, Zhou Zhuangzhi, Wang Jing, Liu Ya, Li Ting, Li Xiaobing, Zhao Xianfeng, Xu Jichen, Li Shigui, Zhu Lihuang. Functional analysis of pid3-a4, an ortholog of rice blast resistance gene pid3 revealed by allele mining in common wild rice. Phytopathology, 2013. 103(6): 594-599
8. Chen Lei, Ren Yuanyuan,Zhang Yiyun, Xu Jichen, Zhang Zhiyi, Wang Yanwei. Genome-wide profiling of novel and conserved Populus microRNAs involved in pathogen stress response by deep sequencing. Planta, 2012,235(5):873-83
9. Chen Lei, Ren Yuanyuan, Zhang Yiyun, Xu Jichen, Sun Fengshuo, Zhang Zhiyi, Wang Yanwei. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of heat-responsive and novel microRNAs in Populus tomentosa. Gene, 2012, 504(2):160-165.
10. Huang Bingru, Rachmilevitch Shimon, and Xu Jichen. Root Carbon and Protein Metabolism Associated with Heat Tolerance. J. Exp. Bot. 2012, 63:9, 3455-3465
11. Chen Lei, Zhang Yiyun,Ren Yuanyuan, Xu Jichen, Zhang Zhiyi, Wang Yanwei. Genome-wide identification of cold-responsive and new microRNAs in Populus tomentosa by high-throughput sequencing. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012,417(2), 892-896
12. Gong Lu, Cui Feng, Sheng Changzhong, Lin Zhe, Gerald Reeck, Xu Jichen*, Kang Le. Polymorphism and methylation of four genes expressed in salivary glands of Russian wheat aphid. Journal of Economic Entomology, 2012,105(1):232-241
13. Zhou Peng, Zhu Qi, Xu Jichen* and Huang Bingru*. Cloning and Characterization of a Gene, AsEXP1,Encoding Expansin Proteins Inducible by Heat Stress and Hormones in Creeping Bentgrass. Crop Sci, 2011, 51:333-341
14. Shang Junjun, Tao Yong, Chen Xuewei, Zou Yan, Lei Cailin, Wang Jing, Li Xiaobing, Zhao Xianfeng, Zhang Meijun, Lu Zhike, Xu Jichen, Cheng Zhukuan, Wang Jianmin and Zhu Lihuang. Identification of a New Rice Blast Resistance Gene, Pid3, by Genomewide Comparison of Paired Nucleotide-Binding Site–Leucine-Rich Repeat Genes and Their Pseudogene Alleles Between the Two Sequenced Rice Genomes. Genetics, 2009, 182(4):1303–1311
15. Xu Jichen, Belanger Faith, Huang Bingru.. Differential gene expression in shoots and roots under heatstress for a geothermal and non-thermal Agrostis grass species contrasting in heat tolerance. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2008, 63: 240–247
16. Xu Jichen, Tian Jiang, Belanger Faith C., Huang Bingru. Identification and characterization of an expansin gene AsEXP1 associated with heat tolerance in C3 Agrostis grass species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58(13):3789–3796
17. Chen Xuewei, Shang Junjun, Chen Dexi, Lei Cailin, Zou Yan, Zhai Wenxue, Liu Guozhen, Xu Jichen, Ling Zhongzhuan, Cao Gang, Ma Bingtian, Wang Yuping, Zhao Xianfeng, Li Shigui, Zhu Lihuang. 2006, A B-lectin receptor kinase gene conferring rice blast resistance. The Plant Journal, 46: 794-804
18. Wei Lirong, Xu Jichen, Li Xiaobo, Qian Qian, Zhu Lihuang. 2006. Genetic analysis and mapping of the dominant dwarfing gene D-53 in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48(4):447-452
19. Luo Qiong , Zhou Kaida, Zhao Xianfeng, Zeng Qianchun, Xia Hongai , Zhai Wenxue, Xu Jichen, Wu Xianjun, Yang Hongsong and Zhu Lihuang. Identification and fine mapping of a mutant gene for palealess spikelet in rice. Planta, 2005, 221(2):222-230
20. Jichen Xu, Jiulin Wang, Zhongzhuan Ling, Lihuang Zhu. Analysis of rice blast resistance genes by QTL mapping. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004,49(4):337-342
21. Jichen Xu, Xiaobo Li, Lihuang Zhu. Comparative Mapping of Root Growth Traits in Rice Seedling Stage between Nutrient and Water Condition. Progress in Natural Science, 2004,14(4):327-331.
22. Jichen Xu, Liu Guozhen, Li Xiazhen, Xiao Han, Li Xiaobo, Li Hongchang, Wei Lirong, Zhu Lihuang. Identification and Virtual Cloning of Uroporphyrinogen Decarboxylase (UROD) Gene in Rice. Progress in Natural Science, 2004,14(1):64-69
23. Li Xiaobo, Liang Guohua, Li Xiazhen, Li Hongchang, Xu Jichen*, Zhu Lihuang. Function analysis of a semi-dwarf sdg in rice with near isogenic lines. Progress in Natural Science. 2004,14(7): 582-587
担任中国草学会草业生物技术专业委员会理事,国家自然科学基金以及北京、山东、河北、浙江、江苏等省市自然科学基金评审专家,《林业科学》编委,《PlosOne》、《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》、《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》等杂志审稿人

