2023-05-06 12:02
  • 王震
  • 王震 - 副教授-北京林业大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




博士, 2002,9~2006,7,中国科学院生态环境研究中心 城市与区域国家重点实验室; 硕士, 1999,9~2002,3,南京理工大学化工学院 环境工程系 ; 学士,1995,9~1999,7,南京理工大学化工学院 精细化工系; 副教授,2010,12~至今, 北京林业大学 环境科学与工程学院; 访问学者,2013,9~2014,9,美国马里兰大学 (帕克分校) 地理系; 访问学者,2012,9~10,美国加州大学 (圣巴巴拉分校) 环境学院; 讲师,2008,7~2010,11, 北京林业大学 环境科学与工程学院; 博士后,2006,10~2008,9,清华大学 环境学院 环境管理与政策研究所;


产业生态学:物质流分析、生命周期分析、工业共生、碳足迹分析; 城市生态学:生态规划、生态工业园规划; 环境政策分析:政策分析与评价、环境社会学、环境经济学;


Zhen Wang, Lei Shi, Dan Hu, Yi Xu, and Dezhi Sun. Pursuing sustainable industrial development through ecoindustrial park. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences(SCI, IF=2.3). 2010, 1195: E145~153.
Kampeng Lei, Dan Hu, Zhen Wang, Ying-ying Yu and Yanhua Zhao. An analysis of ecological footprint trade and sustainable carrying capacity of the population in Macao, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology(SCI, IF=0.51), 2009,16(2):127–136
Dan Hu, Feng Li, Bennan Wang, Kampeng Lei, Aixin Cao, Zhen Wang and Lin Yin-Hua. An effect analysis of changes in the composition of the water ecological footprint in Jiangyin City, China, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology(SCI, IF=0.51), 2008,15:1~11
Dan Hu, Ru-Song Wang, Kam-Peng Lei , Feng Li, Zhen Wang, Ben-Nan Wang, Expanding ecological appropriation approach: Solar space method and a case study in Yangzhou city, East China, Ecological Complexity(SCI, IF=1.455),2009, 224:473~483
Qiong Wu, Hong-qing Li, Ru-song Wang, Juergen Paulussen,Yong He, Min Wang, Bi-hui Wang, Zhen Wang. Monitoring and predicting land use change in Beijing using remote sensing and GIS, Landscape and Urban Planning(SCI, IF=1.953), Volume 78, Issue 4, 28 November 2006, Pages 322-333
Zhen Wang, Rusong Wang. “Where we are?: A case study of Eco-industrial Park in China”, 11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference,June 7-8, 2005 in Helsinki, Finland. (国际会议)
Zhen Wang, Rusong Wang et., “China experience on Eco-industrial Park”, The 2nd International Society for Industrial Ecology Conference, June 23-July 2, 2003 in Ann Arbor, MI, USA,;(国际会议)
Rusong Wang. Zhen Wang, ” Integrative management of industrial ecosystem”, 7th World Congress on Recovery, Recycling & Re-integration, 2005, Sep 25-29, Beijing, China (国际会议)
Zhen Wang, Shi Lei. How the enterprise ownership affects industrial symbiosis: cases in China, The 4th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, ISIE June 17~20, 2007, Toronto, Canada(国际会议)
Zhen Wang, Promoting a life-cycle approach, Industry and Environment (UNEP), 2002, Volume 25 No.3-4, -38~40 (Chinese Version, Translation Paper) (国际期刊翻译论文)
Dan Hu, Zhen Guo, Zhen Wang, Qiang Xiao, Metabolism analysis and eco-environmental impact assessment of two typical cement production systems in Chinese enterprises, Ecological Informatics, 2014,
张南,王震.各国碳标签体系的特征比较及其评价[J].环境科学与技术,2015,38(12Q):392-396. Zhang Nan, Wang Zhen. Characteristic comparison and evaluation of carbon labeling systems of various countries[J]. Environmental Science & Technology,2015,38(12Q):392-396
张南1,李楠2,刘一1,王震1*,生态设计家具的碳足迹核算与减排效果分析,生态学报, ZHANG Nan1, LIU Yi1, WANG Zhen.Carbon footprint calculation of eco-design furniture and its mitigation options, ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA, 2016,Accepted
李楠,李季,高子恬,等.不同配置与工作状态下电脑的能耗特征分析[J].环境科学与技术,2015,38(6P):92-99. Li Nan,Li Ji,Gao Zitian,et al. Computer energy consumption characteristics analysis with different configuration and working condition[J]. Environmental Science & Technology,2015,38(6P):92-99.
谷艾婷,王震.再生PET 生产环节品质下降原因及政策建议[J].环境科学与技术,2015,38(6P):503-507. Gu Aiting, Wang Zhen*. The factors of quality deterioration in manufacturing processes for recycled PET and its policy recommendation [J]. Environmental Science & Technology (in Chinese), 2015, 38(6P):503-507.
刘一,王震.不同进口模式对我国出口产品碳足迹的影响———以木质橱柜为例[J].环境科学学报,2016.36(2): 710?716
Liu Yi, Wang Zhen. Effects of different import patterns on the carbon footprint of Chinese exported products: a case study on wooden cabinet[J].Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae,2016,36(2):710-716

