2023-05-06 11:57
  • 姜杰
  • 姜杰 - 副教授-北京林业大学-环境科学与工程学院-个人资料




2005/10-2010/01,德国帝宾根大学(University of tuebingen),环境地质所,博士 2003/09-2005/09,德国帝宾根大学(University of tuebingen),应用环境地球科学(Applied Environment Geosciences)专业,硕士 1994/09-1998/07,沈阳建筑大学,给水排水工程专业,学士 2013.1-至今,北京林业大学,环境科学与工程学院,副教授,硕士生导师 2011/04-2012.12 北京林业大学,环境科学与工程学院,讲师 2004/04-2010/01,德国帝宾根大学(University of Tuebingen),环境地质所,科研助理 2007年,美国明尼苏达州(University of Minnesota),访问学者


环境微生物学:厌氧铁氧化和铁还原菌的生理研究 土壤有机质化学:腐殖质的氧化还原性研究 土壤及污泥氧化还原环境研究:包括微生物部分,化学部分,电化学部分及光谱学研究新方法。


(1) Yang. Z.; Kappler. A.; Jiang. J.*. Reducing Capacities and Distribution of Redox-Active Functional Groups in Low Molecular Weight Fractions of Humic Acids [J]. Environmental Science & Technology. 2016, 50(22), 12105~12113.
(2) Yang. Z.; Du. M.C.; Jiang. J.*. Reducing Capacities and Redox Potentials of Humic Substances Extracted from Sewage Sludge [J]. Chemosphere. 2016, 144 (2), 902-908.
(3) Tan. W. B.; Xi. B. D.; Wang, G. A.; Jiang. J. et al. Increased Electron-Accepting and Decreased Electron-Donating Capacities of Soil Humic Substances in Response to Increasing Temperature [J]. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018, (6),3176~3186.
(4) Tian, W.; Yang, Z.; Zhang, X.; Jiang, J. et al. Redox Properties of Humic Substances under Different Environmental Conditions. [J]. Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 2017,(3), 1-10.
(5) Roden. E.*; Kappler. A.; Bauer. I.; Jiang. J. et al. Extracellular electron transfer through microbial reduction of solid-phase humic substances. Nature Geoscience, 2010,3, 417-421.
(6) Jiang. J.; Bauer. I.; Paul. A.; and Kappler. A. Arsenic Redox Changes by Microbially and Chemically Formed Semiquinone Radicals and Hydroquinones in a Humic Substance Model Quinone. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009, 43, 3639-3645.
(7) Wolf. M.; Kappler. A.; Jiang. J. and Meckenstock, R.U. Effect of Humic Substances and Quinones at Low Concentrations on Ferrihydrite Reduction by Geobacter metallireducens. Environmental Science & Technology. 2009, 43, 5679-5685.
(8) Jiang, J. and Kappler, A., Kinetics of Microbial and Chemical Reduction of Humic Substances: Implications for Electron Shuttling. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008, 42, 3563-3569.
(9) Hegler, F.; Posth, N.R.; Jiang, J. and Kappler, A. Physiology of Phototrophic Iron (II)-Oxidizing Bacteria-Implications for Modern and Ancient Environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2008, 66 250-260.
(10) Tan, W.; Jiang, J.et al. Increased Suppression of Methane Production by Humic Substances in Response to Warming in Anoxic Environments. Journal of Environmental Management. 2018, 206: 602-606.
(11)Tan, W.; Zhang, Y.; Xi, B.; Jiang, J.et al. Discrepant responses of the electron transfer capacity of soil humic substances to irrigations with wastewaters from different sources. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 610-611, 333-341.
(12)Cao, J.; Jiang, J*. Reducing capacities in continuously released low molecular weight fractions from bulk humic acids. Journal of environmental management 2019,244, 172-179.

