2023-05-06 11:53
  • 郑宁
  • 郑宁 - 副教授-北京理工大学-物理学院-个人资料




个人简历 郑宁,男,1977年。1999年毕业于北京交通大学。2001-2007年在美国犹他大学(The University of Utah)获得物理学博士学位。工作经历 2007年-2008年 美国BioWarn公司 研发工程师。 2009.9-2013.7 北京理工大学物理学院讲师 2013.7-至今 北京理工大学物理学院 副教授 2016.1-2017.1 美国芝加哥大学,访问学者


颗粒物质实验 1. 活性颗粒(人工马达)的各种新奇现象与反常行为:自组装、反常扩散、反常输运以及集体协同运动;2. 激励条件下颗粒材料的分离、聚合与斑图动力学;3. 密集颗粒流动状态的流变与统计性质


1. C. Xu, F-L. Wang, L-P. Wang, X-S. Qi, Q-F. Shi*, L-S. Li, N. Zheng*, Inter-orifice distance dependence of flow rate in a quasi-two-dimensional hopper with dual outlets, Powder Technol., 328, 7–12 (2018) 2. C. Xu, N. Zheng*, L-P. Wang, L-S. Li, Q-F. Shi & Z-Y. Lu*, Self-propulsion of a grain-filled dimer in a vertically vibrated channel, Sci. Rept. 7, 14193: 1-11 (2017) 3. H-S. Li, C. Wang, W-D Tian*, Y-Q Ma, C. Xu, N. Zheng* and K. Chen*, Spontaneous symmetry breaking induced unidirectional rotation of a chain-grafted colloidal particle in the active bath, SoftMatter (Cover article) 13, 8031-8038 (2017) 4. Bouncing behavior and dissipative characterization of a chain-filled granular damper, Cheng Xu, Ning Zheng*, Liang-sheng Li, Qing-fan Shi, Powder Tech. 297 367 (2016) 5. Confinement-induced horizontal segregation in a vertically shaken granular bed, Xuejiao Yang, Ning Zheng*, Pingping Wen, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Powder Tech. 286 629 (2015) 6. Flux of granular particles through a shaken sieve plate, Pingping Wen, Ning Zheng*, Junwei Nian, Liangsheng Li and Qingfan Shi, Sci. Rep. 5 09880 (2015) 7. Bottom Stresses of Static Packing of Granular Chains, PingPing Wen, Guan Wang, Degan Hao, Ning Zheng*, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Physica A, 419, 457 (2015) 8. Symmetrically periodic segregation in a vertically vibrated binary granular bed, Pingping Wen, Ning Zheng*, Liangsheng Li, and Qingfan Shi, Sci. Rep. 4 6914 (2014) 9. Scaling probability distribution of granular chains in two dimensions, Guan Wang, Ning Zheng*, Pingping Wen, Liangsheng Li, Qingfan Shi, Physica A, 407, 192 (2014) 10. Segregation in mixtures of granular chains and spherical grains under vertical vibration, X. X. Yuan, N. Zheng*, Q. f. Shi, G. Sun, L. S. Li, Phys. Rev. E, 87, 042203 (2013) 11. Polymerlike statistical characterization of two-dimensional granular chains Ping-Ping Wen, Ning Zheng, Liang-Sheng Li, Heng Li, Gang Sun, and Qing-Fan Shi, Phys. Rev. E 85, 031301 (2012) 12. Heaping instabilities in a layered Bi-disperse granular bed, Ning Zheng, Ping-Ping Wen, Qing-Fan Shi, Pik-Yin Lai and C. K. Chan*, EPL, 100 44002(2012) 13. Percolation current in a periodic segregation of a binary granular mixture, Shanshan Du, Qingfan Shi, Gang Sun, Liangsheng Li, and Ning Zheng*, Phys. Rev. E 84, 041307 (2011)

