2023-05-06 11:52
  • 张祥
  • 张祥 - 教授 博导-北京理工大学-管理与经济学院-个人资料






张祥. 提升竞争能力的新途径——让顾客参与共创价值. 北京: 科学出版社, 2013年6月. ISBN: 978-7-03-037776-0.
陈荣秋,张祥. 运作管理(第10版).北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2012年1月. ISBN: 978-7-300-14890-8.原著: Heizer, J., Render,B. Operations Management (10th edition). Upper Saddle River-Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 2009.
陈荣秋,张祥. 运作管理(第8版).北京: 中国人民大学出版社, 2006年11月. ISBN: 7-300-07567-3.原著: Heizer, J., Render,B. Operations Management (8th edition). Upper Saddle River-Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 2005.
王海军,马士华,张祥. 供应链管理手册(第5版). 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2004年4月. 原著: Gattorna, J.(eds.), Gower Handbooks of Supply Chain Management (5th edition). Gower Publishing Company, Australia, February 2003.

Gu B.J.#, Zhang X.* Prospect theory and the newsvendor problem with mental accounting. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2020, 12 pages, Accepted. (doi: 10.1007/s11518-019-5445-5, SCI)
Zhang X#*, Yousaf H.M.A.U. Green supply chain coordination considering government intervention, green investment, and customer green preferences in petroleum industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 246: 118984. (doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.118984).
Zhang X.#*, Bai X.#, Zhong H. Electric vehicle adoption in license plate-controlled big cities: Evidence from Beijing. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 202, 191-196. (SCI, 2018 IF 5.651, JCLP在2018可持续发展领域排名第一)
Zhang X.#*, Bai X.#, Shang J. Is subsidized electric vehicles adoption sustainable: Consumers’ perceptions and motivation toward incentive policies, environmental benefits, and risks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 192, 71-79. (SCI, 2018 IF 5.651, JCLP在2018可持续发展领域排名第一)
Zhang X.#*, Bai X. Incentive policies from 2006 to 2016 and new energy vehicle adoption in 2010 ~ 2020 in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017, 70, 24-43. (SCI,2018 IF 9.184)
李文策#,白雪*,齐亮,张祥,冉纯嘉. 新能源汽车新时代新征程:2017年回顾及未来展望. 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2018, 20(2): 1-7.
顾波军, 张祥*. 风险中性供应商与损失规避零售商基于收益共享契约的供应链协调研究. 系统管理学报(原刊名《系统工程理论方法应用》). 录用.
张祥,张春晔,王月辉,张璇. 调节聚焦对计划行为意愿的影响研究——以可召回机票为例. 中大管理研究, 2014, 9(4): 28-41.
Zhang X. Reference-dependent Electric Vehicle Production Strategy Considering Subsidies and Consumer Trade-offs. Energy Policy, 2014, 67, 422-430. (SCI/SSCI)
Zhang X.#*, Chen, R. Asymmetric effects, regulatory focus, and attribute performance—— Mixed experimental evidence in airline overbooking recovery. International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 142(1), 27-36. (SCI/SSCI)
李果, 张祥, 马士华, 王兆华. 不确定交货条件下供应链装配系统订货优化与协调研究综述. 计算机集成制造系统, 2012, 18(2), 369-380. (EI: 20121314899761)
Zhang X., Ye C., Chen R.Q., and Wang Z.H. Multi-focused strategy in value co-creation with customers: Examining cumulative development pattern with new capabilities. International Journal of Production Economics, 2011, July, 132(1): 122-130. (SCI/SSCI)
Wang Z.H., Zhang B., Yin J.H., and Zhang X. Willingness and behavior towards e-waste recycling for residents in Beijing city, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2011, 19(9-10): 977-984. (SCI/SSCI: 000290702800007)
Li G., Zhang X., Wang Z.H., and Gao T. Coordination performance evaluation of supply logistics in JIT environment. International Journal of Advanced Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 2011, 3(1): 16-28.
李果,张祥,马士华. 基于不同交货期策略的两供应商-单制造商协同供货模型. 中国管理科学,2010,18(5): 66-75.
张祥,陈荣秋. 竞争优势的新来源:与顾客共创价值. 管理工程学报, 2009, 23(4): 14-19.
Zhang X., Chen R.Q. Examining the Mechanism of the Value Co-creation with Customers. International Journal of Production Economics,2008, 116(2):242-250.(SCI)
Zhang X., Chen R.Q., and Liu P.Q. Exploring the congruence between functional strategies and customer integration strategy in customerization. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 2008, 17(Suppl.): 106-111. (EI)
Zhang X., Chen R.Q., and Ma, Y.B. An empirical examination of response time, product variety and firm performance. International Journal of Production Research, 2007, 45(14):3135-3150.(SCI and SSCI)
Zhang X., Chen R.Q. Forecast-driven or customer-order-driven? An empirical analysis of the Chinese automotive industry. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 2006, 26(6): 668-688.(SSCI)
张祥, 陈荣秋. 顾客参与链: 让顾客与企业共同创造竞争优势, 管理评论, 18(1):51-56, 2006.
中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会工业工程专业委员会理事,是国际期刊Energy Policy、Omega、Tourism Management、International Journal of Production Economics、International Journal of Production Research、Service Science、International Journal of Operations and Production Management、Journal of Cleaner Production等评审专家

