2023-05-06 11:44
  • 王兆华
  • 王兆华 - 教授 博导-北京理工大学-管理与经济学院-个人资料





王兆华教授长期从事大数据驱动的低碳消费(生产)行为管理、能源资源与环境管理、创新与可持续发展政策建模等领域的研究,作为负责人主持国家自然科学基金(青年、面上、重点和杰青)、国家重点研发计划课题、国家“973”计划等课题(专题)、国家哲学社会科学基金、霍英东青年教师基金等30 余项;出版专著5部;在Nature等国内外学术期刊发表论文200 余篇,被SCI/SSCI检索100余篇,累计10余篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。曾获北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖,教育部优秀科技成果一等奖,教育部优秀科技成果奖(人文社科),国防科学技术进步奖等荣誉


[1] Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Dabo Guan, Take responsibility for electronic-waste disposal, Nature, 536(2016), pp23-25. (Comment)
[2] Zhaohua Wang, Yefei Sun, and Bo Wang*. How Does the New-Type Urbanisation Affect Co2 Emissions in China? An Empirical Analysis from the Perspective of Technological Progress. Energy Economics (2019), 917-927.
[3] Danish, and Zhaohua Wang*. Dynamic Relationship between Tourism Economic Growth and Environmental Quality. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 26 (2018), 1928-1943.
[4] Danish, Zhaohua Wang*, Investigation of the ecological footprint’s driving factors: What we learn from the experience of emerging economies, Sustainable Cities and Society, 49(2019), 101626.
[5] Zhaohua Wang, Qingyu Sun, Bo Wang, Bin Zhang, Purchasing intentions of Chinese consumers on energy-efficient appliances: Is the energy efficiency label effective?, Journal of Cleaner Production, 238(2019):117896.
[6] Claudel Mombeuil, Anestis K. Fotiadis, Zhaohua Wang*, The Pandora's box of corporate social irresponsibility: An exploratory study within a failed State context, Journal of Cleaner Production, 234(2019), 1306-1321.
[7] Yuantao Yang, Shen Qu, Zhaohua Wang, Ming Xu, Sensitivity of sectoral CO2 emissions to demand and supply pattern changes in China, Science of the Total Environment, 682(2019), 572-582.
[8] Zahoor Ahmed, Zhaohua Wang, Investigating the impact of human capital on the ecological footprint in India: An empirical analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 26(2019), 26782-26796.
[9] Zahoor Ahmed, Zhaohua Wang, Sajid Ali, Investigating the non-linear relationship between urbanization and CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 12: 8(2019), 945-953.
[10] Nasir Mahmood, Zhaohua Wang, Nazia Yasmin, Waqas Manzoor, Atteeq Ur Rahman, How to bend down the environmental Kuznets curve: the significance of biomass energy, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(2019), 21598-21608.
[11] Nasir Mahmood, Zhaohua Wang, Syed Tauseef Hassan, Renewable energy, economic growth, human capital, and CO2 emission: an empirical analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(2019), 20619-20630.
[12] Jiasen Sun, Guo Li, Zhaohua Wang, Technology heterogeneity and efficiency of China’s circular economic systems: A game meta-frontier DEA approach, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 146(2019), 337-347.
[13] Danish, Zhaohua Wang, Does biomass energy consumption help to control environmental pollution? Evidence from BRICS countries, Science of the Total Environment, 670(2019):1075-1083.
[14] Zahoor Ahmed, Zhaohua Wang, Faisal Mahmood, Muhammad Hafeez, Nazakat Ali, Does globalization increase the ecological footprint? Empirical evidence from Malaysia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(2019), 18565-18582.
[15] Zhaohua Wang, Mengtian Xue, Yutao Wang, Malin Song, Shanjun Li, Ricardo A. Daziano, Bo Wang, Guanhua Ma, Ke Chen, Xiangtao Li, Bin Zhang, Big data: New tend to sustainable consumption research, Journal of Cleaner Production, 236(2019):117499.
[16] Yiming Li, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang, Zhaohua Wang*, Evolutionary trend of the coal industry chain in China: Evidence from the analysis of I-O and APL model, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 145(2019), 399-410.
[17] Zhaohua Wang, Muhammad Mansoor Asghar, Syed Anees Haider Zaidi, Bo Wang, Dynamic linkages among CO2 emissions, health expenditures, and economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(2019), 15285-15299.
[18] Bin Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Bo Wang, Zhaohua Wang*, From intention to action: How do personal attitudes, facilities accessibility, and government stimulus matter for household waste sorting?, Journal of Environmental Management, 233(2019), 447-458.
[19] Hanpeng Zhang*, Zhaohua Wang*, Shengjun Chen and Chengqi Guo, Product recommendation in online social networking communities: An empirical study of antecedents and a mediator, Information & Mangement, 56(2019), 185-195.
[20] Guo Li, Ming K. Lim, and Zhaohua Wang. Stakeholders, Green Manufacturing, and Practice Performance: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Fashion Businesses. Annals of Operations Research (2019).
[21] Senyu He, Jianhua Yin, Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, How to upgrade an enterprise’s low-carbon technologies under a carbon tax: The trade-off between tax and upgrade fee, Applied Energy, 227(2018), 564-573.
[22] Zhaohua Wang*, Yuantao Yang and Bo Wang, Carbon footprints and embodied CO2 transfers among provinces in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82(2018), 1068-1078.
[23] Zhaohua Wang, Dongxue Guo, Xiaomeng Wang, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang,How does information publicity influence residents’ behaviour intentions around e-waste recycling? Resources Conservation & Recycling, 133(2018), pp1-9.
[24] Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang, Renewable energy consumption, economic growth and human development index in Pakistan: Evidence form simultaneous equation model, Journal of Cleaner Production, 184(2018), pp1081-1090.
[25] Zhaohua Wang*, Lin Yang, Jianhua Yin, Assessment and prediction of environmental sustainability in China based on a modified ecological footprint model, Resources Conservation & Recycling, 132(2018), pp301-313.
[26] Bo Wang, Xiaomeng Wang, Dongxue Guo, Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Analysis of factors influencing residents’ habitual energy-saving behaviour based on NAM and TPB models: Egoism or altruism? Energy Policy, 116(2018), pp68-77.
[27] Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, Bo Wang, The moderating role of corruption between economic growth and CO2 emissions: Evidence from BRICS economies, Energy, 148(2018), pp506-513.
[28] Zhaohua Wang*, Senyu He, Bin Zhang, Optimizing cooperative carbon emission reduction among enterprises with non-equivalent relationships subject to carbon taxation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 172(2018), pp552-565.
[29] Bo Wang , Zhaohua Wang*, Imported technology and CO2 emission in China: Collecting evidence through bound testing and VECM approach, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82(2018), pp4204-4214.
[30] Bin Zhang , Zhaohua Wang , Bo Wang , Energy production, economic growth and CO 2, emission: evidence from Pakistan, Natural Hazards, 90(2018), pp1-24.
[31] Zhaohua Wang*, Jianhua Yin , Xiaoyang Dong , Antecedents of urban residents' separate collection intentions for household solid waste and their willingness to pay: Evidence from China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 173(2018), pp256-264.
[32] Zhaohua Wang, Yiming Li, Hailin Cai, Comparative analysis of regional carbon emissions accounting methods in China: production-based versus, consumption-based principles, Journal of Cleaner Production, 194(2018), pp12-22.
[33] Zhaohua Wang, Yefei Sun, Yimeng Zeng, Substitution effect or complementation effect for bicycle travel choice preference and other transportation availability: Evidence from US large-scale shared bicycle travel behaviour data, Journal of Cleaner Production, 194(2018), pp406-415.
[34] Weijun He, Bo Wang, Zhaohua Wang*. Will regional economic integration influence carbon dioxide marginal abatement costs? Evidence from Chinese panel data, Energy Economics, 74(2018), pp263-274.
[35] Jiasen Sun, Guo Li, Zhaohua Wang, Optimizing China’s Energy Consumption Structure under Energy and Carbon Constraints, Structural Change and Economic Dynamic, (2018)
[36] Zhaohua Wang, Yuandong Zhao and Bo Wang, A Bibliometric Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Based on Massive Research Literature Data, Journal of Cleaner Production, (2018).
[37] Zhenjiao Chen, Robert M. Davison, Mao Jiye, Zhaohua Wang, When and How Authoritarian Leadership and Leader Renqing Orientation Influence Tacit Knowledge Sharing Intentions. Information & Management, (2018).
[38] Yaser Iftikhar, Zhaohua Wang, Bin Zhang, and Bo Wang. Energy and Co2 Emissions Efficiency of Major Economies: A Network Dea Approach. Energy 147 (2018): 197-207.
[39] Guo Li, Jiasen Sun, and Zhaohua Wang. Exploring the Energy Consumption Rebound Effect of Industrial Enterprises in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Region. Energy Efficiency (2018): 1-20.
[40] Jiasen Sun, Zhaohua Wang, and Guo Li. Measuring Emission-Reduction and Energy-Conservation Efficiency of Chinese Cities Considering Management and Technology Heterogeneity. Journal of Cleaner Production 175 (2018): 561-71.
[41] Bo Wang, Yefei Sun, Qingxiang Chen, and Zhaohua Wang*. Determinants Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Passenger and Freight Transportation Sectors in China. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 47 (2018): 127-32.
[42] Bo Wang, Yefei Sun, and Zhaohua Wang*. Agglomeration Effect of Co2 Emissions and Emissions Reduction Effect of Technology: A Spatial Econometric Perspective Based on China's Province-Level Data. Journal of Cleaner Production 204 (2018): 96-106.
[43] Bo Wang, and Zhaohua Wang*. Heterogeneity Evaluation of China's Provincial Energy Technology Based on Large-Scale Technical Text Data Mining. Journal of Cleaner Production 202 (2018): 946-58.
[44] Chen Wang, Anita Engels, and Zhaohua Wang. Overview of Research on China's Transition to Low-Carbon Development: The Role of Cities, Technologies, Industries and the Energy System. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81 (2018): 1350-64.
[45] Chen Wang, Zhaohua Wang*, Ruo-Yu Ke, and Jiancai Wang. Integrated Impact of the Carbon Quota Constraints on Enterprises within Supply Chain: Direct Cost and Indirect Cost. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 92 (2018): 774-83.
[46] Bin Zhang, Zhanjie Du, Bo Wang, and Zhaohua Wang*. Motivation and Challenges for E-Commerce in E-Waste Recycling under “Big Data” Context: A Perspective from Household Willingness in China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2018).
[47] Bin Zhang, Zhanjie Du, and Zhaohua Wang*. Carbon Reduction from Sustainable Consumption of Waste Resources: An Optimal Model for Collaboration in an Industrial Symbiotic Network. Journal of Cleaner Production 196 (2018): 821-28.
[48] Bin Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Bo Wang, and Zhaohua Wang*. The Clean Development Mechanism and Corporate Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 129 (2018): 278-89.
[49] Bin Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Bo Wang, and Zhaohua Wang*. Financial Benefits from Corporate Announced Practice of Industrial Waste Recycling: Empirical Evidence from Chemical Industry in China. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 139 (2018): 40-47.
[50] Wenling Liu*, Zhaohua Wang, The effects of climate policy on corporate technological upgrading in energy intensive industries: Evidence from China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 142(2017), pp3748-3758.
[51] Zhenjiao Chen, Mengmeng Song, Lin Jia, Zhaohua Wang, How Authoritarian Leadership and Renqing Orientation Improve Tacit Knowledge Sharing, In HICSS, 2017.
[52] Zhaohua Wang, Yi Li, Ke Wang, and Zhimin Huang. Environment-Adjusted Operational Performance Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants: A Three Stage Efficiency Analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 76 (2017): 1153-62.
[53] Senyu He, and Zhaohua Wang*. Optimisation of an Enterprise's Production Technology Upgrade Strategy under a Carbon Tax: Pay the Tax or an Upgrade Fee? Energy Procedia 105 (2017): 3984-89.
[54] Xiang Ji, Guo Li, and Zhaohua Wang. Allocation of Emission Permits for China’s Power Plants: A Systemic Pareto Optimal Method. Applied Energy 204 (2017): 607-19.
[55] Xiang Ji, Guo Li, and Zhaohua Wang. Impact of Emission Regulation Policies on Chinese Power Firms' Reusable Environmental Investments and Sustainable Operations. Energy Policy 108 (2017): 163-77.
[56] Lin Yang, Kai Tang, Zhaohua Wang, Haizhong An, and Wei Fang. Regional Eco-Efficiency and Pollutants' Marginal Abatement Costs in China: A Parametric Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production 167 (2017): 619-29.
[57] Bin Zhang, Kee-hung Lai, Bo Wang, and Zhaohua Wang*. Shareholder Value Effects of Corporate Carbon Trading: Empirical Evidence from Market Reaction Towards Clean Development Mechanism in China. Energy Policy 110 (2017): 410-21.
[58] Zhaohua Wang*, Xiaomeng Wang, Dongxue Guo, Policy implications of the purchasing intentions towards energy-efficient appliances among China’s urban residents: Do subsidies work? Energy Policy, 102(2017), pp430-439.
[59] Zhaohua Wang*,Chenyao Zhao ,Jianhua Yin, Purchasing intentions of Chinese citizens on new energy vehicles: How should one respond to current preferential policy, Journal of Cleaner Production,161(2017), pp430-439.
[60] Guo Li, Wenling Liu, Zhaohua Wang, An empirical examination of energy consumption, behavioral intention, and situational factors: evidence from Beijing, Annals of Operations Research, 255 (2017), pp1-18.
[61] Milin Lu, Zhaohua Wang*, Rebound effects for residential electricity use in urban China: an aggregation analysis based E-I-O and scenario simulation, Annals of Operations Research, 255 (2017), pp525-546.
[62] Bin Zhang, Bo Wang, Zhaohua Wang*, Role of renewable energy and non-renewable energy consumption on EKC: Evidence from Pakistan, Journal of Cleaner Production, 156(2017), pp855-864.
[63] Zhaohua Wang*, Weijun He, Bo Wang, Performance and reduction potential of energy and CO2, emissions among the APEC's members with considering the return to scale, Energy, 138(2017), pp552-562.
[64] Zhaohua Wang*, Weijun He, Regional energy intensity reduction potential in China: A non-parametric analysis approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 149(2017), pp426-435.
[65] Zhaohua Wang*, Junwei Sun, Analysis of interregional industry linkage and economic distance in China: evidence from the mining industry, Applied Economics. 49(2017), pp606-617.
[66] Zhaohua Wang*, Weijun He, CO2 emissions efficiency and marginal abatement costs of the regional transportation sectors in China, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 50(2017), pp83-97.
[67] Yaser Iftikhar, Weijun He, Zhaohua Wang*, Energy and CO2 emissions efficiency of major economies: A non-parametric analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production, 139(2016), pp779-787.
[68] Zhaohua Wang*, Dongxue Guo, Xiaomeng Wang, Determinants of residents' e-waste recycling behaviour intentions: Evidence from China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 137(2016), pp850-860.
[69] Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Kee-hung Lai, Does Industrial Waste Reuse Bring Dual Benefits of Economic Growth and Carbon Emission Reduction? : Evidence of Incorporating the Indirect Effect of Economic Growth in China, Journal of Industrial Ecology, 20(2016), pp1306-1319.
[70] Zhaohua Wang*, Weijun He, Ke Chen, The integrated efficiency of economic development and CO2 emissions among Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation members, Journal of Cleaner Production, 131(2016), pp765-772.
[71] Zhaohua Wang*, Xiaoyang Dong, Determinants and policy implications of residents' new energy vehicle purchases: the evidence from China, Natural Hazards, 82(2016), pp155-173.
[72] Zhaohua Wang*, Bai Han, Milin Lu, Measurement of energy rebound effect in households: Evidence from residential electricity consumption in Beijing, China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 58(2016), pp852-861.
[73] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Tongfan Liu, Empirical analysis on the factors influencing national and regional carbon intensity in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55(2016), pp34-42.
[74] Jiancai Wang, Zhaohua Wang, Yaoyu Wang, Fujun Lai, Impacts of Information Reliability in a Supply Chain with Market Disruption Risks, International Transactions in Operational Research 24, no. 4 (2016): 737-761.
[75] Zhenjiao Chen, Douglas Vogel, and Zhaohua Wang. How to Satisfy Citizens? Using Mobile Government to Reengineer Fair Government Processes. Decision Support Systems 82 (2016): 47-57.
[76] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Hualin Zeng, The effect of environmental regulation on external trade: empirical evidences from Chinese economy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 114(2016), pp55-61 .
[77] Zhaohua Wang*, Yuantao Yang, Features and influencing factors of carbon emissions indicators in the perspective of residential consumption: Evidence from Beijing, China, Ecological Indicators, 61(2016), pp634-645.
[78] Zhaohua Wang*, Chao Feng, Sources of production inefficiency and productivity growth in China: A global data envelopment analysis, Energy Economics, 49(2015), pp380-389.
[79] Zhaohua Wang*, Chao Feng, A performance evaluation of the energy, environmental, and economic efficiency and productivity in China: An application of global data envelopment analysis, Applied Energy, 147(2015), pp617-626.
[80] Zhaohua Wang*, Wei Liu, Determinants of CO2 emissions from household daily travel in Beijing, China: Individual travel characteristic perspective, Applied Energy, 158(2015), pp292-299.
[81] Zhaohua Wang*, Liwei Geng, Carbon emissions calculation from municipal solid waste and the influencing factors analysis in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 104(2015), pp177-184.
[82] Zhaohua Wang*, Li Yangn, Delinking indicators on regional industry development and carbon emissions: Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei economic band case, Ecological Indicators, 48(2015), pp41-48.
[83] Zhaohua Wang*, Wei Liu, Jianhua Yin, Driving forces of indirect carbon emissions from household consumption in China: an input–output decomposition analysis, Natural Hazards, (75)2015, pp257-272.
[84] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Guo Li, Determinants of an energy-saving behavioral intention among residents in Beijing: Extending the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Renewable and Sutainable Energy, 4(2015), pp45-54.
[85] Zhaohua Wang*, Chen Wang, Strategies for Addressing Climate Change on the Industrial Level: Affecting Factors to CO2 Emissions of Energy-Intensive Industries in China , Natural Hazards, 75(2015), pp 303–317.
[86] Zhaohua Wang*, Tongfan Liu. Scenario analysis of regional carbon reduction targets in China: A case study of Beijing, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7(2015), 043125.
[87] Yiming Wei*, Ke Wang, Zhaohua Wang et al., Vulnerability of infrastructure to natural hazards and climate change in China, Natural Hazards, 75(2015), pp107-110.
[88] Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Kee-hung Lai, Mediating effect of managers' environmental concern: Bridge between external pressures and firms' practices of energy conservation in China, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 43(2015), pp203-215.
[89] Jiancai Wang, Liu Yang, Yaoyue Wang, Zhaohua Wang, Optimal pricing contracts and level of information asymmetry in a supply chain, International Transaction in Operational Research, 10(2015).
[90] Zhaohua Wang*, Chao Feng, Bin Zhang, An empirical analysis of China's energy efficiency from both static and dynamic perspectives, Energy, 74(2014), pp322-330.
[91] Zhaohua Wang*, Chao Feng, The impact and economic cost of environmental regulation on energy utilization in China, Applied Economics, 46(2014), pp3362-3376.
[92] Zhaohua Wang*, Milin Lu, An empirical study of direct rebound effect for road freight transport in China, Applied Energy, 133(2014), pp274-281.
[93] Zhaohua Wang*, Chen Wang, How carbon offsetting scheme impacts the duopoly output in production and abatement: analysis in the context of carbon cap-and- trade, Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(2014), pp18-26.
[94] Zhaohua Wang*, Lin Yang, Indirect carbon emissions in household consumption: evidence from the urban and rural area in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 78(2014), pp94-103.
[95] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang*, Guo Li. Determinants of energy-saving behavioral intention among residents in Beijing: Extending the theory of planned behavior, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 6(2014), 053127.
[96] Zhaohua Wang*, Milin Lu, Jiancai Wang, Direct rebound effect on urban residential electricity use:An empirical study in China, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 30(2014), pp 124-132.
[97] Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Inter-firm collaborations on carbon emission reduction within industrial chains in China: practices, drivers and effects on firms' performances,Energy Economics, 42(2014), pp115-131.
[98] Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Guanghui Zhou, Determinants of employee electricity saving: The role of social benefits, personal benefits and organizational electricity saving climate, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66(2014), pp280-287.
[99] Guo Li, Yuchen Kang, Mengqi Liu, and Zhaohua Wang. Optimal Inventory Policy under Permissible Payment Delay in Fashion Supply Chains. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2014): 9.
[100] Zhaohua Wang, and Wei Liu. The Impacts of Individual Behavior on Household Daily Travel Carbon Emissions in Beijing, China. Energy Procedia 61 (2014): 1318-22.
[101] Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Guanghui Zhou, Determinants and implications of employee electricity saving habit: An empirical study in China, Applied Energy, 112 (2013): 1529-1535.
[102] Yixiang Zhang, Zhaohua Wang*, Guanghui Zhou, Antecedents of employee electricity saving behavior in organizations: An empirical study based on norm activation model, Energy Policy, 62 (2013): 1120-1127.
[103] Zhaohua Wang*, Chen Wang, Yu Hao, Influencing factors of private purchasing intentions of new energy vehicles in China, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 5(2013): 63133.
[104] Guo Li, Xiaojing Wang, Zhaohua Wang, System Dynamics Model for VMI&TPL Integrated Supply Chains, Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society, (2013): 1-17.
[105] Zhaohua Wang*, Fangchao Yin, Yixiang Zhang, Xian Zhang, An empirical research on the influencing factors of regional CO2 emissions: Evidence from Beijing city, China, Applied Energy, 100, (2012): 277-284.
[106] Bin Zhang, Zhaohua Wang, Jianhua Yin, Lixia Su, CO2 emission reduction within Chinese iron & steel industry: practices, determinants and performance, Journal of Cleaner Production, 33, (2012): 167-178.
[107] Zhaohua Wang*, Hualin Zeng, Yiming Wei, Yixiang Zhang, Regional total factor energy efficiency: An empirical analysis of industrial sector in China, Applied Energy, 97, (2012): 115-123.
[108] Zhaohua Wang, Zhongmin Yang, Yixiang Zhang, Relationships between energy technology patents and CO2 emissions in China: An empirical study, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 4(2012): 31807.
[109] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Determinants of the increased CO2 emission and adaption strategy in Chinese energy-intensive industry, Natural Hazards, 62(2012), 17-30.
[110] Zhaohua Wang*, Zhongmin Yang, Yixiang Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Energy technology patents–CO2 emissions nexus: An empirical analysis from China, Energy Policy, 42(2012): 248-260.
[111] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Yixiang Zhang, Determinants of public acceptance of tiered electricity price reform in China: Evidence from four urban cities, Applied Energy, 91(2012), 235-244.
[112] Xiang Zhang, Chen Ye, Rongqiu Chen, Zhaohua Wang, Multi-focused strategy in value co-creation with customers: Examining cumulative development pattern with new capabilities, International Journal of Production Economics, 132(2011), 122-130.
[113] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Yixiang Zhang, Determinants and policy implications for household electricity-saving behaviour: Evidence from Beijing, China, Energy Policy, 39(2011), 3550-3557.
[114] Zhaohua Wang*, Bin Zhang, Jianhua Yin, Xiang Zhang, Willingness and behavior towards e-waste recycling for residents in Beijing city, China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 19(2011), 977-984.

3 代表性著作
[1] 王兆华著,《区域生态产业链管理理论与应用》,科学出版社,2010年2月(受国家科学技术学术著作出版基金资助)
[2] 王兆华著,《逆向物流管理理论与实践》,科学出版社,2013年3月
[3] 王兆华著,《循环经济:区域产业共生网络》,经济科学出版社,2007年3 月

