2023-05-06 11:43
  • 覃文洁
  • 覃文洁 - 副教授-北京理工大学-机械与车辆学院-个人资料




1. 03/2001- 09/2004,北京理工大学,车辆工程,博士
2. 09/1993 - 07/1996,清华大学,机械工程,硕士
3. 09/1986 - 07/1991,清华大学,机械工程/土木工程,双学士

1. 07/2014 - 至今,北京理工大学,机械与车辆学院,副教授
2. 04/2010.4 – 07/2014,北京理工大学,机械与车辆学院,讲师
3. 04/2005 – 08/2006,长城汽车设计有限公司,CAE工程师


1. 机械系统动力学
2. 结构可靠性
3. 运动副的疲劳与磨损"研究项目
1. 高速柴油机连杆小头设计技术及试验验证,国防科工局基础研究专项
2. 数字化柴油机研制技术——结构可靠性分析,国防科工局动力专项
3. 柴油机结构系统总体优化技术及试验验证,国防科工局基础研究专项
4. 动力装置现代设计技术研究,总装备部预研项目
5. 乘用车雨刮器折返振动及噪声预测,企业项目5926"


1. Wenjie Qin, Min Wang, Wei Sun, Philip Shipway, Xudong Li. Modeling the effectiveness of oil lubrication in reducing both friction and wear in a fretting contact, 2019. Wear, 426–427: 770–777.
2. Wenjie Qin, Yixin Zhang, Chao Li. Determination of wear coefficient in mixed lubrication using FEM. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 59: 629–639.
3. W. Qin, X. Jin, A. Kirk, P. H. Shipway, W. Sun. Effects of surface roughness on local friction and temperature distributions in a steel-on-steel fretting contact. Tribology International. 2018, 120: 350–357.
4. Wenjie Qin, Zhi Zhang. Simulation of the mild wear of cams in valve trains under mixed lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(5): 552-560.
5. Wenjie Qin, Cao Dong, and Xin Li. Assessment of bending fatigue strength of crankshaft sections with consideration of quenching residual stress. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(3): 938-947.
6. Wenjie Qin, Zhe Yu and Qingdong Hou. Investigation of the dynamic behaviour of an automobile wiper system. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2016, 72(2): 162-174.
7. Wenjie Qin, Lunjing Duan. Wear predictions for cams in Line contacts based on multidisciplinary simulation. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2015, 67(2): 159-165.
8. Wenjie Qin, Jie Chao, Lunjing Duan. Study on Stiffness of Elastohydrodynamic Line Contact, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015, 86(4): 36-47.
9. Wenjie Qin, Youming Chen. Study on optimal kinematic synthesis of cam profiles for engine valve trains. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(17-18): 4345-4353.
10. Wenjie Qin, Caiyun Guan. An investigation of contact stresses and crack initiation in spur gears based on finite element dynamics analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 83(6): 96-103.
中国机械工程学会、汽车工程学会高级会员,Applied Mathematical Modelling、Tribology International、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers等国际期刊审稿人

