2023-05-06 11:36
  • 李庆娜
  • 李庆娜 - 副教授-北京理工大学-数学与统计学院-个人资料




Educational Background

PhD (Sep . 2005-June 2010)
Computational Mathematics, College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan University, China

BSc (Sep. 2001- July 2005)
Information and Computational Science, College of Mathematics and Econometrics, Hunan University, China
Working Experience

2013.7- Associate Professor, school of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

2012.6-2013.6: Assistant Professor, school of Mathematics and Statistics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

2010.8-2012.6: PostDoc in Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/ Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China


【1】. Zhai F.Z. and Li Q.N., A Euclidean Distance Matrix Model forProtein Molecular Conformation, Journal of Global Optimization, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10898-019-00771-4.
【2】.Tongyao Pang, Qingna Li and Zaiwen Wen, Zuowei Shen, Phase retrieval: a data-driven wavelet frame based approach, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,2019, access number :20192407032578
【3】.《凸分析讲义》,李庆娜,李萌萌,于盼盼,科学出版社,2019.1. ISBN 978-7-03-000000-0
【4】.Yin J. and Li Q.N., A Semismooth Newton Method for Support Vector Classification and Regression, Computational Opitmization and Applications., 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10589-019-00075-z
【5】.Yu P.P. and Li Q.N., Ordinal Distance Metric Learning with MDS for Image Ranking, Asia Pacific Journal on Operations Research, 2018,35(1):1850007
【6】.Cui C.F., Li Q.N., Qi L.Q. and Yan H., A quadratic penalty method for hypergraph matching, Journal of Global Optimization, 2018, 70(1),237-259.
【7】.Li Q.N., Qi H.D., An Inexact Smoothing Newton Method for Euclidean Distance Matrix Optimization Under Ordinal Constraints, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2017,35(4), 467-483
【8】.Li Q.N., He L., Qi L.J. and Wang R., Unique decomposition and a new model for the ground moving target indication problem, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2017, 173(1):297-312
【9】.Li Q.N., Yan H., Wu L.Q. and Wang R., Robust PCA for Ground Moving Target Indication in Wide-Area Surveillance Radar System, Journal of Operations Research Society of China,1 ( 2013), 135-153.
【10】.Li Q.N., Alternating direction method for a class of constrained matrix approximation problems,Pacific Journal of Optimization,8(2012),765-778
【11】.Li D.H. and Li Q.N., A projected semismooth Newton method for problems of calibrating least squares covariance matrix, Operations Research Letter, 39(2011),103-108
【12】.Li Q.N. and Li D.H., A class of derivative-free methods for large-scale nonlinear monotone equations, IMA Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2011, DOI: 10.1093/imanum/drp015.
【13】.Li Q.N., Qi H.D. and Xiu N.H., Block relaxation and majorization methods for the nearest correlation matrix with factor structure, Computational Optimization and Applications, 50(2011), 327-349.
【14】.Li Q.N., Li D.H. and Qi H.D., Newton's method for computing the nearest correlation matrix with a simple upper bound, Journal on Optimization Theory and Applications,147(2010),546-568.
【15】.Li Q.N. and Qi H.D., A sequential semismooth Newton method for the nearest low-rank correlation matrix problem, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 21(2011). 1641-1666;,。
【16】.《多维标度分析》李庆娜 著 科学出版社 2019.4, ISBN 978-7-03-060963-2
【17】.Yan Y. Q. and Li Q. N., An efficient augmented Lagrangian method for support vector machine, Optimization Methods and Software, 2020,DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2020.1734002
【18】.Lu S. T. , Zhang M. and Li Q.N., Feasibility and A Fast Algorithm for Euclidean Distance Matrix Optimization with Ordinal Constraints, Computational Optimization and Applications, 76(2), 535-569, 2020.
【19】.Yao Z. Q., Dai Y.J., Li Q.-N., Xie D. and Liu Z.H., A novel posture positioning method for multi-joint manipulators, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, accepted

