2023-05-06 11:30
  • 郭耀
  • 郭耀 - 副研究员-北京理工大学-物理学院-个人资料




个人简历 北京科技大学材料物理专业学士,北京大学电子学博士,主要从事半导体微纳器件方向研究。 2006-2010年 北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院,学士; 2010-2015年 北京大学信息科学技术学院,博士; 工作经历 2015-2016年 香港理工大学应用物理系,博后; 2016-2017年 美国斯坦福大学电子工程系访问学者; 2017年至今 北京理工大学助理教授


1.基于二维半导体材料的光电器件制备和表征 2.二维材料复合微结构的光学特性研究


1. Y. Guo, C. Liu, Q. Yin, C. Wei, S. Lin, T. Hoffman, Y. Zhao, J. H. Edgar, Q. Chen, S. P. Lau, J. Dai, H. Yao, H.-S. P. Wong, Y. Chai(*), Distinctive In-Plane Cleavage Behaviors of Two-Dimensional Layered Materials, ACS Nano, 10, 8980, (2016) ACS Editors’ Choice 2. Y. Guo, Y. X. Han, J. P. Li, A. Xiang ,X. L. Wei, S. Gao, Q. Chen(*). Study on Contact Resistance Distribution at the Contact between Molybdenum Disulfide and Metals. ACS Nano, 8, 7771, (2014). 3. Y. Guo, X. L. Wei, J. P. Shu, B. Liu; J. B. Yin; C. R. Guan, Y. X. Han, S. Gao, Q. Chen(*). Charge Trapping at the MoS2-SiO2 Interface and its Effects on the Characteristics of MoS2 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 103109, (2015). 4. Y. Guo(#), J. B. Yin(#), X. L. Wei, Z. J. Tan, J. P. Shu, B. Liu, Y. Zeng, S. Gao, H. L. Peng(*), Z. F. Liu(*), Q. Chen(*). Edge States Induced Severe Disruption to the Band Alignment of the Thickness Modulated molybdenum sulfide junctions. Advance Electronic Materials, 201600048, (2016) 5. Q. Q. Ji, M. Kan, Y. Zhang, Y. Guo, D. L. Ma, J. P. Shi, Q. Sun, Q. Chen, Y. F. Zhang(*), Z. F. Liu(*). Unravelling Orientation Distribution and Merging Behavior of Monolayer MoS2 Domains on Sapphire. Nano Lett., 15, 198, (2015). 6. C. Y. Zhang, Z. Y. Ning, Y. Liu, T. T. Xu, Y. Guo, A. Zak, Z. Y. Zhang, W. Sheng, R. Tenne, Q. Chen(*). Electrical transport properties of individual WS2 nanotubes and their dependence on water and oxygen absorption. Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 113112, (2012). 7. Z. Y. Ning, T. W. Shi, M. Q. Fu, Y. Guo, X. L. Wei, S. Gao, Q. Chen(*). Transversally and Axially Tunable Carbon Nanotube Resonators in Situ Fabricated and Studied Inside a Scanning Electron Microscope. Nano Lett., 14, 1221, (2014). 8. Z. Y. Ning, M. Q. Fu, T. W. Shi, Y. Guo, X. L. Wei, S. Gao, Q. Chen(*). In-situ Multi- properties Measurements of the Same Individual Nanomaterials in SEM and Correlation with Their Atomic Structure. Nanotechnology, 25, 275703, (2014). 9. T. S. Shi, M. Q. Fu, D. Pan, Y. Guo, J. H. Zhao, Q. Chen(*). Contact Properties of Field- effect Transistors Based on Indium Arsenide Nanowires Thinner than 16 nm. Nanotechnology, 26, 175202, (2015). 10. Y. X. Han, X. Zheng, M. Q. Fu, D. Pan, X. Li, Y. Guo, J. H. Zhao, Q. Chen(*). Negative photoconductivity of InAs nanowire. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 818-826, 2016. 11. J. P. Shu, G. T. Wu, Y. Guo, B. Liu, X. L. Wei, Q. Chen(*). The Intrinsic Origin of the Hysteresis in the MoS2 Field Effect Transistors. Nanoscale, 8, 3049-3056, 2016. 12. Y. Guo, Q. Chen. Study on the contact between MoS2 and metals, MRS Spring Meeting (presentation), San Francisco, California, US. Apr. 6~10, (2015).

