2023-05-06 11:19
  • 肖会芳
  • 肖会芳 - 副教授-北京科技大学-机械工程学院-个人资料




2002.09-2006.07 重庆大学机械工程学院车辆工程专业,获学士学位
2006.09-2012.07 重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室机械设计及理论专业,获博士学位
2009.09-2011.09 英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton),声学与振动研究所(ISVR),国家公派联合培养博士生
2012.10-2014.12 北京科技大学国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心,师资博士后
2015.01-2015.06 北京科技大学国家板带生产先进装备工程技术研究中心,助理研究员
2015.07-2017.07 北京科技大学钢铁共性技术协同创新中心,助理研究员
2017.07-2017.11 北京科技大学钢铁共性技术协同创新中心,副研究员
2017.11-至今   北京科技大学机械工程学院,副教授
2019.07-2020.02 英国巴斯大学(University of Bath, UK),国家公派访问学者


[1] 2018.01-2021.12国家自然科学基金面上基金项目“齿轮传动滑移、滚动与固结界面耦合系统的振动响应机制与传递机理研究”(51775037,主持)
[2] 2017.7-2020.12国家重点研发计划子课题“C-HRA-2/C-HRA-3镍基耐热合金锻件研制”(2017YFB0305203,主持)
[3] 2014.01-2016.12国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“轧制变形区热润滑粗糙界面的非线性接触振动机理研究”(51304019,主持)
[4] 2019.4-2020.4北京科技大学与台北科技大学专题联合研究计划“压电-磁体复合振动能量收集器的非线性宽频俘能机理研究”(TW2019006,主持)
[5] 2014.07-2015.12中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目“轧制界面粘滑共存和全滑动摩擦振动机理与失稳控制研究”(2014T70034,主持)
[6] 2013.04-2014.12中国博士后科学基金面上一等资助项目“混合润滑与塑性流动轧制界面的非线性动力学机理研究”(2013M540046,主持)
[7] 2013.10-2013.12,2013年度博士后国际交流计划学术交流项目(主持)
[8] 2017.01-2019.12西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室2017年度开放课题“高速轮轨黏滑并存接触界面的非线性动力机理与参量匹配研究”(TPL1713,主持)
[9] 2014.10-2016.12重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室2014年度开放课题“齿轮传动粘滑共存接触界面的非线性动力学机理研究”(SKLMT-KFKT-201420,主持)
[10] 2011.1-2014.12国家自然科学基金重点项目“基于局域强信号与位域空间变换的关键传动设备故障预示与诊断方法研究”(51035008,参与)
[11] 2015.4-2017.12国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目“精密带钢产品质量优化与关键装备研发”(2015BAF30B01,参与)
[12] 2016.09-2017.08西门子(中国)有限公司“工业4.0框架下的钢铁智能制造关键技术”(参与)"


[1] Xiao H F, Chen D, Guo S F, Xu J W. Defects identification using the improved ultrasonic measurement model and support vector machines. NDT & E International, 2020, 111: 102223.
[2] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. Contact stiffness ratio of tribological interface using the equivalent thin layer and the micro-slip model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, 234(2): 444–456.
[3] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. Investigation into the interfacial stiffness ratio of stationary contacts between rough surfaces using an equivalent thin layer. International Journal of Mechanics and Sciences, 2019, 163, 105147.
[4] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y. On the normal contact stiffness and contact resonance frequency of rough surface contact based on asperity micro-contact statistical models. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2019, 75, 450-460.
[5] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Chen Z G. Fractal modeling of normal contact stiffness for rough surface contact considering the elastic-plastic deformation. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,2019,41:11
[6] Chen D, Xiao H F*, Xu J W. An improved Richardson-Lucy iterative algorithm for C-scan image restoration and inclusion size measurement. Ultrasonics, 2019, 91:103-113.
[7] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y. An improved virtual material based acoustic model for contact stiffness measurement of rough interface using ultrasound technique. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 155: 240-247.
[8] Sun Y Y, Xiao H F*, Xu J W, Yu W N. Study on the normal contact stiffness of the fractal rough surface in mixed lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2018,232 (12): 1604-1617.
[9] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Xu J W. Investigation into the normal contact stiffness of rough surface in line contact mixed elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Tribology Transactions, 2018, 61(4): 742-753.
[10] Xiao H F, Zhou X J, Liu J, Shao Y M. Vibration transmission and energy dissipation through the gear-shaft-bearing-housing system subjected to impulse force on gear. Measurement, 2017, 102: 64-79.
[11] Xiao H F, Zhou X J, Shao Y M. Application of an improved dynamic time synchronous averaging method for fault diagnosis in conditions of speed fluctuation and no tachometer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 230(14) : 2517–2531.
[12] Xiao H F, Sun Y Y, Chen D, Xu J W. Prediction of flat-bottom hole signals received by a spherically focused transducer for an ultrasonic pulse echo immersion testing. Measurement Science and Technology, 2016,27: 115001-1-11.
[13] Xiao H F, Shao Y M, Brennan M J. On the contact stiffness and nonlinear vibration of an elastic body with a rough surface in contact with a rigid flat surface, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2015, 49, 321-328.
[14] Xiao H F, Shao Y M, Xu J W. Investigation into the energy dissipation of a lap joint using the one-dimensional microslip friction model, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2014, 43, 1-8.
[15] 肖会芳,孙韵韵,陈再刚. 考虑热效应的滚滑并存线接触粗糙界面的摩擦能量耗散特性研究. 振动与冲击, 2019, 38 (5): 229-236.
[16] 肖会芳,孙韵韵,徐金梧,邵毅敏. 混合润滑状态下粗糙界面法向接触刚度计算模型与特性研究. 振动与冲击, 2018, 37(24): 106-114.

