教育经历:2002.09-2006.07 东北大学,电子信息工程专业,获学士学位2006.09-2013.01 北京航空航天大学,精密仪器及机械专业,获博士学位工作经历:2013.01-2015.01 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,博士后2015.01-2015.09 新加坡南洋理工大学,电子电气工程学院,访问学者2015.02-2019.08 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,讲师2019.08-至今 北京科技大学,机械工程学院,副教授研究领域
惯性仪器仪表及飞行器导航与控制方向"专利:1、缪存孝,曹阳,高瑞兰,等. 一种定向井连续陀螺测斜仪系统:中国专利,ZL201220022933.7近期论文
代表性论著:1、Miao Cunxiao*, Chu Huanxin, Cao Juanjuan etc. Steering Angle Adaptive Estimation System Based on GNSS and MEMS Gyro [J]. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2018, 153: 196-201. (JCR Q1 )2、Miao Cunxiao*, Fang Jiancheng. Design of orientation estimation system by inertial and magnetic sensors[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering. 2014, 228(7): 1105-1113.3、缪存孝*,楚焕鑫,孙志辉,徐纪洋,马飞.,基于双GNSS天线及单陀螺的车轮转角测量系统,农业机械学报,2017,48(9):17-23。4、缪存孝*,邢国柱,刘建丰,万双爱,杨竟.,高精度激光器电流驱动与交流温控系统设计,红外与激光工程,2019,48(7)(录用)。5、Cunxiao Miao*, Jingjing Li, Autonomous Landing of Small Unmanned Aerial Rotorcraft based on Monocular Vision in GPS-denied Area[J], IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2015, 2(1):109-114.(他引2次)6、缪存孝*, 徐向波, 刘强, 含转子不平衡的磁轴承建模与同频电流抑制, 振动、测试与诊断, 2014, 34(6): 1057-1064.7、缪存孝*, 赵航, 韩天, 樊亚洪, 徐国锋. 一种低干扰力矩的三自由度球面磁轴承[J]. 宇航学报, 2016,37(12):1491-1499.8、Cunxiao Miao*, Juanjuan Cao, Jiancheng Fang, Design on a Multi-sensor Integrated Attitude Determination System for Small UAVs, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 2014, 21(6): 81-92.9、Fang Jiancheng, Miao Cunxiao*. Adaptive nonlinear path following method for fix-wind micro aerial vehicle[J]. Industrial Robot: An International Journal. 2012, 39(5): 475-483.10、Miao Cunxiao*, Fang Jiancheng. Adaptive three-dimensional nonlinear path following method for fix-wing micro aerial vehicle[J]. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2012, 9: 1-8.11、Yuhu Du*, Jiancheng Fang, Cunxiao Miao, Frequency-Domain System Identification of an Unmanned Helicopter Based on an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(2):870-881.(JCR Q1)12、缪存孝*,房建成. 一种自适应非线性航迹跟踪控制方法[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2011. 38(4): 427-431.13、Miao Cunxiao*, Fang Jiancheng. The design and implement of micro autopilot system for low-altitude mapping of MAV[C]. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2011, 1744-1748.14、赵航, 缪存孝*, 张立元, 韩天, 任元, 樊亚洪. 磁悬浮径向球面纯电磁磁轴承的设计[J]. 北京航空航天大学学报, 2016, 43(1):159-166.15、缪存孝*, 房建成. 基于UKF的小型无人飞行器模型参数在线辨识[C]. Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011, 1462-1466.16、缪存孝*, 房建成. 基于非线性模型的小型无人飞行器风扰控制方法[C]. Proceeding of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011, 3896-3901.17、Cunxiao Miao*, Juanjuan Cao, Yangbin Ou, MEMS-SINS/GPS/Magnetometer Integrated Navigation System for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 568-570:976-986.18、Xusheng Lei*, Lang Bai, Yuhu Du, Cunxiao Miao, et al, A Small Unmanned Polar Research Aerail Vehicle based on the Composite Control Method, Mechatronics, 2011, 21(5): 821-830.19、洪烨*,缪存孝,雷旭升. 基于长机/僚机模式的无人机编队方法和飞行实验研究[J]. 机器人, 2010., 32(4) :505-509.仪器仪表学会传感器分会理事 相关热点