2023-05-06 11:08
  • 兰鹏
  • 兰鹏 - 副教授-北京科技大学-冶金与生态工程学院-个人资料




兰鹏,男,2015年1月博士毕业于北京科技大学钢铁冶金系,获得北京科技大学第十届研究生十佳学术之星,随后留校做师资博士后。2015年7月至2016年7月于浦项工科大學开展博后工作,2017年6月聘为北京科技大学钢铁冶金系讲师。已发表论文30余篇,其中第一作者的SCI/EI检索论文近20篇,是Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A、Journal of Alloy and Compounds, Materials Characterization, Steel Research International等国际期刊的通讯审稿人。


钢的凝固理论与应用 高品质钢连铸工艺与技术 大型锻造钢锭凝固质量控制 先进高强高韧汽车钢设计与开发


1. Lan P, Nguyen D A, Lee S Y, et al. Heat transfer and solidification microstructure evolution of continuously cast steel by non-steady physical simulation[J]. Metals and Materials International, 2017, 23(3): 568.
2. Lan P, Zhang J. Twinning and Dynamic Strain Aging Behavior during Tensile Deformation of Fe-Mn-C TWIP Steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017.
3. Lan P, Tang H, Zhang J. Hot ductility of high alloy Fe–Mn–C austenite TWIP steel[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2016, 660: 127.
4. Lan P, Tang H, Zhang J. Solidification Microstructure, Segregation, and Shrinkage of Fe-Mn-C Twinning-Induced Plasticity Steel by Simulation and Experiment[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2016, 47(6): 2964.
5. Lan P, Zhang J. Thermophysical properties and solidification defects of Fe–22Mn–0.7 C TWIP steel[J]. steel research international, 2016, 87(2): 250.
6. Lan P, Zhang J. Study on the mechanical behaviors of grey iron mould by simulation and experiment[J]. Materials & Design, 2014, 53: 822.
7. Lan P, Zhang J. Strength, microstructure and chemistry of ingot mould grey iron after different cycles of low frequency high temperature loads[J]. Materials & Design, 2014, 54: 112.
8. Lan P, Zhang J. Analysis of Solidification Microstructure and Hot Ductility of Fe-Mn-C TWIP Steel[J]. Mater Sci Technol, 2014, 30(11):1297.
9. Lan P, Zhang J. Numerical Analysis of Macrosegregation and Shrinkage Porosity in Large Ingot[J]. Ironmak Steelmak, 2014, 41(8):598.
10. Lan P, Zhang J. Effect of Mould taper and Wall Thickness on Steel Ingots Soundness by 3-D Solidification Simulation[C]. The Minerals,Metals & Materials Society 2012.

